Yes, I am new to this guild but not new to yaoi! First let me introduce myself. My name is Becky. I started to love yaoi around 2-3 years ago. But been roleplaying for 4-5 years! If I don't reply. That either means I'm sleeping, on another site, reading manga or at school. Now enough with this chitchat let's get onto the ideas. Wait.. I always either play just plain uke and sometimes a seke.

Best friends
Pen Pals
Monster x Monster
Devils son x Gods son
New kid x Popular kid
Famous x Non fan
Artist x Chef

Fandoms~< these are from animes or shows>
Marshall Lee x Prince Gumball
Finn x Marshall Lee
Natsu x Gray
Natsu x OC
Naruto x OC

Ps. I do only three roleplays at a time.