Ever since the last time I gazed upon my information on this site, I've changed.
I'm no longer that small, insignificant speck that I lead myself to believe. I've evolved into a superior being, one who does not need the comfort of "friends". I have grown past my social inhibitors and destroyed my detracting aspects. I was "reborn," in a sense. Material objects are of little importance now, things like anime and manga just don't mean much anymore.
I sometimes wonder why I even acted in such a disgusting manner.
Well, it matters little at this point in time.
I am no more complex; a bundle of fiber optic nerves attached to an indestructible titanium shell.
Memoirs of a....... never mind. This is my journal.
I will write about random things or private conflicts, do not judge, or if you are my friends, do not go blabing to other people.
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