
_____ is the most popular guy in the school. He was the captain of the football team, he could have any girl in school, he gets invited to all the parties and so on. Everyone thinks his life is perfect (when its far from it) and he just goes along with it. Cole is the outcast. People label him as the 'emo f**'. He is constantly picked on and made fun of but somehow it seemed _____ was always there to break up the fighting to stop anyone who was picking on Cole . Cole grew a huge crush on the straightest, and most popular guy in school. Despite the fact _____ is always jumping in to stop the teasing, Cole still thinks he hates him and thinks he is a freak. While _____ thinks that Cole doesn't like him and it kind of upsets him.

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Anson Cole Stone
But you can call me Cole
Next month is my birthday
And not very accepted by anyone...
Eye color
Blue eyes
Somewhat faded blue
Hair Color
Jet Black
Marks, tattoos, piercings, etc...
Many Many...
Stretched earrings, Tongue ring, Belly button ring, And a scar on my left side.
I come from an okay family
Well they were okay until they found out I was gay... They accepted the way I dressed, the music I listened too, even the random piercings I got... But one day when my parents came home early from dinner, they caught me and my ex boyfriend making out on the couch... Yeah that didn't end well... He was the captain of the football team, quarterback. When word got around he liked men, everything he had was lost... And our school glory went down the drain as well... He never spoke to me again. And that gets worse seeing as his father wanted me dead and one night almost beat me to hell with a baseball bat. My dad finally broke it up just in time for me to not die. Though for most of it he just stood there and watched. Almost happy it was happening... My family's never looked at me the same since... And most of the time, just ignore me... My ex moved away shortly after that. And I was stuck to face the judgement at that damn school... At least the new popular kid stands up for me... Though he probably hates me just as much as everyone else.