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Tags: Yaoi, Anime, romance, love, yuri 

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Dragon and Dragon master (Cisala and Inakni 1x1)

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 11:23 pm

A dragon has no other purpose in life but to protect their Dragon master. They are to fight for their master and protect them from other Dragon masters who would wish them dead. That is the life of a Dragon. A Dragon master on the other hand is supposed to keep their Dragon in check and learn their sorcery so that they may protect themselves if their Dragon is unable to. The journey may be dangerous for our little duo but if they work together they can make it through life and maybe even find love in each other.

Cisala Elden
We can start once you post your character. o uo)/

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Name: Vox

Nickname/s: Banshee

Age: 23

Personality: Vox is a loud mouthed, hot-headed person who acts first and asks questions later, in which he usually ends up in trouble with other Dragon masters. There are rare occasions where Vox will actually stay silent and listen to a conversation. Although he may act rough and tough, he is very caring towards his Dragon (almost to the point of loving) and is not as strong as he thinks. Although he has not mastered sorcery, he is very skilled in a spell that lets him shriek and deafen his enemies for a certain amount of time, gaining the nickname of Banshee.

Height: 5'6"

Eye color: Teal

Hair color: Dark brown

[quote="Cisala Elden"] [/quote]





PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 7:18 am

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Name: Noth Leroy.
Nickname/s: None.
Age: 21.
Personality: Noth is a gentle, quiet soul often choosing to watch others from afar instead of joining in on conversations or activities. Though he is by no means shy and can be assertive when he needs to be. He dedicates most of his time making sure his partner is happy, and safe like a good Dragon and is often called 'tame' or 'obedient' mockingly by others of his kind.
Height: 6'3".
Eye color: Silver(As a dragon: Silvery-blue)
Hair color: Silver.(As a dragon: Steel blue.
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[align=center][img]Human or Dragon picture Here[/img][/align]

[align=left][size=10][color=#5577aa]I will protect you to my last breath...[/color][/size][/align]


[b]✧[/b] [/color]

[align=right][size=10][color=#5577aa]...and all I ask is that you keep living.[/color][/size][/align]


[color=#888888][size=9][align=right][b][{(ⓞ•ⓞ•ⓒ• )}][/b][/align][/size][/color]


Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100


PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 2:48 am

Cisala Elden
It's okay, everyone gets busy. And I took long to answer, I'm not good at staring rps = w=);;

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The dark clouds poured on the forest beneath it, the roaring of the rain almost drowned the sound of footsteps splashing on the puddles of water formed by the rain. Vox cursed under his breath as he ran in the forest, the one time he decides to go alone he somehow ran into three dragon masters and their dragons. He surprisingly planned on leaving them alone, until one of them said something he didn't quite agree with, he ended up injuring one of the three dragon masters. And he was currently being chased by two dragon masters and their dragons, he thought quickly and gained a head start by using his banshee scream on them.

Cold raindrops hit Vox's face as he ran for safety through the woods. How long had he ran, fifteen minutes, thirty minutes, perhaps an hour? Vox did not know and certainly did not care how long he had ran. What he did know was that his entire body was completely drenched and people, who probably want him dead, are currently hunting him down. Vox glanced behind his back to see if he was still being followed but it proved to be pointless since the downpour was impairing his vision. He figured that he ran long enough to distance himself from the other dragon masters and decided to look for some sort of shelter to protect his body from the pouring rain. He continued to run for some minutes until he stumbled upon a fallen tree trunk that seemed to be hollow, he quickly scanned the area around him before he went inside the trunk. To Vox's advantage the trunk was much larger and his body was small enough to fit inside. Only when he was inside did he notice some wounds on his body, perhaps he did not notice them earlier because he was too concentrated on running as fast as he could. It didn't matter, he was too cold and wet to care for some cuts, Vox hugged his legs in attempt to keep his body warm. Vox glared at the empty space in front of him, "Stupid Noth, he could have come along..." As much as he wanted to blame his dragon for not being there with him, it was his own stupidity to blame. He was the one who ran off without telling Noth where he intended to be. Vox's thoughts were interrupted as soon as he heard the faint sound of voices, his body tensed before he quickly climbed out of the fallen tree trunk and resumed his running. He knew he was strong enough to defend himself against one master and their dragon, but he wasn't so sure about confronting two masters with their dragons. Although Vox was running as fast as he could, the voices only began to grow louder, meaning that they were nearing him until he finally heard one yell.

