I've never really done a Yuri roleplay before but I have been tempted to play one lately. I am a literate to semi-literate roleplayer so I can write up to three or more paragraphs. I won't accept one liners and please give me something to work with. So if it's less than two or three paragraphs i won't have much interest, I don't mean to sound rude but it gets frustrating at times.

I'm open for plots and ideas but I do enjoy fantasy and the supernatural so that is always welcomed here ^^ I do have an idea in mind for a roleplay and I will share it with who ever pms me wanting to roleplay.

I can do pms or forums and I am fine with things going to a mature level such as more intimate scenes, it's something I expect really when it comes to a relationship between two characters but those scenes will be in pms no matter what!

If anyone is interested please pm me as soon as you can!