I need a seme~ And I'm fine with any mature rping as long as your okay with it~

Daiki and Daichi's are twins that were separated at birth. Their mother took away Daiki and left Daichi with his father. Unfortunately, not only was Daichi's father a poor listener, but was brought up to completely ignore the child when they have misbehaved. Daichi, thinking that he was unloved, thought that he shouldn't love his father either and turned into a troublesome rebellious teenager.

A month ago their mom committed suicide after her boyfriend cheated on her. Daiki found out about his twin brother and his father and went to live with them. Daiki impression of his younger twin brother was a rebellious kid that was never cute, he didn't take a liking to him.

It's now the present time and their class at school decided to take a test of courage in the mountains. By drawing sticks Daiki was paired with Daichi. When they're walking through the mountains, Daiki finds out about Daichi's cute timid side...

Rules (Not much):
1. Try not to make one-liners
2. don't kill off characters
3. Tell me if you're going to be absent for a long period of time

If you want to please quote me and give me a profile.

Pic (Anime please):

Here's me~

Name: Daichi Mizuno
age: 15 (first year in highschool)
personality: May look rebellious and unapproachable, but he just wants attention. He's extremely afraid of loud noises in the dark and ghosts. He fears thunderstorms and rodents. He thinks he's worthless so he tries to get people not to care about him, but his heart wants the opposite.
Position: Uke
Likes: Strawberries and sweet foods (secretly)