Hello there, I am meokii, but you may call me Meo. But let's face the truth, you're here to be a part of a role play, not know me. So let me explain.

You live in a house, a good two story house and next door, was for sale... a few months go by and someone buys it. You haven't seen this person yet, but when you do, you realize he's a tall masculine Elf, who happens to be an artist. If you observe him through the window, you usually see him painting or reading. he seems troubled though, from what you could tell.
What is your character like? Surely he has something wrong as well, and maybe the two neighbors can eventually help each other out.

Thing is, this world is unlike ours, this world has many openings and portals which allows you to be literally anything you feel like being, I allow this because some people need practice with a certain character, or just want to feel free.
Your character
You can be whoever you want, do whatever you want, be whatever you want, and your inner or outer conflict can be whatever. Your character could be a murdering elf with a dragon father for all I care.

My character
Name: Myka
Age: 97
Age appearance: 24
Gender: Male
Orientation: Homosexual (openly)
Race: Elf
Occupation: High Artist
Bio: His father was never proud of his son and his brother had always bullied him. His mother died of a cancer that even magic couldn't heal. Nobody wanted Myka aroun and soon casted him out of the family. Myka then grew up selling his body just to simply *ahem* have a bed for the night. He soon was able to sell artwork or play the lute for money. He soon was able to afford the house next door, as high priced as it was. Now he makes his life as an artist selling them over the interent, not a single one can be kept for memories.
Appearance:User Image

Please keep in mind this is for you to practice with mostly or to simply have fun, it doesn't have a true plot in it, if that bothers you, make one up ^_^