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View User's Journal

Erm- hiya!
Psychotic Quiz.... omfg....
[A is for age:] 14

[B is for beer of choice:] n/a

[C is for career:] something in the engineering field is something that I'm aiming for

[D is for favorite Drink:] Jone's Soda &.&

[E is for essential item you use everyday:] Pencils for drawing

[F is for favorite song at the moment:] Erm- San Fransisco by Vanessa Carlton

[G is for favorite games:] Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy

[H is for hometown:] Not tellin'!

[I is for instruments you play:] Clarinet, and Piano &3

[J is for favorite juice?] Mango!

[K is for kids?:] maybe two, in the future

[L is for last kiss(when)] Still not had one!

[M is for marriage:] in the future

[N is for nickname:] Duffles, Ceri, Ceri-chan

[O is for overnight hospital stays:] NONE!!!!!!! -phew-

[P is for phobias:] Spiders- I can't stand the sound they make when you crunch them. -shudder-

[Q is for quote:] Ohmygoshi SWEAR!!!! (I say that all the time)

[R is for biggest regret:] Erm...being bad at paying people back.

[S is for self confidence:] Okay. Usual for a kid getting smashed into highschool.

[T is for time you wake up:] 6:00 for school, and on weekends it varies from 8:00-11:00

[U is for color underwear:] black

[V is for vegetable you love:] Carrots! Mmmmm

[W is for worst habit:] Hmmmm....

[X is for x-rays you've had:] For my wrist, which I sprained.

[Y is for yummy food you make:] Shrimp 'n' Hotroot Soup

[Z is for zodiac sign:] Virgo

What is your name? Cerium. Not tellin' joo.
Righty or Lefty: Righty

*********YOUR LOOKS*********
Hair color: brown
Eye color: brown
Height: 5' 2" approx.
Do you wear contacts or glasses? glasses
Do you have any piercings? yes
If so what do you have pierced? ears
Do you have a tattoo? nope
If so what and where? n/a
Do you wear any rings? yes, the occasional mood ring

**********JUST LATELY***********
How are you today? good, good, can't complain.
What shirt are you wearing right now: my Mugglecast T-shirt. WOOO Mugglecast!!!!
What does your hair look like at the moment? short, in my eyes, and in the way. -flips back-
What song are you listening to right now? Bring Me to Life (Evanescence)
What was the last thing you ate? Peach sherbert, mmmmm
How is the weather right now? Peachy. (haha) Starry sky, as it's 12:43 p.m. clear sky.
Last person you talked to on the phone? Erm, my friend?
Last dream you can remember? This weird one about marching band....
Who are you talking to right now? my friend. DUR.
What time is it? 12:44 pm.

**********MORE ABOUT YOU*************
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Periwinkle
Have you ever almost died? Nope- not yet anyway.
Do you like the person that sent you this? Erm, yeah? I copied and pasted it, so I guess that I have to like myself. &.&
How do you eat an Oreo: I pull the top off, nibble off the cream, and eat the cookie
What makes you happy? My kitty, and my colored pencils
What's the next CD you are going to buy? Regina Specktor, Begin to Hope
What's the best advice ever given to you? Men at this age, think with what's in their pants.
Have you ever won any special awards? Not really, but I have gotten quite a few for my artwork, and a few for school.
Do you like to dance? Not really. Not unless I'm forced to. I don't dance well.
Worst sickness you ever had? No idea, but I've had Strep Throat a lot.
What's the dumbest thing you've ever done? Oh great, here we go...
What's your favorite memory? Too many! Can't decide!
How many kids do you want to have? One or two.
Son's name? Salem
Daughter's name? Sienna
Do you do drugs? Ew- No!
Do you drink a bit of wine? Well, only a few sips, but it's not my favorite.
What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use? Garnier Fructise
What sport do you hate the most? Football (It's so pointless!!)
What are you most scared of? Spiders
How many TV's do you have in your house? Two
Do you have your own? Nope
Do you have your own phone line? Wish I did.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Yes! It's my sock monkey, that I named Lumpy. I made him! ^_^
Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone: Sprained my right wrist, tripping over my dog, walking backwards to my room. Dumb, no?
Who do you dream about: Band. Marching band. Nothing in particular.
Who do you tell your dreams to? Acrilla.
Who's the loudest friend you ! have: Oh great....
Who's the quietest friend?: Uh, one of them?

