Hello ladies and gentlemen of the guild, I haven't posted since I first joined and I'm looking to change that or at least roleplay with some of the fine people here. If you wish to ask me to a roleplay, just send me a message and please include any ideas you'd like to try or ask me somethings I may like to try.

I also can not stress this enough, if you want to roleplay with me please be able to type out a detailed post at least a paragraph-I understand writers block and such things like that, but not all the time- If you can't maintain that, I will stop the roleplay and ask why. Grammar isn't something I care about as long as you're not a grammar nazi and I should at least be able to read you're replies.

On a side-note, I do enjoy roleplaying as a furry or a scalie, if you do not know what that is, don't be afraid to ask and I'll give you a example. If you hate furries or scalies then I can assure you that we won't be getting along very well.

As for the types of roleplays I do, I will do many, many, many different types of roleplays. I'm open to almost any idea, but first tell me what it is.