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My Adventures of My Life! (not really)
Uhh...I wont really be writing about any adventures, because I never really have any XD But I just LOVE adventures! But what I will be writing about is what happened throughout my day so far, or what's been going on, ect.

Natalie ...: mimzy! aloha!
Natalie ... has selected the "Precious Moments" IMVironment.

Hamim Sultana: hey sis
Hamim Sultana: sry for not replying
Natalie ...: it's ok
Hamim Sultana: i was playing SO
Hamim Sultana: i blame it on you
Hamim Sultana: i didnt get to play too long either
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: sorry
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Hamim Sultana: no it's not ok
Hamim Sultana: lalal back
Hamim Sultana: hello?
Hamim Sultana: guess what???
Natalie ...: what?
Hamim Sultana: i got an award!
Hamim Sultana: for the arabic writing compitition!
Hamim Sultana: that means they liked my handwriting
Natalie ...: AWESOME!
Natalie ...: CONGRATS MIMZY!
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: yaaay!
Hamim Sultana: heheh thanks!
Hamim Sultana: the award ceremony is this wednesday
Hamim Sultana: i'll get it then!
Hamim Sultana: woohooo!
Hamim Sultana: *huggles natty*
Hamim Sultana: weeeee!
Hamim Sultana: i was surprised hehehe
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: woo!!!
Natalie ...: ~huggles back~
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Hamim Sultana: oh and did u finish rescueing Ameena?
Hamim Sultana: i assume u did
Natalie ...: WHA?T!
Natalie ...: WHAT?! O.O
Natalie ...: no! O.O
Natalie ...: she gets kidnapped?!
Natalie ...: O.O
Natalie ...: i just barely met her in the game!
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: huh???
Hamim Sultana: xD
Hamim Sultana: OOPS!
Hamim Sultana: SORRY!
Hamim Sultana: oh wait ur not pathetic like me xD
Hamim Sultana: lalala
Hamim Sultana: and uhh...should i make it clear?
Natalie ...: nah lol it's ok
Natalie ...: i'll just find out later
Hamim Sultana: hehehe it's a good thing u're not like me xD
Natalie ...: i might not play today cause im doing something else
Natalie ...: XDDD
Natalie ...: well it's not THAT big of a deal to me
Natalie ...: i mean i'd prefer not to know
Hamim Sultana: to me it is xD
Hamim Sultana: i go crrraaaazy
Natalie ...: but if u tell me i'd be like "awwww man! i wanted it to be a surprised.... oh well "
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: sry xD man i feel bad
Hamim Sultana: it's a good thing u're not like me. if u were i wouldn't mind either. i'd be happy there is someone else out there like me (<--would go crazy if she found out)
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: well if it were like a major spoiler then most likely i WOULD go crazy
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: hhehehe, good thing this isn't a spoiler at all
Hamim Sultana: lalala
Hamim Sultana: but i consider t as a spoiler
Hamim Sultana: it*
Hamim Sultana: oh!
Hamim Sultana: so where are u up to now?
Natalie ...: i just barely got to the inn in that town where u meet ameena
Hamim Sultana: oh...
Hamim Sultana: and after meeting her u saved and shut it off?
Natalie ...: yup cause i had to go cause of my family coming over for my dad's bday
Hamim Sultana: oohh okies
Hamim Sultana: aww man..
Hamim Sultana: i wish that was Sophia
Natalie ...: i know me too!
Natalie ...: and and and i have a hunch about the leader Cliff was telling Fayt about but im not 100% sure of it
Natalie ...: but i have a hunch
Natalie ...: but w.e
Natalie ...: i'll find out later on
Hamim Sultana: i had a feeling that the surprise was sophia related...but i also had a feleing it wouldn't be her
Hamim Sultana: same here
Hamim Sultana: i also have a hunch....
Hamim Sultana: i'll tell u wat it is in awhile
Natalie ...: k
Hamim Sultana: i have a feeling we both have the same hunch xD
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: can i say it firsT?
Natalie ...: first*?
Natalie ...: XD lol
Hamim Sultana: sure
Natalie ...: k
Hamim Sultana: wait!
Hamim Sultana: if i say i thought the same thing as u
Hamim Sultana: im telling the truth
Hamim Sultana: and yeah...that's all i had to say
Hamim Sultana: xD
Hamim Sultana: continue
Natalie ...: i think the leader is Fayt's twin sister (since Cliff said it was a she) and that the reason y Fayt's "dad" was taken away is because ... idk y XD but he's not his real dad
Natalie ...: and the reason y i say twin is because Cliff also said "so stubborn. just like her"
Natalie ...: and Fayt was like huh?
Natalie ...: and cliff said "nothing. nevermind" or something like that
Hamim Sultana: i htink the leader is Maria
Hamim Sultana: and well...im not sure about the twin sister part, but it's a good hunch
Hamim Sultana: but on youtube
Hamim Sultana: they had those pairing endings
Hamim Sultana: and one of them was Maria and Fayt i think
Hamim Sultana: so yeah
Hamim Sultana: no, cliff just said stubborn just like...nvm
Natalie ...: something like that! XD lol
Hamim Sultana: but i also think the two are twins...
Natalie ...: but yeah i think that's it
Hamim Sultana: i dont remember well
Natalie ...: i still think it and and and and yeah XD
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: or maybe not twins
Hamim Sultana: heheh
Hamim Sultana: same here
Natalie ...: but related
Hamim Sultana: i hope not!
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: i want them together!
Hamim Sultana: i like fayt and Sohpia
Hamim Sultana: Sophia*
