::Last Order::
Chapter1- Cloud Strife
The young special operation member sat quietly inside the military truck surrounded by his comrades and two SOLDIER heroes, deep in thought he noticed how excited the one SOLDIER is about going to Nibelheim, “Its only a inspection of a mako reactor, what’s to be so excited about?”
The general finally spoke up to clam down his second in SOLDIER ‘Please Zack just sit down like the others and rest, we still have some way to go.’
‘I can’t help it, I’m going to the place where you girlfriend is living. Plus OP Strife’s hometown.’ Zack flashed a grin at Strife sitting with his back on the wall clutching his gun as he wore his helmet to cover his head ‘Come on Strife back me up here’
‘General Sephiroth is right, you must clam down.’ Strife spoke
Sephiroth has a small smile on his face as he closed his eyes. ‘Even Strife thinks you’re too excited for your own good.’
Zack finally sits down then just as he opened his mouth the truck flipped over causing everyone to violently thrown from their places. Zack found Strife laying beside him his weapon gone and a thin blood line running down his forehead, Zack then shook him by his shoulder. ‘Hey Cloud, you okay?’
Cloud moans then struggles to sit up ‘Wha-what happened?’
‘I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.’ Zack grabs the handle of his sword and stood up as he pulled out the buster sword from its resting place on Zack’s back ‘Stay here Cloud, I’m going to find the others.’ Like that Zack ran climbed out of the wrecked military truck and came face to face with a fiend the size of house, snarling and ready to attack who’d ever emerged from the truck. ‘Looks like I’m going b have a mid day workout after all.’
Sephiroth leaped from the other side of the truck with his 7 foot Masume sword in hand and strikes the beast, bring the fiend to its side ‘Glade to see that you’re alright Zack.’ Sephiroth spoke as he landed gracefully on his feather a few meters away from Zack.
‘Damn, I still can get over your swordsmen skills.’ Zack readied himself
The fiend struggled to stand on all fours, growling and thrashing its long spiked tail around
‘ops, gotta kill the bugger first.’ Zack ran at the fiend as Sephiroth stood by and watched Zack finish off the fiend.
Cloud crawled out of the truck and sat at Sephiroth’s feet without knowing it as he watched Zack tear the fiend a new a*****e ‘Amazing.’
‘You could learn from this Strife.’ Sephiroth spoke ‘It’s a shame that you weren’t accepted into SOLDIER, you wouldn’t been as much impressive as Zack is right now’ Sephiroth spoke to Cloud without looking at him, but Sephiroth knew why the kid was never excepted into SOLDIER and why Zack is always insisting to bring Cloud to every one of their missions ‘Is there anyone else in there with you?’
‘No sir.’ Cloud spoke quietly
‘Go and find the team, report back in 5 minutes.’ Sephiroth ordered
Cloud stood up on his own two feet. ‘Yes sir.’ Cloud left the truck in a run to search for the other 6 members of the team “Why?”
Zack returned with a huge smile on his face ‘Wow that was great’
‘I sent Strife to look for the others’
Zack looked at Sephiroth ‘Sephy they’re dead.’
‘I guess there’s no time then the present to walk.’
Zack looked to the ground knowing that Sephiroth is right. ‘I’ll get Strife and we’ll go.’
Cloud looked around for anyone coming across one awhile go that had no head nor legs really got to him. Then suddenly he found three members limping towards Cloud, holding each other up “Thank god.”
‘Hey Cloud,’ Zack stopped in his tracks to see the other member to the inspection team in mint condition ‘Well I’ll be damned.’
Cloud ran over to the members then took the most injured one and carried him on his back ‘Rough day?’
‘You can say that again.’ Joked the guy
A young female waited by the gates to Nibelheim for the group to show up. “Your late.” She picked at the scab on her arm while kicking the dirt, sighing she stopped then stretched out her muscles then looked out to the desert plain then finally noticed five men walking towards the gate. ‘Finally’
Sephiroth looked back at the remaining men, noticing that Zack looked unstable. ‘You pushed yourself again.’
