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PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 3:09 pm
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____ was just a ordinary kid, living an ordinary life. Well sort of, he always knew he was different but he never knew just how different he truly was. One night his entire world is shattered as a man breaks into his home and murderers everyone he loves, everyone he holds dear to his heart. Then instead of killing him the man takes him away to a fate far worse than death. ____ has something this man desires and that is his blood. You see this man was not human he is a vampyre, a true blood sucking, human killing vampyre. none of that sparkling in the sun crap. And he had taken a fancy to ____ for a few reasons. the first being that he was a nephilim and their blood was cherished among vampyres and two... there was something about the boy that simply intrgued him and made him desire to have him as his own. how will ___ cope with having everything he loved taken from him, then this stranger coming and using him like a toy?
PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 3:46 pm
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Name: Caius Dumont
Age: looks about 23, is over 274 years old.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Caius is very cold and shut off form the world. He hide his humanity in fear that it will be his downfall and does his best to show know remorse. But deep down inside under all the anger and hatred is the human he useto be. He was once kind and caring but not anymore.
Bio: As a young boy, Caius live in a small village that was often overlooked by the rest of the world. he was a normal farm hand, tending to the pigs, cattle and other barn animals. His families home was actualy two miles away from the town but that never bothere the young Caius, in fact he enjoyed spenidng time alone, or with his family rather than in the stuffy town. Like most familys back then they were very religious and would go to church every sunday with the rest of the town and Caius would pray before bed. Eventually he came to the age where he took a wife of his own and inherited his father farm. He had two loving children and a beautiful wife by he time he was 22, but thats when tragedy struck.

From their home 2 miles away from town a large fire could be seen and the towns peoples crys heard. Being the kind hearted man Caius is he rushed into town, to find it in tormoil .They were being attacked. He heard people crying and praying, then when he asked what was attacking he repeatedly was told by Demons. When he heard the sobbing of a young child he rushed to find them only to see a man crouching over her, his face stained red with her blood. A smile crept onto his face, and that was something that Caius could never, not to this day, get out of his head. that cruel, ruthless smile that chilled him to the very bone. Before he could even react the man was upon him, pinning him to then ground. There was a sudden sharp pain in his neck before he went unconcious.

When he woke he could feel a cold metal floor underneath him and something heavy weighed down his arms. A small animal like sound caught his attention. He soon realized it was coming from himself! He opened his eyes and winced at the bright light that was on him, taking longer than usual to adjust to the chnge of light. When he finally got his barrings he was intensly aware of the burning sensation in his throat. He was so thirsty. he went to stand but found himself yanked back down by chains around his wrists, ankles and even his neck. he had been found in the aftermath of the attack by one of the churches that were following these strings of attacks. He was taken because he had changed.. he was no longer human and these people thought he was part of the attack.

This was all brought to light slowly and he begged anyone that came near him for water but they would simply say it wasnt water he needed. Every day someone come in and cut long gashes in his arms, making him bleed out to keep him week. To his amazement the cuts would heal almost instantaniously. Though as the days wore on and on the healing became slower. Not only did his body begin to deteriorate, but his mind as well. The man he useto be became lost in the hunger, anger, lust and desire in his mind. these men had created a monster by what they did to him. One day a kind woman began to sneak him little bits of animal blood, feeling sorry for the fading man. the blood awakened something inside Caius and he had a new purpose. He would escape and kill every single person in this church. it was a long tedious process as he was still bled out every day, but now he was also given blood every day. So slowly but surely he gained some strength.

He began to test the strength of the chains that bounds him and knew that he could tear through them. After 2 years living in a perpetual hell he finally made him move. when the woman came for him he broke a single arm free, grabbed her and drained her dry in the matter of seconds. With human blood coursing through his body he quickly began to regenerate his health and broek through the other shackles. he tore through the church ripping open every persons throat out and draining them of their blood. He escaped the church to his freedom and his first thought, despite the deterioration of who he once was, was to go to his family. He did just that.

He expected a warm welcoming, crying, hugging but instead when his family saw them they cried in fear. They prayed to god to save them and cowered from him. he left swiftly and never returned. The pain was so unbearable that he burried any piece of humanity left within him and moved on with his eternal life. From then on he showed no remorse, killed for the sake of killing and earned a reputation. he was one of the most feared vampirs out there. So when he heard of a nephilim on earth. Who better to have it in their possesion but him?