Hamim Sultana: but also
Hamim Sultana: Maria and Fayt
Natalie ...: yeah.... i know how u feel
Natalie ...: ....when i was younger....
Hamim Sultana: as long as Maria and Fayt aren't very close in blood, I can SORTA accept it. hey, it could be worse
Natalie ...: i had a crush on my cousin Miguel... (the one im trying to beat all the time) but it went away after time
Hamim Sultana: oooh....
Natalie ...: cause i knew it was wrong to like my cousin in that way
Natalie ...: and im glad i realized that cause after what happened with my bro and cuz
Natalie ...: i was scared that would have happened to me
Natalie ...: besides i was young and an idiot XD
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: hehe
Hamim Sultana: im glad it stopped
Natalie ...: yeah me too
Natalie ...: i still love him but as a cuz and nothing more
Hamim Sultana: u mean nothing DIFFERENT
Natalie ...: and now i wanna beat him until he admits im better than him! MUAHAHAHA! W^O^W
Hamim Sultana: i mean
Hamim Sultana: well
Hamim Sultana: u know what i mean
Natalie ...: lol yeah
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: did u do the Nancy Drew quest?
Natalie ...: yup! ^.^
Hamim Sultana: yaaaay!
Hamim Sultana:
Hamim Sultana: i love quests
Natalie ...: me too!
Natalie ...: especially decetive ones hehe
Hamim Sultana: i see u've changed ur outfit
Hamim Sultana: looks nice
Hamim Sultana: yupy up! same here!
Natalie ...: nah lol it was my old one i got kind tired of the school girl one XD
Hamim Sultana: u haven't commented on my profile for awhile now
Natalie ...: sworry i haven't really beed sending that many comments
Hamim Sultana: I changed my hair! well it's not big deal but...yeah
Hamim Sultana: it's ok
Hamim Sultana: it just felt a little weird. im just a bit used to it i guess xD
Natalie ...: lol maybe
Natalie ...: i think im going to sell some of my "school girl" things since i didn't like that look at that much after all XD
Hamim Sultana: hehehe oooh okies
Hamim Sultana: i wanna go to the movie teather one day!
Hamim Sultana: the gaia one si mean xD
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: hey mimi do u know what to do with all the bugs u get on gaia?
Hamim Sultana: umm...u make ink witht hem i guess
Hamim Sultana: but u need a ceratin amount
Natalie ...: i have a bunch O.O
Natalie ...: but everytime i got to Moira (the one u need to go to to exchange bugs) she says "Those bugs are just gonna keep flying around, if you don't catcn any, we're not going to be able to talk until u do"
Natalie ...: but i already have like 455346146523432 of them XD
Hamim Sultana: hehe go to tektek.org
Hamim Sultana: and they'll tell u how many u need to make a specific ink
Natalie ...: wow weird. i clicked to go to that site right now and u just barely said to go there
Natalie ...: and i was like XD
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: coooolio!
Hamim Sultana: *eats mimzy*
Hamim Sultana: omg I ate myself!
Hamim Sultana: i ate mimz!
Hamim Sultana: oooooh!
Hamim Sultana: oh! oh! oh!
Hamim Sultana: another nickname for me!
Hamim Sultana: Mimz!
Hamim Sultana: :S
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: hehehe
Hamim Sultana: call me Mimz too ok?
Hamim Sultana: xD
Hamim Sultana: wat kind of person am i? i give myself nicknames. and change them all the time
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: hehehehe
Hamim Sultana: did u see the new hair for my avi?
Natalie ...: nope let me go check
Natalie ...: oh! pretty!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: hehe thanks. its not that great
Hamim Sultana: i only changed it because i wanted a new look
Hamim Sultana: im still questing for the pixie
Natalie ...: lol k
Hamim Sultana: im gonna go soon
Hamim Sultana:
Natalie ...: awwww
Natalie ...: okies well imma have to work on hw anyways so yeah
Natalie ...: im just doing something real quick
Hamim Sultana: oh okies
Hamim Sultana: well i should say bye bye now
Natalie ...:
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: y the hell did that smiley come out?
Natalie ...: XD
Natalie ...: i meant *
Natalie ...: lol
Natalie ...: well talk to u later then
Hamim Sultana: lol
Hamim Sultana: okies
Hamim Sultana: bye bye! good night!
Hamim Sultana: good luck with SO!
Hamim Sultana: trust me, u'll need th eluck
Hamim Sultana: the next little quest is like HWOA!
Hamim Sultana: whoa*
Hamim Sultana: it ate me alive today
Hamim Sultana: well anyways
Natalie ...: XD
Hamim Sultana: good night
Natalie ...: lol
Hamim Sultana: eat tight
Natalie ...: okies
Natalie ...: bye bye!
Hamim Sultana: don't lett he food bite/fight!
Hamim Sultana: type fast!
Natalie ...: nighty night sleep tight don't let akamaru's fleas bite!
Hamim Sultana: hurry!
Natalie ...:
Hamim Sultana: hehe okies
Hamim Sultana: bye bye
Hamim Sultana: @i'll bute then back if theyd o!
Hamim Sultana: xD
Natalie ...: haha
Natalie ...: k

© Precious Moments, Inc.Next »

Edit: Lookie! It's Ren and OceanBliss at the movies.

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Taken on Monday, May 21,2007, 8:14 PM

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8:30 PM

P.S. The place is covered with popcron. xD

And yesh Sis, biggrin I love posting our comments, and the purpose is for the memories! All convos are important to me!

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Community Member

Wed May 23, 2007 @ 02:20am

SIS! XD Man you always post our convos don't you? Lol. Well, it serves as a memory. biggrin WOO! Lol.

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