‘nah,’ Zack continued to walk the same pace ‘I’m fine.’ Zack shifted the buster sword on his back for a more comfortable fitting
Cloud wanted to say something too but didn’t because Sephiroth is with them.
‘Hey Cloud, can you ease up a bit. Your hurting my legs’ moaned the OP
Cloud loosed his grips around the guy’s legs while continued on behind Zack
‘Hey there’s your fiancée buddy.’ Zack pointed out the female waving to them.
Sephiroth got pulled out of thought to see his soon to be wife waving at them with some towns folk behind her. ‘I wonder what the feeling will be this time round.’
‘I don’t know, maybe I’ll get slapped again.’ Zack teased
‘We’ll see.’
As they came closer Zack ran out ahead of the group to hug Sephiroth’s fiancée but got surrounded by the women of the town instead.
‘Whoa, whoa take it easy ladies’
She went straight to Sephiroth ‘How are you?’
‘Our men are injured and exhausted from the trip. We got attacked by a dragon type fiend’ Sephiroth comments
‘You know where I live right?’ She ran over to the men and carefully took off the helmet of the guy laying on the ground ‘You’ll be okay.’
Sephiroth watched her pour a white liquid into the OP’s mouth and closed it. “Rem.” Sephiroth left the scene to retire inside that lush rich home near the ShinRa Manor
She looked at the last guy and reached to take off his helmet but he pulled away from her ‘I’m just going to give you this.’
Cloud shook his head as he continued to back away from her. “No don’t touch me!” Cloud screamed in his mind
Zack managed to escape the females and stopped Cloud ‘Hey its just some stuff that will make you feel better.’
‘Now just remove your helmet and I’ll give you some.’ She reached out for his helmet again but he ducked underneath Zack’s arm and ran off into the town
Zack noticed another female that helped the men to their feet “Tifa? Is that why Cloud ran away because of Tifa?”
‘Don’t worry I’ll catch him.’ She ran off after Cloud
‘Vai! Wait!’ Zack called after her but stayed behind to help the OP’s to the hotel ‘This is not going to turn out good.’
Vai caught Cloud in ShinRa manor yard, forcefully pinning him down to the down, which unlucky for Cloud had enough force to knock off his helmet. ‘Cloud?’
Vai quickly got off Cloud and sat on the ground beside him ‘If I knew you underneath that helmet, I’d stopped myself.’
‘I’m just lucky I’m a fast runner.’ Cloud lies his head down on Vai’s shoulder ‘I’m just exhausted, let me sleep right here for awhile.’
Vai blushed then opens the bottle of Rem and give some to Cloud ‘Your weren’t that fast.’
Cloud moans as a response to Vai talking to him
‘I don’t need to be back in the town just yet, I have sometime.’ Vai closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Cloud holding close to her so that Cloud could be more comfortable
Sephiroth watch from the manor through the telescope, hitting this hand on the table Sephiroth caused the legs to crack “I knew that Strife will become a unworthy addition to this mission, no, Zack wanted him to come back here.” Sephiroth moved away from the window and telescope to sit down in the leather chair. “I guess there’s not other choice, I’ll have to show Strife, Cloud that Vai is mine.”
A knock came to the door
Zack came into the room ‘I’ve got our men to the hotel safely with Tifa’s help’
‘Is she the one that going to take us to the reactor?’ Sephiroth questions
‘Yeah, apparently Vai had to go check on things at the manor tomorrow because she’s the one that take care of the place while that bra--- Rufus ShinRa is gone.’ Zack explained.
‘Yes, that kid is a brat.’ Sephiroth agreed ‘I knew that he would become head of the company sooner or later. But since his old b*****d of a father is still alive we still get things going that way we want them to be.’
‘True, its not like their going to bar SOLDIER’
‘That is what Rufus want, his Turks are that only things that can actually do s**t.’
Zack laughed ‘Those Turks are good for nothing, they don’t do brute work.’