((im sorry i got carried away with the Bio, i just i already love this character xD))  



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PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:01 pm

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His name is Jordan Shwan.

Age: Exactly seventeen.

Race: Nephilim (Jordan thinks he's human)

Bio: Jordan always knew he wasn't the average kid living on the block. No. Something always felt off about himself. As he walked among the rest, Jordan held this sense of purity above others. Yet at the same time he always had this feeling that his soul was a bit dirtied and not pure enough.. If that even made sense. Then there was this other really weird thing about him. He could always feel when a troubled soul was about to finally give up, or if something bad was going to happen. Though he could never tell what the unfortunate event to be was. This both helped and and put a damper on Jordan's life. If anything bad were to feel like it was going to happen, he'd simply stay home and make up excuses as of why the family too should stay home. Though, he never really cared about his father..

That was yet another mystery to Jordan's life. He never ever once felt like his father was truly his father. The man seemed to have the same feelings. In fact, that man often times argued with Jordan and his mother over some bullsh*t theory that Jordan wasn't his son. If not, then who could Jordan's father have been hm? Jordan was supposedly conceived seventeen years ago over a vacation that his parents took off on some tropical island resort. It was all ridiculous if you asked Jordan and he truly did just try to bond with his father like a normal son would. The man would never accept him though, which left the boy kind of saddened. There was nothing he could do about though, and he never argued with the man. He had siblings in the house that didn't need to be caught up in this debate on wither or not Jordan was truly the man's son. The rest of the family loved Jordan to death so that's all Jordan cared about. His family was his world. With out them... Well, Jordan was just a lost little puppy.

Personality: Being part angle, Jordan is typically a nice guy. He never gets mad, never threatens, never misbehaves.. Jordan respects everyone and accepts everyone the way they are. He doesn't believe in harsh judgment at all because everyone is the way they are for some reason or another. (There are always exceptions though...) Besides, Jordan doesn't have a single mean bone to act upon anyways. You will always find Jordan helping the ones in need and sharing only the most love even if no one needs it.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:24 pm

((he is perfect ^^, i guess i will get us started with the night Caius comes and takes him and kills his family))  



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PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:26 pm
((Otay, sounds good~))
PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:56 pm
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The depth of darkness
to which you can descend
and still live

Caius long dark brown hair cascaded over his shoulders and down his back, gently russling in the soft breeze that was held in the cold night air. his coal colored eyes lay transfixed on the house across the street, waiting for the humans to lay down and rest for the night. Even from so far away he could make thethedistinct scent of the nephilim his blood smelling like rich dark chocolate. It was something Caius, despite his many years, had never experienced. This is what drove him here, the idea of something knew, after being alive for nearly 300 years he had grown boredof his usual mind games. his eyes flicked over to the window on the far right as he watched the light finally switch up. He strained his hearing and heard as a young child climbed into the bed and finally settled down. "Thank god, i was growing bored of waiting.' he mumbled as he stepped from the shadows and walked to the house. New born vampires must submit to the rule of being invited into a home, but a two century year old vampire no longer encountered such problems. Reaching out he wrapped his long fingers around the doorknob and simply broke it with a twitch of his wrist. with a light tap from his booted foot the door slowly creaked open.

His eyes peered through the darkness able to see as clear as if the lights were on. He walked inside and made his way through the home, taking his time as he took in his surroundings. So many family photos, it made him sick. if only the husband knew the truth, this family would fall harder and faster than someone with the bubonic plague. he thought to himself bitterly before he turned his attention to the stares. One second he was at the bottom of the stares, the next he was walking down the upstairs hallway. He followed the scent of the boys parents and went into their room. his tongue glided over his bottom lip as he approached the side of the bed and looked down at the middle aged woman. "You don't even know how special your son is." he whispered as he reached out and placed a hand over her mouth. He watched as her eyes snapped opened and savored the moment of pure terror in her eyes before he snapped her neck.

