Viewing metal_buster's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Ever since the last time I gazed upon my information on this site, I've changed.
I'm no longer that small, insignificant speck that I lead myself to believe. I've evolved into a superior being, one who does not need the comfort of "friends". I have grown past my social inhibitors and destroyed my detracting aspects. I was "reborn," in a sense. Material objects are of little importance now, things like anime and manga just don't mean much anymore.
I sometimes wonder why I even acted in such a disgusting manner.
Well, it matters little at this point in time.
I am no more complex; a bundle of fiber optic nerves attached to an indestructible titanium shell.


Viewing 7 of 7 friends


Memoirs of a....... never mind. This is my journal.

I will write about random things or private conflicts, do not judge, or if you are my friends, do not go blabing to other people.


Viewing 10 of 12 comments.


Report | 07/29/2009 1:29 pm


Why yes I do, thx for the song man! Did you move yet?

Report | 07/29/2009 1:27 pm


Sweet, then I can remind you how uberly awesome I still am. girls...that's what echs needs...sigh.

Report | 07/29/2009 1:12 pm


Oh, and they don't find ME weird? Anyhoo...nice! I like the way you chicks...yeah....

Report | 07/08/2009 1:41 pm


Dood, it took me like an ENTIRE quarter of the year to win her, it's not easy stuff.

Report | 07/06/2009 11:06 am


I'm always one step ahead of you, I ALREADY got a gf, hahahhaha, yes, I'm just that good. And this girl is actually fun to be around with, she's awesome.

Report | 07/06/2009 10:51 am


Now you know how I felt, dood, I move a lot, so I'm used to doing a lot of packing and unpacking, it's a pain isn't it?

Report | 07/06/2009 10:43 am


Back on gaia eh? Dood, been a while hadn't it? How are ya?
Juaki Anako

Report | 04/25/2009 12:59 pm

Juaki Anako

yes, I've seen your avi, awesome!

Report | 12/31/2008 8:36 pm



Report | 11/04/2008 11:36 pm


Dude, u might never read this...but, oh well.

We all are lonely, in order to break that loneliness, you have to break therough the wall you've made for yourself. If you wait for a person to talk to you first, you may have to wait forever (Lucky for you I talked to you first). It's a vicious cycle, some people think that if you don't talk to them, that means you don't like them and they will never talk to you. Since they don't talk to you, you still wait for them to talk to you first. As I said, it's a vicious cycle. You may have to wait forever if that ever occurs.

If you really want to not be lonely anymore, be that person that starts a conversation first. That way, people recognized you and feel safe that they can actually talk to you.