Archolites first off, are trapped demons and angels inside stones or crystals, They are said to have given a power to those who set them free, but of course setting them free is no easy task. You make a bond with this demon or angel and it takes your life for it's own. And if you do not take care of your Archolite then you will die. People have battle with their new found Guardians and even between each other. Think of it like Yu-gi-o or poke'mon... only more deadly and you can't just goof around with them. They are always by your side and take the same age as you, and grows as you do. Now each Archolite has 1 basic move and 1 of it's unique power such as
certain angels come with flight and give of natural light, the difference between each angel can be that it's hands are literally blade and it can attack you like it had any basic sword (basic attack) but then it can turn into a whirling blade of death where the hair, fingers, and joints end up growing blades and come at their opponent in an ultimate form. (special ability)
The Archolite will serve you and treat you as it's master even though it holds your life in it's hands, Demons, they expect to be treated like masters and don't care for your happiness but they do give you much more power, so being friends with one that actually loves you back is lucky. So if you have any question you can message me and I'll explain the best I can.
The setting is like any school, elementary middle, and High school (unless you wanna be in upper which is professional so... college) is all in one campus but in separate building. You have a boys dorm and a girls dorm, and the purpose of the school is to teach how to better your bond with your Archolite, and normal teaching in advanced knowledge.
You are welcome to play as the Archolite, or the human. I have a character for either one already created, so you choose.
Heads up my Archolite is a semi and my human is an uke, so it's still up to you but I thought I'd warn you first.