"There he is! Don't let him run away!"

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:06 pm

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I will protect you to my last breath...


I left for one hour to hunt only to come back and find Vox missing. Noth sighed, mist trailing from his nostrils. He was not upset that his 'master' had left him but he was the tiniest bit annoyed. It was such a hassle switching between his Human form and his natural form, and it took so much out of him to do so as well. He was currently circling above a small clearing when he picked up on Vox's trail. His partner always have of a trace of magic onto everything he though which concerned him because it made it easier for people to find them. He would usually just wipe the trace away with a bit of steam but had recently gave up when he realized that doing so was to draining on himself. Its not safe wandering alone Vox what if... He thought as the presence of three Dragon's and their masters. He stopped dead in his tracks- nearly crashing into a bunch of trees when he began to fall- when he felt the anger and resentment coming from them mixed with a fear that could only belong to Vox.

He caught himself last second, weaving around the trees ignoring the pain of them scrapping against the soft skin of his belly, and face as he tried locate exsactly where his partner was. "There he is! Don't let him run away!" He heard someone else yell in the distance heightening his panic. It was obvious that they were after Vox but he didn't know why. He would have Vox tell him once he got the Dragon master to safety. Speaking of the Dragon master... "We need to talk." He told Vox telepathically- I guess you could call it that - before scooping him up between his two front claws and held him tightly to his chest before darting up into the sky, using a few clouds to hide their trail. "Do you wish to tell me why there were three Dragon's and their masters after you? Or why you decided to go off on your own?" He asked, floating a little more leisurely through the sky now that he was pretty sure he had lost their pursuers. He let go of Vox only to loop around and fly beneath him so that the boy landed on the crook of his neck. Noth figured that he would be more comfortable lying on the soft ridge of fur running along the top of his head to the tip of his tail, then he would be in his cold, rough claws.


...and all I ask is that you keep living.


[{(ⓞ•ⓞ•ⓒ• I'm so sorry that this is so late! I had thought that I had replied but I guess I didn't and now I feel terrible!)}]


Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100


PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:18 pm

Cisala Elden
I'm so sorry for replying this late, college has kept me busy and couldn't find the time to reply.

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Vox thought he was done for the moment he heard a voice yell, indicating that he was easily spotted and that only made the dragon master tense even more. Although Noth was close, he was too concentrated on running away that he did not notice his dragon's presence. "We need to talk." Vox took in a sharp breath when he heard the voice ring in his head, needless to say that it startled him, but he was very much relieved knowing that Noth found him. Before he could turn his head to the side to see where his dragon was, he felt two claws scoop him up from the ground. Vox felt the rush of cold air hit his body as soon his dragon darted up towards the sky, this caused him to shiver and tried to keep his warmth by clinging onto the dragon even more. As he looked downwards, he noticed some scratches on Noth's belly, but hearing his dragon's voice made him look up once again. Vox humphed and glared at nothing in particular, "I got bored waiting for you so I went to practice on my spells and I just happened to bump into them at the wrong time, simple as that." There was no way that he was going to tell Noth the entire truth.

Vox did become tired of waiting for Noth and went out to practice, but he didn't accidentally bump into the group, not at all. He was practicing his spells when he heard the group bad-mouth other dragon's and their masters. He planned on ignoring them even though it annoyed Vox when he heard the others insult him, but that plan was thrown out the moment he heard the group mention Noth. How dare they say that about him, about his dearest friend and only friend. Enraged, Vox stepped out of hiding and attacked the first person or dragon that he saw, which resulted in Vox's predicament before Noth arrived. Vox's thoughts were interrupted when he felt his dragon's claws let go of him, causing Vox to gasp in surprise. He relaxed as he felt the texture of Noth's soft fur, feeling the cold wind against his skin once again made Vox bury himself as much as he could onto the fur. He could feel his body become less tense by the second, definitely glad that Noth found him.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 4:14 pm

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I will protect you to my last breath...