***********THIS OR THAT**********
Lights on/off? Off
Sun or rain? Rain
McDonalds or Burger King? Neither, stupid!
Scary or happy movies better? Happeh
On the phone or in person? phone
Paper or plastic? Paper (it's biodegradable!)
Sausage or pepperoni? Pepperoni
Summer or winter? Summer
Chocolate or white milk? White
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? Dr.Pepper all the way!
Glass half full or half empty? Half full
Tape or DVD? DVD
Cats or Dog? Cats! imma gonna be the crazy cat lady who lives on the corner!
Vanilla or Chocolate? chocolate
Skiing or Boarding? Boarding
Day or night? night
Cake or pie? cake!
Sunset or sunrise? Sunset

***********YOUR FAVES***************
Color: Sky blue
Food: Sushi!
Fast food: Eew...
Candy: Pocky!
Animal: Cats
Number: 42, the answer to life, the universe, and everything
Radio Station: I don't generally listen to the radio...
Band(s): Evanescence, Yellowcard, Nirvana
Actor or actress? RUPERT GRINT!!!!!!! -squee-
Day of the year: the 365th day.
Month: September
TV show? Heroes
Store: Kohls
Teacher: My band director!!! WE LOVE YOU MR. T
Saying: A friend will comfort you when he turns you down, but a true friend will go up to him and ask, "It's because you're gay, isn't it?"

**********HAVE YOU EVER**********
Broken the law? nope
Ran from the cops? nope
Stole something? does from siblings count?
Tried to kill yourself? no
Made yourself throw up? no
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? yes.....

NINE last things you did;;

9. last place you were: summer PE. -dies-
7. last beverage: a Vault energy soda. my friends were DOOMED
6. last movie watched: the first Harry Potter. Such a nice little movie. ^_^
5. last phone call: to a friend
4. last cd played: Evanescence, the Open Door
3. last bubble bath: Last Tuesday (it's Friday now)
2. last time you cried: Last Tuesday. (it's still Friday)
1. last alcoholic drink: Christmas? (a sip of some Japanese plum vodka.)

EIGHT have you ever s;;

8. have you ever dated someone twice: nope
7. have you ever BEEN cheated ON: nope
6. have you ever kissed someone: nope
5. have you ever kissed someone you regret: nope
4. have you ever fallen in love: still in love! &3
3. have you ever lost someone: no
2. have you ever been depressed: yes
1. have you ever been drunk and thrown up: no

SEVEN states you’ve been to;;

1. New York
2. Indiana
3. Kentucky
4. North Carolina
5. Alabama
6. Georgia
7. South Carolina

FIVE things you do on a daily basis;;

1. Go online
2. Drink tea
3. Draw
4. Eat
5. Sleep

THREE favorite colors;;

1. Light blue
2. Green
3. Orange

So Far in 2007 I have;;

Been to school - yes
Made a new friend - yes
Laughed until you cried - a BUTTLOAD.
Went behind your parents back - a bit
Cried over an ex - don't have one
Disappointed someone close - yes
Pretended to be happy - yes
Met someone who changed your life - yes
Lost someone close to you - no
Gotten close to someone - oh yeah
Given up something important to you - yes
Found out who your true friends were - last year


1. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party?: no

2. Are you easily excited?: yus

3. What event is coming up that you're most excited about?: HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS ON JULY 21ST OMFG

