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Katsumi Hiro


Sexual preference:

Running on unconscious and fleeting dreams. Lowering myself to those who were more worthy then I. This was my life. I was bullied. Pushed around in school. Hated for the mere fact that I, Katsumi Hiro, am uncomfortable in the body I was put in. I have always dreamed of one day becoming someone different, someone who people could look up to instead of running in fear of. It hurt to befriend someone only for them to push me away in the process after learning who I was. Even my parents, who really had nothing to do with me pushed me aside as though I was not their son.

You see...mother had always wished for a little girl, and after I was born she was told she could no longer bear children. This broke her heart, but they never gave up hope. Father continued to baby her and pamper her with the finer things. They even considered adopting, but in the end mother became to ill to care for another child. With this, I knew she was still my mother. She was still the woman who gave me life so I had to give it my all and make her happy. Until the day of her passing from a very rare disease I became the little girl she always wanted. I allowed her to fix my hair, paint my nails, and I would even take her out shopping for accessories and clothes.

Today I still strive to be that little girl, and though I moved out a long time ago venturing out to be a slave for someone who really needed me in their life I still understand my goal purpose. To shine beautifully inside and out, no matter who I end up with, or what their attitude is. I would even consider sex change if it meant pleasing my man and giving him what he wants.


Strives to be someone better, though his heart is so open and tender. Katsumi is very outgoing, very open. Loves the company of another since he clearly had no one to share in the love. He is self conscious, he knows who he is and who he wants to be. wahmbulance He does have a temper and his fuse is very short. Not afraid to cuss, fuss, or fight for someone he loves. He is really clingy, and he acts just like a female. Moody and desperate.

+ tea
+ music
+ writing
+ hoods (hoodies)
+ cute things

- loud noises
- haters
- stalkers (especially if they are stalking his guy)
- being alone
- feeling alone

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Other Info: there is no real plot here. Let your imagination fly. He is also Uke, so will be needing a Seme! ~ Thanks so much for reading!