‘That’s where SOLDIER comes in,’ Zack finally realized something ‘Where’s Vai gone?’
Sephiroth looked at Zack ‘How much do you want Strife to be in SOLDIER’
‘A whole lot. Without the skills that Strife has SOLDIER would be more greater then it is already.
Sephiroth merely nodded, ‘Instead of staying in the hotel, why not stay here?’
‘It would be an honor to stay with us here inside this lovely home.’ Sephiroth grew more desperate to show that He is that only person that could have Vai in his arms,
‘Sure.’ Zack suddenly thought about the men in the hotel rooms ‘But, I can’t really leave the men there by themselves’
‘Its not problem we can move them here when they are ready to move.’ Sephiroth stood up and grabs Zack’s shoulder. ‘Vai’s a really good cook, stay here with us.’
‘Alright then, if you put it that way.’ Zack smiled ‘You know your not half bad Sephy’
That night Vai return with Cloud who is still groggy from sleeping outside. ‘Hello were back. I hope you don’t mind Cloud being here tonight.’
Zack waved ‘Yo, Sephiroth invited us to stay here.’
“Why?” Vai thought
Sephiroth grabs Vai from behind her and kissed her cheek ‘You’ve kept me waiting.’
Cloud wanted to destroy his commanding officer, but Cloud knew that Vai is his wife and there’s nothing that he could do about it. ‘Ma’am, I’m just going to step outside for some air.’
‘Permission granted.’ Sephiroth answered for Vai
‘Same here.’ Zack stood up from the couch and walked Cloud out the front door
Sephiroth glared at them as they both walked out “A little more convincing should do the trick.”
‘You want me to make you favorite sir?’ Vai teased
Sephiroth kissed Vai again but this time on the lips then pulled away
‘I’ll take that as a yes, sir.’ Vai giggled then headed into the kitchen ‘You know showing your affection to me in public is wrong sir.’
‘I’m the general, I do what the ******** I want.’
‘Point taken.’ Vai winks then enters the kitchen
Sephiroth sat down on the couch and picked up the three world newspaper “Seems to me that things are coming together thanks to that brat of a kid Rufus.”
Zack put his arm around Cloud pulling him close to him ‘I know about your crush on the general’s wife.’
Cloud tried to push Zack’s arm away from him, as luck has it Zack is still stronger then he is ‘Like you’re the one to talk.’
‘True, but I don’t get jealous everything he kisses her.’
Cloud frowned.
‘Come on Cloud, there’s lots of girls out there waiting’ Zack quickly pushed Cloud into the brush ‘Stay boy.’
‘Zack is the general inside?’ Questioned Tifa
‘Yeah, he’s just sitting down reading the paper.’ Zack points at the house ‘You want me to get him for you?’
Tifa shook her head ‘No, There’s a message for the general saying that dr. Hojo will be coming here for the inspection tomorrow’
‘I’ll make sure to pass on the message for you Tifa.’ Zack spoke ‘So where’s the nearest bar around here?’
‘If you head back the way you came there’s a bar right near the gates, its pretty small and the company isn’t bad.’
‘You going to be there?’
‘No, I’ve got to lead people to the mako reactor tomorrow morning.’ Tifa smiled at Zack ‘Tomorrow I will be.’
‘It’s a date then.’
Tifa skips off towards the tower ‘Goodnight Zack.’
Cloud emerged from the bush ‘Zack you really are a player’
‘Hey come with the looks.’
Cloud climbs out of the bush then sits next to Zack ‘What about Aerith?’
Zack sighed, ‘I just don’t know. I still do love her very much but something tells me that---‘ Zack stopped talking ‘Let’s head back inside and talk more with Vai and Sephiroth.’
‘Vai I can.’
Zack laughed and messed up Cloud’s hair a bit ‘Come on kiddo’ Zack stood up and entered the house as Cloud followed him ‘Wow, something smells great in here!’
Vai looked back from the kitchen ‘Dinner’s almost ready.’
