
I am back online and am currently seeking yaoi/yuri RP partners. I do have some rules:

1. You must be 18+ (I'm sorry, I've had issues in the past RPing with people who weren't... mature enough to handle)
2. Must be willing to put up with me having a life outside our RP. Because sometimes life comes before RPs cuz that's how life works.
3. No one-liners. If I am going to write you a paragraph, the most insulting thing you could do is send me a sentence back...
4. I am open to ideas but that being said: No guro, no mpreg, no noncon, and no incest (unless it's twincest. *wink wonk*)
5. I am willing to RP via forum thread or PM. If those do not work for you, we can discuss this in a PM.
6. If you read my rules and conditions please PM me with "All My Love to Madame Chaos" and we can begin discussing ideas.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a lovely day~