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Hello People, My name is Jason, the guys above me is me, you will see a character based off myself, if interested, kewl, if not kewl.
anyway I just want to say that this is mainly for the wanderfull yoai!!! So if you have a Mistress, if she is really good, i will consider it, but is a little doubtful, but still, If im impressed, Im kewl with it. Anyway, alot of my characters seem like seme's, but you are the master and control the slave, so the slave is whatever you want him to be. Anyway I mainly do pm's if our characters are going to be doing the naudy. I am a semilit person, I like to think im a good writter but we all make mistakes, I dont judge, I also would like a semi litterate writter. Im not very picky... However, please no text messging writting... its the one thing I despises the most... unless we're texting lol... Anyway I will probley be adding more Characters so if you dont see someone you like, try again next week, you might see someone knew. Also, I prefer very dominate masters, one with punishment, harsh condistions. I love rape seens! just saying... I do like the lovey dovey yaoi too, but I realise when it gets lovey dovey, and stays lovey dovey, it gets boring. Im also a guy that has lots of ideas, like, me and another role player had our characters get married, then they got a slave togther and it became a threeway rp.

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(Okay okay, I love rping as this guy, he is the main guy I use! he is so smexy and I love him, yes I know its itachi from naruto, I really dont watch alot of anime... But you cannot tell me he is not smoking. So yea. this is the main character I rp with, but if your crazy enough to not like him, i respect that and their are several other smexy guys to have yaoi rps with)
Name: Dero (capricorn)
Age: 28
Race: human
Height: 6'4
Personality: quiet, dark demeanor, cold at times, understanding, distant.
Bio: Dero was a researcher and is know for his intelligence, once a proffessor at a school, he got into some trouble with one of his students. A girl swore revenge after he turned her down when she came on to him. She claimed raped on the man, Dero was charged with rape, he had a unfair trial do to the rich little girl, she did everything she could to make him suffer. He was sentence to slavery for 20 years, if no one adopted him, he would be set free.
Likes: Working, keeping busy, reading, organizing
Dislikes: choas, disorder, dogs, wolves, anything that is not a normal human or animal.
Other info: Dero is a very quiet chacter, though he is quiet, he is not shy, if he doesnt like you, which he probley wont when you first meet, he will be cruel and cold hearted, Dero is strong, he can be aggressive, but he is very calm and patient and will probley never lift his finger to even hurt a fly
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Name: Exodus (gemini)
Age: 17
Race: imph (rare)
Height: 5'6
Personality: generally friendly most of the time, secretive, adventureous, open minded, practicle, depress when alone, easily upset, timid
Bio: Exodus had a normal family, but he wasnt born normal, he got the gift of his family generations power which he named reality. HIs family grew in fear of him, whenever he was upset, reality would chane, darkness would seem to cover him and swallow everything in its path, erasing it from history... When his family grew tired of living in fear, they put him into a slave shop and told him it was for the best, they gained thousands of dollars through him... He now lays in a cage, a slave shop that was ment for powerful monsters ment for battle.... alot of people pass him and laugh at him, jugding him by his size.
Likes: freedom, the normal, flowers, time, how time works, clocks
Dislikes: rats, bugs, being diffrent, his family
Other info: If you want him, i dont think you should use a human master, just because he is actually very powerful and might over power your master if pushed to the edge... also to explain his power better. A imph is a creature that is born every 500 ears in a generations, a family has their own generation power, his he calls reality, he his mind is so comples that he could think something real, or erase something real from reality itself. He is quite powerful though he doesnt know how to control it.
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Name: Raydium (tarius)
Age: 24
Race: Necromancer
Height: 5'10
Personality: complex, defiant at times, generally nice, understanding, strong willed, strange
Bio: being a necromancer, people hunted him, giving him the name of Hades, or the son of Satan. A group of people who planed on killing him, but came up with a better idea, they sold him to a slavery for alot of money
Likes: nothing
Dislikes: everything
Other info: Ths one will be hard to break, anyway, ill explain what a necro mancer is, it is a person that can control bodies with no souls. They can also take souls and comunicate with other souls, it can gain the powers of a departed soul for a short amount of time.
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Name: Genisis (capricorn)
Age: 20
Race: human
Height: 5'7
Personality: Lazy, laid back, very inteligent, smart a**
Bio: Genisis was a normal guy, a man that lived with his parents, he was a drugged acted and drank alot, however he was very smart. His parents got him to go back to high school, he did... then college, he completed a four year degree in a year, he even corrected his proffesors... However the drug abuse and drinking did not stop, though he was doing good, nothing seemed to be good enough for his parents, his parents called the police for him having drugs and he was put in slavery...
Likes: pot, meth, coke, alcohol
Dislikes: working, pleasing people, most people
Other info: Genisis is extremely smart besides him being lazy, he probley will be defiant and will need a strict master. His drug abbuse is do to depression, really he just needs to be loved, but he wont make it easy. Iv had fun with this character
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Name: Nye (leo)
Age: 19
Race: human
Height: 5'11
Personality: Loves having fun, greedy, rude, impolite, stuck up, expensive taste
Bio: Nye was raised by know, this is what happens when you have rich parents whodont take care of their kid... spoiled brats... he has exensive taste, defiant, and he is number one. His father being a gang member of a group, the only reason he got rich found his son and kidnapped him, raped him, and through him in a slave shop, of course his father doesnt care... However he still acts the same and complains all the time.
