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The name's XxRabi-ExorcistxX

This is my second account out of my four other accounts. My first one Rabi_the_Exorcist, got banned. Reasons? I got banned for stuff I never did! So guys careful, cause Gaia could be mean to those innocent users ;( Look at me, all I did on Gaia was earning gold, buying and selling at the marketplace and best part was hanging out with my friends. Like any other Gaia users would do.

Relationship: Taken

Mood:User Image Sleepy

Location: User Image Home heart

~*~*~Rabi's Profile~*~*~

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ラビ: ハジメマシテ、 ラビっす!
今のブックマン、だから あのくそジジイはマジでうっさいパンダでよ~ 

(Nice to meet you, I'm Rabi!
I'm the next successor of Bookman and is in current training! The cureent Bookman, the old gramp is really an annoying panda and-...)

sfx: SLASH!

(OOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!! What was that for!?)

ブックマン: 何ベラベラ話してるんじゃ!このバカ
(What the heck are you blabbering on about, you idiot)
ラビ: ってぇ...いいじゃん!自己紹介なんだから!
(Ouch...What! It's just an introduction!)
ブックマン: さっさと終わらせ。
(Hurry up and finish it then)
ラビ: たく...続き呼んでな~
(Sheesh....Go ahead and read~)


名前: ラビ

年: 18

身長: 177cm

体重: 68㌔(kg)

誕生日: 8月10日

(Eye color)
目の色: みどり; 右目の方は眼帯してるさ

(Hair color)
髪の毛: 赤とオレンジのミックス

国籍: 不明

人種: 様々な異種族の血を引く

仕事: ブックマン
   : エクソシスト (ワケあってなっているだ~)

武器: 槌 (大槌小槌) 見た目はハンマーさ

性格: のんびり屋、 (Lazy-a**)
   : 女の子とイチャイチャ、 つまりナンパ (おい) 
   (Play around with girls, basically a pervert) (Hey!) 
   : 仲間思い (Cares for friends)
   : 人に優しい  (Nice to people)
   : ムードメーカー (Mood maker)
   : 守るタイプ (Protective type)
: 強い熱心 (Strong-hearted)

(Favorite food)
好きな食べ物: 特に無し (Nothing much)

嫌いな食べ物: 特に無し (Nothing much)

This is my Innocence (Level 2): "Tsuchi"
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The Science Department gave it an official name: "Tettsui" (God's Hammer)
I don't like it really, cause it doesn't fit me :/


ラビ: まっ、 こんなもんかな
他に何か知りたいなら、またいつでも話すさ (ニコッ)
(Well, I guess that's about it. If you want to know something else, you can talk to me whenever you want -smiles-)

ブックマン: 小僧、任務がある。コムイが読んでるぞ。
(Brat, we have a mission. Supervisor Komui is calling)

ラビ: ヘイヘ~イ。 じゃ。 バーイバ-イ  
(Alright, Al~right. Well. Bye Bye)

~*~**~*~**~*~**~Gallery Time~**~*~**~*~**~*~**~
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I'm innocent, so please don't hate me ):

This is Allen! He's a great kid and a strong exorcist. I have to watch him for my log (Panda is always pricky xp ) Anyways he may look cute and act like a gentlemen but when it comes to General Cross's debts and card gambling, he becomes dark....*remembers seeing Dark!Allen on train*
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This is his Innocence: The Crown Clown
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Now where's Allen?
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There he is!!

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.......*few minutes later*.......

Phew, oh!
Girls like seeing us together heart
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This is Kanda, but I call him Yuu or Yuu-chan instead biggrin
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Isn't he pretty~ heart
Kanda: ...........*takes out Mugen*
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He likes to eat soba, but I warn you: DON'T MESS WITH HIM when he's eating, or else its you death heart
But I bother him anyways heart

HA HA HA! He drank soda! xd
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Fangirls also like to see us together as well heart
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This is Lenalee.
She's a strong girl/exorcist. I wish she could be less reckless and try to keep herself safe, even if the Order and us means to her like the world.
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Sorry for making you guys worry about me...

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We're Great Buddies!


Oh. And one more thing:
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!!!!I HAVE A SISTER!!!!!


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(^∀^ )っ/凵⌒☆チンチン Hey guys listen up! I'm gonna list the friends and people that helped me come back on Gaia, donating and helping out so much!!

(for this beautiful layout) heart heart heart heart
(for the Four Horsemen) heart
(for Bunny Hoodie) heart
(for Inari's Beads [4th Gen.]) heart heart heart
(for Ebony Ookami Armor) heart heart
(for Black Heartbreaker Jacket) heart heart
(for Two Copperpence) heart heart

(for Frostbite) heart
(for Infernal Spirit 2nd Generation) heart heart

*~Rayver of the Waves~*
(for Used Chainsaw) heart
(for Ash Leather SP Work Boots) heart

*~Elegant Faith~*
(for Wild Things) heart heart
(for [sealed] Thank You Letter for June 200 cool heart heart heart
(for Black Musketeer Top) heart

*~iParagon~* (for numerous donations!) heart heart heart

(for Single Sunflower Bouquet) heart

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Thanks so much for everyone who donated to me

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You are a Romantic Seme!
A true romantic, you're safest sticking with a partner who is gentle and can appreciate your mature, loving ways and protective nature. Most often found with a handful of roses and wine, you are committed to your partner and their happiness, which makes you a perfect match for the Innocent Uke, who you will dedicate yourself to and lavish with gifts and attention.
Most compatible with: Innocent Uke, Clueless Uke
Least compatible with: Badass Uke, Dramatic Uke
What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at, or find merchandise here.


Viewing 12 of 71 friends


My Log

Random Stuff~~~



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

M i n S u g a r

Report | 07/28/2012 11:24 pm

M i n S u g a r

Sen NightDreamer

Report | 12/06/2010 9:15 pm

Sen NightDreamer

yo. whats up?

Report | 09/01/2010 6:31 pm


Yo Rabi, its been awhile! The Gundam 00 movie trailer is out. Looks very Epic; check it out when you get the chance xd

Report | 08/26/2010 5:26 pm


Long time no see! heart Do you remember me at all?
Sen NightDreamer

Report | 08/17/2010 2:26 pm

Sen NightDreamer

I love you and your avi Hikaru. And I miss my other best friend mrgreen

Report | 06/09/2010 1:04 pm


X33 Love your profile and about me. It's soo accurate, AND cute! xD

Report | 06/01/2010 10:40 pm


Nuuu Hika dont say that babe your so close just push through it I havent slept in days getting work done if I can do it you can do it :[ Come on hika push urself past your limits because those who dont will never be better than what they define as their limit. Whats the problem is it a grade this semiester or an old problem? I wanna help you the best I can :[ u know how many papers ive written desperate people in the last week...I dont even have time for myself but Ill make it for you if you need help tell me Hikaru...

Report | 05/30/2010 11:20 pm


-slams fists on the table- you will graduate! Hika u can do et D:>

Report | 05/27/2010 6:50 pm


-pops her head out to see you and she smiled-

Report | 05/26/2010 3:24 pm


hmmmm.... -thinks- Im not sure D:> -feels like hika will be offended by kassee's horrible memory span of a mouse- DX>