Obviously all going to be yaoi. Just not going to go through and retype them all.
Anime or Real.


Protecting the Princess:
The Knight was considered the ideal bodyguard for the Princess. He was chivalrous, levelheaded, an accomplished warrior, and had a reputation for honorable behavior. He seemed perfect for watching over her, until she was safely married off to the Prince of Erias. However, there were two snags to this perfect plan. First, the Princess has no desire to marry the Prince, and would prefer to marry even the Knight. And secondly, the Knight in question is actually a girl.

Forever and Always:
A girl named Candy is going to a school for tenns that have special powers or aren't human. Candy is rare fallen angel..she has demon in her. One day the headmaster let her leave and she was wandering the town and saw a guy name Wyatt. While she's out she talks to him and falls in love with him. When she returns to the school the headmaster wont let her leave again. Wyatt has to try a save her. Will he break her out or will she have to stay there forever.

Forgotten Lovers:
Two hearts beat at the beat of the drums, sounds familiar? Of course it does, but sadly two lovers have forgotten that, when the boy left, the girl turned her back on him, cheating, lying and sleeping with others. A year later she settled down and found a worthy boyfriend.
But the boy still thought about her, he sent her letters that she never read, he dreamed about dreams she would never know, when he fought the battles she didn't know about, he fought for her.

Five years down the road, the girl is single, the sluttish lifestyle she once had is done, her lover just dumped her, and now the boy returns, a full grown man.

How Can I trust You Now:
Alexis and her girlfriend have been going out for awhile now and their perfectly happy together until one day Alexis finds out her Girlfriend is preganat.She had gotten drunk at a party and slep with some random guy.Alexis is shcked and hurt and she and her girlfriend don't know what to do next. What will happen?

The Vampire That Loved a Werewolf.:
So Alia was a Vampire That has been around since the first vampire. She has a crush on a Werewolf named (~~~~). Who showed up at her school and she fell for him.(~~~~) Found out that Alia that was a Vampire and couldnt date (~~~~) because it was against the rules. Alia doesnt listen and tries anyways. Will (~~~~) ignore the rules as well or will he break her heart.

The Faery That Loved A Human:

So Alia was a Faery That has been around since the first Faery. She has a crush on a Human named (~~~~). Who showed up at her school and she fell for him.(~~~~) Found out that Alia that was a Faery and couldnt date (~~~~) because it was against the rules. Alia doesnt listen and tries anyways. Will (~~~~) ignore the rules as well or will he break her heart.

A Child Can Not Keep Us From Loving Each Other.:
___ is basically the all around good guy with his hidden bad boy side. ___ is his girlfriend,Kaeya. She has had her bad times in life but ___ has always helped her through. The two have been dating since 7th grade and are now in their final years at high school. After being together for close to 4-5 years they agreed to take it to the next level...
After awhile Kaeya discovers she's pregnant. How will she tell the love of her life? And how will he react? Will they stay together or will their love be thrown away like yesterdays trash?

Wolfe Packs Sacrifice:
Kierstin Villo is the only daughter of the Moonlight Clan. Her clan has been at war with the Sunlight Clan for more than 2 centuries. The only way for the fighting to stop is if Kierstin marries the only son of the Sunlight Clan. No one in the Moonlight clan has ever met the son. Will the son of the sun light clan actually fall in love with Kierstin and go through with the marriage or will he just ditch it and run away?

Your What!:
(~~~~)and his boyfriend have been going out for awhile now and their perfectly happy together until one day (~~~~) finds out his boyfriend is preganat.(~~~~) and Olexei had fun one night and some how Olexei got pregnant. The Doctors have no clue how.(~~~~) gets scared and leaves for a while and Olexei freaks out and never leaves his house. What will happen? Will (~~~~) come back to Olexei and want to have the kid or will he leave forever and cause Olexei pain? (you play the guy with teh (~~~~)

She's Got Me Wrapped Around Her Finger:
___ is one of the best demons he even works for the devil. When God's daughter, Sara falls from heaven she is reborn as a human with no memories. ___ is sent to kill her before she remembers her past life, but the devil forgot ____ is in love with Sara, will he love this human Sara?

She's So...Fragile:
Callie is a pure girl, she takes dance, singing, and piano. But best of all she plays the flute so majestically that it can affect people's mood. ____ is a bad boy always breaking the rules, in trouble, but he can't keep his eyes off of Callie, but his friends made a plan if they got Callie out of the way then ___ would pay more attention to them. The friends don't tell ___ about their plan, every day after school they beat her up, ____ sees her scratches and bruises and follows her after school one day. When he sees what his friends have been doing will he stop them before it's too late for Callie?

Blonde is the new yellow!:
____ and Alli have been working together at a small cafe forever. They always are kind and never fight. But the funny thing is, Alli didn't show up on time so ___ went looking for her. He finds her critically ingered, and she doesn't live with her parents so they aren't there to help her. ____ takes her in but will they end up falling for each other?

I'll read your ideas too.