A holy priest ____ became a hunter and track down demons and monster. During one of the battles, ____ becomes overwhelmed by demons. The demons push ____ back into a corner. He is about to get a group attack when the demons fell slaughtered by a man with his left eye th color of blood while the other a sky blue. He looked at the hunter and smiled, "Hello. You looked like you needed help."

Soon, ____ decides it is best to rest with his savior. "My name is Hawk." He explained. He muttered a holy word over the demons and led him to a small patch to explain a few things. Like his cursed eye, how he learned to fight and defeat demons. Hawk continued to smile the whole time. They started traveling and became friends. ______ sees him speaking to the sky to the holy being. ____begins to fall for him. Hawk however is not speaking of his past nor does he ever walk on holy ground. Why...? Is it due to the curse upon his eye. He never explains beyond a certain point...

Name: 'Hawk'
Age: Unknown
Race: Human... He says
PicI am Hawk