Zack noticed that Sephiroth is missing from the scene ‘Where’s the general?’
‘You know him, work, work, work.’ Vai returned in making the salad ‘He’s on the top level of the house.’
‘K, I’m going to go up and give him a message from Tifa.’ Zack started his way up the stairs
Cloud wondered into the kitchen to find the table, to his surprise that there wasn’t a table in sight
‘So, you’re just going to hide all your life from Tifa?’ Vai questions
Cloud looked at her ‘If I can.’
‘Its hard I know, when I talk to people and ask about who’s the man the put this ring on my finger, they run.’
‘Do you love him?’ Cloud blurts out
Vai stopped chopping the lettuce, ‘yes.’ Vai turned to look at Cloud ‘Or at least I do.’
‘Then love me.’ Cloud spoke as he blushed
Vai blushed as well ‘I can’t, my heart belongs to Sephiroth’
‘I can’t help but to think that you unhappy with him.’
‘I am, I’m very happy with Sephiroth. He is very kind to me.’
‘Kind as in how?’ Cloud got angry
Vai also got angry ‘If you like, how about I’ll tell the general that you’re in love with me and it’s driving you insane to know that he love me.’
Sephiroth and Zack appeared at the door ‘Loves who?’
‘You of course.’ Vai covered Cloud’s a** in getting kicked out of the military ‘Dinner is ready now, I’m just going to delver these ones to the boys upstairs’ Vai turned away from Cloud and puts three salads and steaks on different trays ‘Zack be a SOLDIER and help me.’
‘Sure thing Ma’am’ Zack took two of the trays then followed Vai up the stairs
Sephiroth looked at Cloud ‘So, you enjoying my fiancée’s presence’
‘Sir, may I have my permission to use the restroom?’
Cloud looked up at Sephiroth ‘Sir?’
‘Answer my question Strife.’ Sephiroth began glaring at the spiky blonde
Cloud nodded ‘Yes sir, Ms. Vai is great company.’
Sephiroth’s smile curved devilishly ‘You may go’
Cloud leaves the presence of the general in search of a bathroom until coming upon Vai
‘What’s wrong?’
‘Where’s the bathroom?’ Cloud questioned with his head bowed
Vai points to the room beside Cloud ‘Right there.’
Cloud enters the bathroom then shuts the door behind him “Damn him! Damn him to hell!” Cloud slumped to the floor in the bathroom as hot tears streamed down Cloud’s face
Vai pulled away from the door “Maybe I was too hard on him. Kumi had a point when she said that Cloud is my age range. But Cloud has to understand that he can’t get everything in life.” Vai felt someone wrap their arms around her waist then suddenly Vai slapped the person,
‘Was that really necessary?’
Vai gasped when she faced at the person ‘Sephiroth, I’m so sorry. I thought you were Zack’
‘I know I could trust not to betray me.’ Sephiroth pulls Vai close to him as he nuzzled his nose into her neck and began whispering in her ear causing Vai to blush deeply
‘General we can’t do that here, not when there’s guests’ Vai giggled as she kissed the red mark on Sephiroth’s cheek
‘Like I said, I can the ******** I want.’ Sephiroth pecked Vai on the cheek ‘and what I want is you my dear.’
‘Your so naughty,’
Sephiroth moaned slightly ‘Yes I am.’
‘Can I go through the love tunnel?’ Zack questioned ‘I’m starving for a home cooked meal’
‘Me too.’ Sephiroth lifted Vai into his arms and carried her down the stairs
Zack stretched his head ‘Makes me think how much I miss Aerith’ Zack followed them down the stairs and into the kitchen ‘So Sephy what’s the menu?’
‘Fresh baked garlic bread with blood sauce steak and whipped cheese potatoes with the side dish of salad’ Sephiroth held Vai’s hand ‘For desert its off limits to you.’
‘He means is that desert is apple pie with cinnamon honey dew tea’ Vai frown at Sephiroth while giving him the warning look
Sephiroth smirked.
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