Swift painless and quiet, three things he hardly ever followed when he murdered. but for now until he was sure he had his hands on the nephilim child, he would be stealthy. he moved over to the husbands side of the bed and repeated his swift movements. Once he was finished with the parents he moved to Jordans room. Just as he pushed the door open and watched as the dim hall light filtered into the room and onto the small figure in the bed; he heard someone trying to sneak through the halls towards him. He pretended to be unaware, seeing as it seemed one of jordans siblings was going to try and be a hero and catch the home invader. just as the young mortal lifted the blunt objected to strike Caius, the vampire moved with his unnatural speed and grabbed the boy. knocking the item from his hand, covering his mouth and with one swift movement sinking his now protruding fangs into the soft flesh of his neck. The boy was a teen so his blood was sweet yet bitter as well.

is an exact measure
of the height to which
you can aspire to reach.

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((i hope this is alright))  



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PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 5:56 pm
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Holding the purest of light....
Jordan Shwan

Yet I am prone to darkness..

It was yet another terribly long day that Jordan had to go through. He had to put up with school, the bullies, the annoying clingy girls and boys. Then there was all the school work Jordan didn't like taking part of but had to. Everything annoying about the daily routine seemed to be dulled though and seemingly more craved today of all days. Jordan felt like he had to saver each moment, and hold friendly faces as if he'd never see them again. Jordan just had this feeling something horrific was going to happen to him. He hadn't a clue what though, or if anything was even going to happen. Jordan could have been freaking out over nothing again. As each hour went by though, and with each step made, Jordan felt like he was stepping closer and counting down for tragedy to finally befall over his life. No matter how much he stressed this feeling to his mother, or younger sibling Gabriel, no one would listen and everyone just seemed to shrug it off. SO Jordan was forced to just try and shoo the thought away.

It was late now, and everyone was sitting in the living room talking, playing card games and watching TV together. Just like any other normal night. Things didn't seem to be that bad. So Jordan actually started to believe that he was once again having these weird feelings of doom for no reason. While Jordan's parents sat in front of the TV all cuddled up together, Jordan and his younger brother were playing some different card games. First it was uno, then black jack, the go fish and other games they created together. Eventually, Jordan ended up winning the same game for the fourth time in a row and Gabriel had given him this irritated expression. “What are you, the devil?” Gabriel asked before smiling. Jordan laughed and shook his head. “Not as far as I know, Gabby~” Jordan used that name to tease his little brother into roughhousing. Eventually their parents got sick of it. It was time for bed anyways.

Jordan's mother was the first to get up to get everyone off to bed. The women was obviously quite tired. “Off to bed boys.” She said. With some sad faces, and complaining, the younger guys ended up smiling, giving hugs and kissed before finally heading off to bed. Jordan had promised his younger sibling that they'd be going off to the mall tomorrow before he went to be though. The boy needed or wanted some clothes to make him fit in with the, 'popular' crowd or something.. So Jordan would help out. After changing for bed and finally turning his lamp off, Jordan hesitantly crawled into bed. He couldn't help but feel someone's chilling presence and gaze crawling over his skin. It gave him goose bumps and the erg to stay awake, but he was far too tired to even struggle with sleep. So he fell into a light, uneasy sleep for the night.

Or so he thought..

Not too far into the night it seemed, someone had opened his door. At first Jordan's mind wanted to believe that it was one of his family members creeping into the room to get something or his younger brother sneaking in because he just couldn't sleep but, no. This other body slowly and silently moving it's way into the room felt evil or cold and heartless just like this god awful feeling he had been having all day. Jordan found himself paralyzed. 'It's j-just a dream..' Jordan comforted his thoughts. No way, it felt too real. Then what was that sound that hit the floor? Jordan slowly, and shakily sat up in his bed and set his feet onto the floor. The door was open a bit, but he couldn't see what was going on on the other side of the door. “G- Gabriel? I-is that... you?” Jordan called, his voice obviously ridden in fear. From their, Jordan got up as quietly as he could from his bed and started to walk to the cracked open door.

