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Midnite Blue Moon 888

Midnite Blue Moon 888's avatar

Last Login: 08/08/2023 11:45 pm

Registered: 08/31/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Heaven and Earth

Birthday: 08/21/1978

Occupation: Blood Elf Hunter

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May 16, 2023. Update.

11 years. Good Lord, I feel old.

If you want to message me, message me here. I don't check that email address anymore.

January 2, 2012 Update:

I hope all of you have a wonderful 2012! biggrin I don't know how often I will check into Gaia, due to other interests, including serious writing.

However, if any of you want to chat, feel free to email me at [REDACTED]. smile I'm always up for a good discussion, even if it takes me a couple of days to respond.


October 2011:

I'm taking a break from Gaia.

If you want to contact me, feel free to email me at, or leave a comment on my blog which is linked below.

For The Suffering:

-- If you are underaged, and believe that you or your partner is pregnant, please get tested. There are options besides abortion.

-- If you are under-aged and considering intercourse for the first time (or even the 1,000th time), please please protect yourself! Birth control, contraceptives, and even condoms are yours for the taking. Ask your local clinic for more info. Be aware that even with protection, pregnancy (along with the spread of STDs including HIV) is still possible.

-- If you are considering suicide or self-harm, please seek help! Even if you are under-aged! There are several numbers and websites dedicated to helping you, who want to encourage you. Life is a precious gift, and things won't always be so horrible, I promise.

You are loved.

You are wanted.

You are irreplaceable.


View All Comments

~ Teh CartoonHero ~ Report | 12/13/2013 11:43 am
Hi! Cool Avi! biggrin
If it's not too much trouble, may have your vote for a facebook contest I'm in?
It's for Gothic Lolita, Just come to my profile and click on "Vote for me"! ^_^
Grand Priest Report | 01/03/2012 3:31 am
Oh boy i did!
Grand Priest Report | 12/25/2011 2:22 am
Merry X-mas!!! ^^
Anonymous_agent Report | 10/19/2011 7:17 am
either way its funny
Miss Callista Report | 10/17/2011 5:40 pm
Love your signature!
sadness in watercolor Report | 10/17/2011 3:16 pm
I love your advice. 3nodding
Power Armor Felix Report | 10/14/2011 12:15 am
Alright *hefts up large sporting rifle* Just tagging you with an ID dart here. I find your interests interesting in an Emily Dickinson ginormous bicycle kind of way.
Pantsukon Report | 09/29/2011 10:36 am
I've managed to make some dude believe his mom was lusting over him because she was mad at him for sexting.

Video game characters are the best role models.
Pantsukon Report | 09/29/2011 8:44 am
No, Coquettish Catherine.

But that one is always in character, always, no exception. It's cringe worthy.
Pantsukon Report | 09/29/2011 8:36 am
Considering how I try to make my posts in character most of the time while I can (not always, but sometimes it's obvious)'s kind of funny.

Considering how "sane" Jin is...I'm always amused at how some people really take me seriously, it's even funnier when people take my Catherine mule seriously.



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