Dislikes: being a slave, you, islation
Other info: This one is going to need to be broken, he wll walk all over you if your a softy, he is not really the fighting type, but punishment sometimes doesnt seem to work.... Good luck with this one, he'll give you one hell of a time
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Name: Ellis (Libre)
Age: 452
Race: fairy (rare)
Height: 5'7
Personality: strange, ignorant to life, inocent, detailed orianted
Bio: Ellis was found several years ago by a painter, he served him till he had children, he then served his children, then their children, and so o. One day, a baby girl name Pyrha was born, his new master, but her stepmother was jelious of Ellis's beauty and forced him into slavery... he doesnt remember anything past that... it has been 50 years since then, the only reason he is still in a cage is because no one has been able to afford him
Likes: children, flowers, being outide
Dislikes: small areas, cramped places, crouds..
Other info: Ellis is a very beautiful character, howeer he is strong, if he does get out of control, your master might want to be strong to control him.
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Name: Avery (picies)
Race: mystic (rare)
Height: 5'11
Personality: calm, timid, shy, friendly, kind
Bio: Avery was born blind, but it didnt keep him from seeing, especially the future, when he predicted his fathers death, his mother grew scared, when he died, he blamed very for being a witch, she sold him to slavery... she couldnt look at him without seeing his father...
Likes: father
Dislikes: mother, hate
Other info: Avery is a gorgious character, I love him, he is so sexy, if you want some one to love on, Avery is your guy, he is not really bad, he never misbehaves. If he does, thrn feel free to punish, but he is a little more emotional and probley wont resist
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Name: Dimitri (saggitarius)
Age: 32
Race: human
Height: 6'1
Personality: friendly, funny, laid back, strong willed, very defiant, resistant, not so smart, pervy, dirty minded
Bio: Dimitri was a prince in france, though he was a prince, he hated it, so he was kidnapped by pirates (he let the pirates think he was kidnapped) he then realised he made a bad move, they sold him into slavery in a country he does not know.
Likes: cloud watching, music, long showers
Dislikes: alot of things... cant name them, to long of a list
Other info: THough DImitri is human, he shouldnt be underestimated, he is very defiant and will be rebelious, he needs a stricked master that will punish
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Based off me Lol XD
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Name: Jason (virgo)
Age: 19
Race: human
Height: 6'1
Personality: friendly, social, cautious, understanding, quick tempered, rebellious
Bio: Jason was abdoned by both his parents, he grew up on the streets, he finished highschool with the help of his boyfriend, but when his boyfriends was really a bad guy, he left him, he had no where else to go but a slave shop, he thought mabey some rch guy would adopted him, he has no idea whats in store
Likes: friendly get togethers, hanging with friends, acting crazy with friends, running from cops
Dislikes: being alone, being poor, his family
Other info: Jason may seem like a hopeless kid, but he also shouldnt be undersestimated, he is stronger than he looks, he will probley need a strict master because he is everywhere. He loves having fun, and if you get in between him and his fun, He will flip shits. He really wont care what you think. He will do what he wants to do
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Name: Iris (scorpio)
Age: 28
race: human
height: 6'1
personality: obident, loyal, protective, can be disobident if master is not dominate
bio: Iris was forced to fight at the age of 6 by his recent master, his master was a old pervert that dressed him in very revealing clothes with little amor. Iris grew up to be a fighter, winnng tournaments so his master made more money, when his master died he was put back into slavery.
likes: fighting, his large sword, stuffed animals
dislikes: losing
other info: Iris is definetly dangers, he will speak out of place and do what he wants if his master is soft.
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Name: Angel (virgo)
Age: 17
Race: siren
Height: 5'8
Personality: cold hearted, resistant, conservitive, independent.
Bio: This boy had been in hiding for awhile, his abilty to face through diffrent relms makes him very valubule, he is quite dangerious when threaten. He was fnally caught through a strange type of magic done by a necromancer, he now sits in a glass cage where people stare at him...
Likes: outdoors, independence, solitude
Dislikes: control, chaos, loud noises, over sensitive people
Other info: can control all elements and phaze thrrough objects and diffrent demintions
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Name: Kayden
Age: 199
Race: vampire
Height: 5'7
Personality: calm and collected, distant, timid
Bio: this beautiful vampire boy is from america, his wavy blonde hair and peircing blue eyes give him alot of sex apeal from both sex's. He was turned by a man who sought revenge from Kaydens father, he then put him in a slave shop for alot of money.
Likes: Mellow enviroment, elegance, animals
Dislikes: himself, being vampire, punishment, being controled
Other info: THough this young boy appears harmless, it isnt wise ot punish unessisarly unless you know what your doing.
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Name: Luke
Age: 19
Race: human
Height: 5'11
Personality: generally friendly, avoids conflict, obident, unsure, indecisive, will question his master if asked to do something he doesnt want to do.
Bio: Luke was a normal guy, a normal family, just a normal guy, he just gradguated from high school when his little sister was kidnapped, he offered the kidnappers money and for them to replace her with him instead, they agreed, and put him in slavery.
LIkes: going with the flow, looking at the positive
Dislikes: drama, conflict, unessisary things
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