Once at the door that was cracked open, Jordan opened it hoping to see that no one was there or better yet, to see someone had wanted to see him. Either way, he didn't get anything of the sorts that he wished for. No. Instead a man seemed to be--biting?--the neck of his seemingly dying brothers body.. Or Gabriel already seemed to be dead.. Jordan's heart stopped momentarily before pounding full speed within his chest. “M-mom! Gabe! Get. OFF. Of him!” Jordan shouted at the man and went forward to attack this intruder to get him away from his brother. Tears of fear flowed down his cheeks. It was a shock that Jordan was even able to plunge forward so bravely. Thing is, he wasn't even thinking about what he was doing, or what consequences may have been. He just wanted to get to his poor younger brother and rid of the stranger.

» Mood: Tirrified, confused... // Outfit: his picture~ (He never changed before bed) // Location: His house «

(Hope you like this post.. I liked yours~ I also edited this.. ^^)
PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:29 pm
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The depth of darkness
to which you can descend
and still live

Caius pined the young mans arms to his side but that didnt keep his legs from kicking about and his torso from twisting and trying to wiggle free. Of course his fighitng was pointless seeing as Caius was an immortal and considerably stronger than this mortal being. He could hear his heart beat pounding, smell the fear on him and he reveled in it. Somewhere inside of him he felt guilt but it was just a faint echoe of the man he once was. Something that the vampyre, long ago, learned to ignore when he fed and killed. Soon his struggling stopped and Gabriels eyes glazed over.

The sound of his heart beat slowed and he could feel his life draining away from his small body. Just as he was finishing off what little blood was left in Gabriel he heard Jordan moving in his room then coming towards the door, calling out a name. hmm you must be gabriel he thought to himself. of course he chose to ignore the footsteps. Actually intending on allowing the nephilim to see his brother dieing in the arms of a monster.he slowed his feeding, savoring every last drop and as he finished off the last few drops of his blood, Jordan came through the door and saw this scene.

Caius pulled back from the small boys neck, his lips stained crimson with his blood. A smile spread on his lips as he dropped Gabriels lifeless body and watched as Jordan advanced to attack him. "foolish child." he reached out and grabbed jordans wrist and twisted his arm behind his back. But then instead of pushing him away, he pulled him against himself and held him there. "I'm afraid Mother wont be coming." he whispered into the blondes ear, his elongated fangs causing his words to sound more like a hiss. HIs eyes, now a vibrant red, seemed to glow in the dimness of the halls as he gazed down at angel.

The smell that came off of him was driving Caius's senses mad. "You smell so good" he growled as he leaned down and pressed his nose against his shoulder inhaling deeply. His mouth watered and despite just feeding he longed to sink his teeth into the tender skin of the boys neck. His eyes fell on the pulsing vein that would give him the most blood flow wanting nothing more than to feed on Jordan until he, like his brother, was dried up and dead. But instead, He decided to release him, curious to what he would do now that he knew Caius could easily over power him.

This was like a game of cat and mouse to the immortal, since there was nothing he enjoyed more, than playing with his food. Also the fear, the confusion he fed off of those responses. hIs piercing eyes never left Jordan, ready to chase him if he ran or stop him if he tried to attack again. He lifted lifted his hand to his mouth and rubbed the blood from his lips, leaving a red smeer on his pale skin. it is a shame that i ruined my appetite before the main course. he thought to himself in dissapointment.

is an exact measure
of the height to which
you can aspire to reach.

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((i liked yours as well, sorry mine isnt as long xP ))



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PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 4:59 pm
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Holding the purest of light....
Jordan Shwan

Yet I am prone to darkness..

That smile spreading across the mans face sent chills down Jordan's spine. Why was he smiling about this?! This wasn't good! Once Jordan saw his brother's lifeless body fall to the floor, he wanted to go to him instead of the man but for some reason or anther, Jordan still went to hit the man instead. Instead of hitting the man as planed, Jordan's attack was blocked. The man grabbed his wrist and and twisted Jordan's arm behind his back. Sharp shooting pain shot through Jordan and as a response a cry of pain left his lips. Why was this happening? Did Jordan do something?! He didn't think so! Being pulled closer now, Jordan tried to squirm away but that resulted in his arm being pained even more, “L-let go!” Jordan tried to sound demanding but it came across as a pathetic sounding beg than anything.