Noth calmly listened to Vox as he explained himself. He was not convinced to say the least. He had been with the boy long enough to tell when he was telling the truth or with holding information. He would let the conversation slide for the moment though in favor of getting his master back to their current living place a cave- big enough to hold him in his dragon form and still allow him to move around comfortably- nestled into one of the surrounding mountains, where an already skinned dear was waiting to be cooked over a fire. He would take care of Vox like a good dragon before wrapping him up in a blanket and letting him sleep against his soft underbelly. That seemed like the best course of action to make sure that nothing had gapped to Vox in the next twenty-four hours. "You are a fool Vox. And next time I go hunting you are coming with me. No if's, and's, or but's about it. What would you have done if they had gotten to you before I did? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I was unable to protect you as is my duty. So next time you decide to go on one of your little 'adventures' keep in mind that not only are you putting yourself in danger but your also adding a burden onto my shoulders by acting irresponsibly." He stated calmly, landing at the mouth of a cave. He crawled into the dark, cold shelter before letting Vox slide off his back.

Once he had made sure that his master was safely on the ground he turned his attention to a small pile of wood and blew some of his fire onto the wood. His fire wasn't as strong to that of anouther Dragon's but it was strong enough to make a good cooking fire none the less. With the fire roaring and his master safe he set about to changing into his human form. It was a delicate process changing one's physical properties but he managed, now standing in the cavern as bare as a newborn baby. He ignored his sudden exposure, instead he headed over towards the rock he his his clothing behind and threw on his trousers. They would do for now. The long sleeved shirt would just get all bloody while he cooked the meat for Vox. "Sit down and relax. I'll cook the meat, I believe that there is a bit of ale left from our last visit into town. It will warm you up from the inside after our little flight." He gave Vox a small smile before he grabbed a knife and set to work hacking away at the dear meat by the fire and arranging it above the flames where it would cook.


...and all I ask is that you keep living.


[{(ⓞ•ⓞ•ⓒ• It's find I have been super busy to so I don't mind in fact I feel bad because it's been about a week since I have replied to anything.)}]


Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100


PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 10:12 pm

Cisala Elden

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He wasn't sure if Noth was satisfied with his answer, he figured it was enough though, since the dragon didn't demand for him to elaborate on his response. Vox clung onto Noth's fur as he continued to fly towards their temporary home, a cold cave that was big enough for his dragon to fit. It wasn't that Vox hated the cave, he just wanted a much warmer and cozier place to live with his dragon, but it proved to difficult to get such a home when dragons and their masters would probably attack them on sight. Vox's thoughts were interrupted when Noth spoke to him once again, he opened his mouth to protest but Noth interrupted him as he continued to speak. The more his dragon spoke, the more frowned. Hmph, I could have taken them head on. I was just tired because I was practicing earlier. But no matter what he thought, he knew that Noth was somewhat right, and that saddened the dragon master. He didn't want to be a burden to the only person who cares for him. But he still didn't want to go hunting with Noth, his lips formed a pout as he mumbled under his breath before his dragon landed at the entrance of the cave. "Fine, but you better let me help."

After sliding off Noth's back, Vox walked towards a bag not far from the pile of wood that his dragon was igniting. He opened the bag and pulled out a blanket and placed it on top of the bag. He removed most of his clothing except his undergarments, although the flight to the cave dried somewhat dried him, his clothes were still damp. Vox picked up the blanket he pulled out and wrapped himself in it before glancing at Noth's general direction and noticed that he just changed into his human form. He quickly turned the other way, feeling his face heat up in embarrassment, Vox has seen his dragon transform plenty of times before, but that didn't mean that he's grown accustomed to seeing Noth so exposed. Vox nodded in response and picked up the ale nearby, his lips parted as he took a sip of the drink before sitting close to the fire, watching his dragon chop up the deer meat and arrange the pieces above the fire. His gaze shifted from the fire, to the deer, and then to Noth's exposed chest. He noticed that the dragon had a well built human body, Vox soon realized he was starring and looked down, a light blush across his face. Trying to act as if he wasn't starring awkwardly he looked at his own body and frowned, compared to Noth, he didn't have as much muscle as he wished he did.

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