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BackOffBuddy✶We’re gonna rob the banks and feel no shame✶
✶Burn our fingers and change our names✶
✶And I’ll tame the roads that can’t be tamed✶
✶With you.✶

Rowan snorted as Amihiro finished talking. "That was extremely cheesy." He said getting into the car before leaning over towards his boyfriend and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "But it was also really sweet. I swear sometimes you make we want to just lock you you away someplace where I won't have to share you. But I'm pretty sure your coach would kill me if I did that and he kind of scares me." He said calmly as he settled down into his seat and closed the door. He was scaresly aware of the slight floral scent that occupied the car from their first date. The bouquet that Akihiro had gotten him- extremely clique but cute as that was- still sat in its vase on his windowsill, slightly wilted from how much time had passed. The image brought a smile to his face as he leaned his head against the seat and looked over at the other, watching as he consent rated on the road.

"Where are your parents? I don't hear you talk about them much and that confuses me. Are they on a trip or something?" He asked curiously, hoping to god that this didn't turn out to be anoutger festival insident. If it turned out that something had had happened to them as well Rowan would surely just jump out the window and hope that something hit him hard enough to wipe his exsistance off of the face of the earth... Well he wouldn't really do that but he would feel terrible for causing Akihiro anymore trouble.

✶So let’s paint our bodies and chase the sky✶
BackOffBuddy✶The Earth will shake and we’ll wonder why✶
✶But if I never know, well, at least I lie✶

BackOffBuddy✶With you.✶


[{(•OOC• Yeah it is and I'll try and figure out what's going on so you don't have to read chinchilla at random points in time lD)}]