The breath of the man's voice brushed over his ear and down his neck some, sending this overwhelming chill through Jordan that he absolutely hated. It filled his soul with this fearful emotion and made him feel like darkness was trying to claim the very light that Jordan was. Wait what? Jordan wasn't light! He was a human.. Wasn't he? Jordan let out a wimpy cry when the man lowered his face into Jordan's shoulder and breathed in heavily as if to take in his scent. This guy was a freak! Jordan smelled good? What was he talking about, and what did he do to his mother, and brother?! Jordan turned his head to the side, trying to distance their heads from each other. His eyes were tightly shut, tears rolled down from his eyes as his body began to tremble and shake at the man's voice and presence alone..

Finally being pushed away, Jordan fell forward a bit but caught himself. The first thing that came to mind wasn't running, or fighting, he looked to his brother, his lifeless drained brother. Jordan went to him, and shook his brother, “Gabe! Answer me!” Gabe didn't move or make a sound. Jordan's tears became more and more so rapid as he looked from his brother and up at the man. Those red glowing eyes, and blood being wiped from his lips.. Then the chilling feeling he gave off to Jordan must have meant only one thing.. A vampire. That was impossible! There were no such thing! Yet look at Gabriel. His body looked drained of life and it literally was. Jordan need to get away while he could and he knew his mother must have suffered in this same way if the man said she wouldn't be coming.

Jordan got up from his brother he wanted to kill this man. He just killed the two people he held dearest and for what reason? Jordan was a sweet kid, his family was simple and kind too. So why do it.. Why did this monster do this?! Jordan sprung himself forward at the man to beat on him, hurt him, or something; anything! He needed to pay for this. “Y-you m-monster! Why are you d-doing this!” Jordan was sobbing and aiming attacks to strike at the man. Why he didn't just run was beyond him. He should have been running. Not staying to become like the rest.

» Mood: Tirrified, confused... mad! // Outfit: his picture~ (He never changed before bed) // Location: His house «

(It's just right to me~ This post felt a little off to me for some reason.. So if it's weird I'm sorry xD))
PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 6:25 pm
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The depth of darkness
to which you can descend
and still live

Jordans struggling had only made this more enjoyable for the vampyre seeing as he loved when they put up a fight. It made it more entertaining when he finally broke their will. Though he knew this wouldnt be like trying to break a humans will, Nephilim were different and higher beings than humans. He watched in curiousity as the other didnt take the time to run or scream but instead when to his brothers lifeless body that lay in a careless heap on the floor. "I dont think he will be answering you, unless you can speak to the dead.' he mused with a cruel smirk. his head tilted to the side as he watched jordans tears trickle down his cheeks in streams. "interesting, by now im usually being begged for mercy." he laughed softly and clasped his hands behind his back. His long brown hair had fallen over his face, casting shadows over his strong facial features.

A sigh escaped his lips as he watched Jordan get up ith a seemingly newfound vigour. He stood there and watched the other with steady eyes waiting for him to try and attack him. This time instead of blocking the hits he allowed Jordan to land a few blows, hoping it would calm him down. But it soon grew annoying, like a fly buzzing around your head and he grabbed him, slamming him against the adjacent wall. "I'm doing this because i want you." he said as one hand wrapped around his throat. "and i always get what i want." he smirked and began to squeeze his neck, cutting off the airflow. he wasnt going to kill jordan obviously just make him pass out. It would make things much easier than if he dragged him out kicking and screaming.

is an exact measure
of the height to which
you can aspire to reach.

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((ok so if you see me responding in some rp's but not this one it's because i consider this a literate roleplay and i need an actual computer to post while my others are less literate and i can just do it over my phone.)))



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PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 7:25 pm
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Holding the purest of light....
Jordan Shwan

Yet I am prone to darkness..

While Jordan hit this vampire he continued to feel more and more pathetic. Not a single one of those hits seemed to even affect this man. The man didn't seem hurt, he didn't seem to even do as little as flinch from pain.. Jordan felt so screwed, but that didn't stop him from fighting against this man. He was brave, or just stupid. Either way, he didn't want to beg for mercy like this man seemed to want. Jordan didn't even want to give into the man's earlier cruelness either. Jordan had a strong fighting heart but, unfortunately his body did not match the mind in this case. Even if it did though, Jordan didn't think he'd be able to really hurt this vampire. He was but a simple human. “Never!” Jordan had shouted about begging for mercy. The man hadn't told him to, he was simply just saying that begging for mercy wasn't something that he would ever do. Not if it pleased this sick man.

After a while, Jordan's hitting did seemed to have an affect on the man. Not any affect that Jordan would have hoped for though. The man instead of backing off, or getting hurt; got mad. Mad to a point where he grabbed Jordan finally. Jordan gasped while he felt himself being pushed so easily. Crying out in pain when being slammed against the wall, Jordan looked up at the man as he spoke. “Because I want you” Kept repeating over and over through Jordan's mind like a broken record. Why did he want Jordan? Jordan's mind could only go to the worst reasons that this man could have wanted him. Was he going to be product of rape, was he going to become a meal to this vampire? Or worse.. What if the man bit him and damned him to a life of eternal servitude?! No! Jordan kicked at the man as best he could to try to push him back.

Then that hand around his neck, it's binding grip around his neck leaving him unable to breath. Jordan's shot up to pull on the man's hand but it felt so useless. Still he didn't give up. “You.... Can't... S-stop..” Jordan could hardly even speak and it seemed every word or gasp that he made only brought him closer to dying. Jordan was convinced that this was it. The only thing he could hope for was that he'd be able to see his family on the other side. Jordan's vision became blurred. Those lit up red eyes, and cruel smirk became hardly visible any longer. Slowly, Jordan's grip loosened and the man's hands, his eyes fell shut and his body went limp. He wasn't dead, but he was passed out cold. Now Jordan was left in the hands of a cruel killer. God only knew what was to happen from this point.

» Mood: Terrified, confused... mad! // Outfit: his picture~ (He never changed before bed) // Location: His house «

(It's alright. ^^ I'm patient. I kind of figured something along those lines. )
PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 7:54 pm
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The depth of darkness
to which you can descend
and still live

He had to admit this boy had fire within him, and he would most likeley be rather hard to break. It may actually take him more than a couple days.Most of the time the realization that vampyres exist as enough to cause people to collapse in one themselves. The of course, jordan was no mere human, he was a nephilim so his acceptance of the supernatural would most likley come easier for him. He watched as the light dimmed in his eyes and his heart beat slowed from the lack of oxygen. this was not Caius's first time doing this so he knew when to stop. he released just as Jordans eyes fell shut and caught the boys now limp body. "You will submit,i give you two weeks max." he mused to himself as he lifted Jordan bridal style and turned to head down the hall. He glanced back at the dead child on the floor and sighed. "It's a shame i really didnt have any intention of killing you.' with a shrug of his shoulders he left the house and went to his black impala, which was parked a little further down from the house. He found driving much easier than walking everywhere..though aquiring a liscens had not been easy since he never came up in the data system and he had to do a good bit of threatening.

he placed Jordan in the back seat then got into the drivers side. For the first few weeks they would stay in his mansion in the woods, until Jordan became loyal to him and he knew he could trust him in a populated area. It was a 6 hours drive and he as a bit nervous that Jordan would awaken before they even got their. But luckily when he arrived at the large, ominous victorian style mansion the boy was still fast asleep. he carried him inside, walking through the dimly lit corridors until he came to the room he had set up for his new guest. It was actually very nice, a king sized bed with satin sheets. a large window overlooking the vast forest. He set Jordan on the bed and looked down at his sleeping form. "So beautifull." he mumbled, his head tilted to the side. It felt strange having something so pure in his home, a little unsettling even. With a sigh he rose to his feet and left the room. He expected that jordan would panic and try to get away when he woke and he would be prepared for that. While normally someone in this situation would tie jordan to the bed so he couldnt try to escape, Caius simply found that boring. He wanted the challenge.

is an exact measure
of the height to which
you can aspire to reach.

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((im sorry im roleplaying so horribly, but im exhausted))



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PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:27 pm
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Holding the purest of light....
Jordan Shwan

Yet I am prone to darkness..

Being moved around hadn't seemed to bother Jordan's resting body for the time being. The whole trip from being taken from his cozy home seemed to be a breeze. Only because he was sleeping though. You'd better bet that Jordan would have opening that car door and throwing himself out onto the streets. Anything just to get away. Attacking the man seemed to prove pointless. See, Jordan really should have just ran away in the first place. Maybe then he wouldn't be being carried off to somewhere he didn't even know existed. When Jordan was picked up again to be carried inside, he groaned and tried to curl up into a ball as best as he could. He was still out, he was just growling more and more uncomfortable being in the arms of this man.

As uncomfortable it felt being in the arms of a stranger, it only felt slightly better being placed into a bed. From that point however, Jordan stayed in a sleep for the rest of the night. That night felt like the longest Jordan ever had, and he wasn't even awake for it. It's just all night Jordan's dreams haunted him. His surroundings felt dangerous and far to into a dark hole. This all led Jordan into a night filled of nightmares. He wake up on the cold wet ground of a street, just beneath a street light. This was a dream the Jordan had for the last week or so since he'd been having this feeling of dread hovering over his head. Only things were different in this dream.. Jordan stood from this ground, his body achy and shaking like he had just being running multiple times around the Earth. He was panting heavily and gasping to catch his breath nad just as he would catch his breath; a dark shadowy fog would breeze through and clutter around his legs. So naturally he run. On the other side of the street looked to be a dangling gem of sorts. A light that called Jordan and told him everything would be alright..

As if. Even though Jordan ran as fast as he could without tripping up or needing to break for breath, he was always stopped. Laughter echoed down the street and sent the chilled shivers shooting up and down his spine. Then that's when it'd always catch him. Instead of being a mass of black though, it was that man's piercing red eyes and menacing smile that would consume the poor boy with darkness. “NO!” Jordan yelled in terror as he jolted awake. He had jumped into a sitting position and had his hands over his face. His body was sweaty, he was trembling in fear and tears slowly dripped from his eyes. “It was just a dream...” Jordan comforted himself trying to stop the panting and taking deep, calming breaths. As he calmed, and lowered his hands though he could tell he wasn't at home any longer.

So it wasn't a dream. Gabriel his mother, and father were-- dead? It couldn't be! Where was he though? Was he even with that god awful man anymore? Jordan wanted to think not but he had this feeling that man was around somewhere.. Taking a deep breath if not for anything, but to gain some confidence to run, Jordan as quietly as he could removed the covers off of himself. “I need to get out of here..” Jordan whispered to himself. After glancing around though it became apparent that who ever this man was had money.. Or he just killed the previous owners. That gave him the creeps even more. Jordan crept up to the bedroom door and after not seeing anyone, Jordan made a mad dash to find an exit from this place. Hell, Jordan would have settled for a window even..

» Mood: Just.. wanting to get away // Outfit: his picture~ (He never changed before bed) // Location: Some.. Building? «

I don't think it's horrible. c:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:12 pm
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The depth of darkness
to which you can descend
and still live

Caius left Jordan be but he stayed near enough to the room so he could still here him. The house was rather large and had many corridors that lead to dead ends. Of course since Caius has lived here for so long he knew this place like the back of his hand, every door, every room, every secret passage was firmly etched into his mind. This was his safe haven when he was a young vampyre, he had aquired a good sum of money from killing and stealing from wealthy men and woman until he could finally buy a house like this. It kept him secluded from humans and he learned to control his thirst by hiring maids and slaves to practice his self control. Of course he never required their company for long and none of them ever left these grounds alive. Jordan would most likley be the first he kept alive for longer than a few months, because his blood was so precious.

He made his way to his room which was only a few doors down from the one he had put his new... guest in. His room was nothing more than a desk a bed that was never used (except on special occasions.) and a dresser that held his many different outfits dating back to 200 years ago. Sadly most of his old favorite clothing was tattered and moth bitten. So he usually tried to stay with the era but often failed. He sat at his desk and pulled out one of his many journals and began to fill in a log for the day. It was a way to keep all his memories that way he would never forget a name or event. Somewhere in the middle of his entry he heard movement coming from Down the hall. A smile grew on his lips as he realized the real fun was about to begin now that he had Jordan in his home. He slowly rose to his feet, in no hurry since Jordan would never be able to find his way through the thick forest, then headed out into the long corridor in time to see Jordan round the corner.

Knowing the house as well as he did, Caius decided to take a route that would allow him to intercept the other at one of the four corridor intersections. He could hear the sound of the others heart pounding in fear and that excited him. It was a real chase now. Right as he made it to th intersection he could heard Jordans footsteps just a few feet away. He stepped in the nephilims pass and smiled debviously. "and where do you think you are goin?" he asked witha cruel smile, his teeth glinting in the candle light. Since light bothered Caius's eyes he stuck to candle light rather than electricity, which was why the house was so dimly lit. It also added an aura of forebodding. "There is really no point in running, but if you must you can have a 5 second head start and i will tell you how to make it outside." it was obvious he was simply playing games with Jordan for his own amusement. His eyes had returned to being as black as coal, they only turned red after he feeds.

is an exact measure
of the height to which
you can aspire to reach.

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((I oculd be doing better))



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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 2:12 pm
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Holding the purest of light....
Jordan Shwan

Yet I am prone to darkness..

Oh man did Jordan run as fast as he could, searching up and down. He even came to a dead end. Where ever the exit was, Jordan felt the need that he must find it even if it killed him. This place was just so-dark-, the halls were dimly lit by candles which made quite a few areas shadowy. It was a shock anyone would live here comfortably. Jordan felt like he was going to mad if he couldn't find at least one area with normal lighting.. As Jordan ran though, he had stopped for a brief few moments. Even though everything around seemed to be, and felt so dark; looking at his skin made him feel slightly better. Due to this place making him feel so uncomfortable, Jordan's skin very softly lit up to actually act as a sort of nightlight of kinds. It was weird. Really, really, weird. Jordan had no time to go over that though. He'd freak out later. Right now he had to focus on getting the hell out of here.

Once again, Jordan picked up his speed, crossing halls, turning corners, checking doors.. Then he suddenly felt this wave of evil flush over him, fogging his little troubled and terrified mind. As his eyes shut to cope with the feeling, he felt the presence was now there and quickly opened his eyes. Jordan yelled in shock a bit, seeing this man from last night watching him. Uh oh.. His feet skid against the ground as he prevented himself from slamming into this man.. Unfortunately that led to Jordan slamming his butt to the ground a few feet in front of this man. Jordan bit his lip just trying not to show that pained him. He caught on to the fact that this man seemed to enjoy the pain of others.. He was so sick! Sense Jordan wasn't being grabbed, or approached yet, he jumped up to his feet and boldly stood his ground.

That cruel smile on that man's face.. Jordan just wanted to rip it off! He hadn't been around to see it too often but, already he had grown tired of it. Where was Jordan going? He wanted to just leave this place! He obviously couldn't go home though. Everyone was dead. Jordan felt a rush of anger that quickly heated his blood to boiling point. “Where am I going?! I don't know! Maybe some island paradise! ANYWHERE that YOU wont be!”Jordan snapped, his voice had his own little hint of cruelty in it. Obviously not as cruel as this man though. Jordan would never be able to be that cruel. Not even if he tried. It'd just wreck him. If Jordan thought that first question got to him, oh boy was he severely wrong.

Five second head start and directions out of here? Would have sounded great if Jordan was you know, stupid. Jordan tightly balled his hands into fists, a certain anger provoked flare flashing through his eyes, and he growled under his breath. “Oh, pft. I was beginning to think you were a horrible person but, now I don't know.” Jordan replied as sarcasticly as he possibly could have. That's when Jordan reached for and grabbed onto the nearest blunt object. “How about I repay you with my permission for you to burn in hell!?” Jordan asked as he flung the object at the man. That was that. Jordan didn't even wait to see the object hit the man, or if it even hit him at all. Jordan took a left into another hall to get away. Jordan couldn't seem to tell which ways he had even been yet. 'WHY does everything look the same to me!' Jordan shouted in thought.

» Mood: Just.. wanting to get away // Outfit: his picture~ (He never changed before bed) // Location: Some.. Building? «

Eh, don't beat yourself up for it. It's still entertaining. ^^
1x1 RPs (Yaoi or Yuri)

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