4. Which of your friends gets you the most excited?: A certain one we call Sticky.

5. If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought? Oh. My. God.

6. If you could have anything right now: A million dollars and some tea?

7. Love or money?: Luuuve

1. Where do you hang your towel to dry after showering?: On the floor.

2. What kind of mouse pad do you have?: A boring black one

3. Do you brush your hair with a comb or a brush?: brush

4. In your opinion, who do you think is the hottest celebrity?: Johnny Depp.

5. You have a project due tomorrow, do you use tape or glue?: glue

6. Chicken or pork?: chicken

7. By the time you get to school, is it still dark?: usually

8. If you had a choice to be a unicorn or mermaid which would it be?: Unicorn, mermaids are slutty.

9. What color is your underwear? pink

10. What time does the sun usually set?: 9:00

11. What/who do you think of last before you go to sleep?: I think of my Kingdom Hearts roleplays, and what I'm going to do next.

12. fan or AC? AC

13. Do you wear braces?: got out at the end of the summer last year

14. Can you do a hand stand?: yes

15. If you were the opposite sex, how would you style your hair?: kind of long, and messy (guy)

16. What level English are you in?: 9 honors

17. Jessica Simpson or Alba?: Jessica Simpson

18. Which subject is worse, English or Math?: Math

19. What's one thing you really want to do this very moment?: get some tea?

20. What movie are you embarrassed to admit you've watched?: Final Fantasy Unlimited. It sucked.

21. CD player or iPOD?: iPOD, not as bulky

22. Would you rather spin upside down going 30 mph or drop 400 feet from a bungee cord?: spin upside down going 30 miles per hour. that would be freaking fun.

23. What’s your favorite shape?: triangle!

24. What do you have planned for the weekend?: sleep, and then on Sunday I'm going to learn how to make glass beads

26. If you were put in a room with nothing except for a pencil and paper, what would you do?: make tiny doodles on the paper until it was full

27. Is it always easy finding your remote every time you want to watch TV?: no, hardly ever.

28. How was your day?: fine, fine

29. Do you grow your nails, bite or cut?: I cut 'em

30. Describe your handwriting: kind of pointy, and small

31. Do you consider yourself a stalker?: yeah....

32. Do you bruise easily?: kind of

33. There's nothing on TV except Barney and Japanese news what do you do?: Turn it off.

34. Do you know more then 3 myspace codes?: nope

35. You got an essay due, you either can type or write in pen, which will it be?: type it, so I can get online!

36. Do you wear jeans to relax at home?: yeah

37. Describe yourself using three words: day-dreamer, hidden, fun

38. Do you use deodorant?: yes

39. Do you like ice in your drink?: yes

009. Food? Sushi
010. Drink? Mango juice! omg!
011. Movie? Oh my... FFVII Advent Children, HP OOTP when it comes out (JULY 13TH!!!)
012. Music Band? Yellowcard, Evanescence, Vanessa Carlton
013. Animal? Cats, they're just pwnsome
014. Sport? Marching Band!
015. Place to live? I'd like to live in Ireland someday, people are cool there.
016. Subject? Art, most definitely.

017. Best thing that happened to you in the last few years? Uhm... Probably everything. I'm really happy right now, although I have to say that flying a plane over where I live was awesome.
018. Do you want to get married? Yeah! <3
019. Kids? One or two
020. Best place to go on a date? Moonlit beach- ohemgee....
021. What is your dream? To get kissed in the rain, even if it's storming.
022. What do you want to do when you grow up? I'd like to be an engineer of some sort, I like to know how things work. ^_^
023. Play an instrument? Piano, clarinet, my iPod.
024. List 5 things (inc. brand) you are wearing right now : A green t-shirt with a woman in a kimono on it, and a bit of japanese writing on it (brand: the tag faded, I have no idea....), beige capris (brand: SO), and that's it not counting undergarments.

025. Friend you have known the longest? Jeez, I'm not listing names!
026. Best friend(s)? Acrilla
027. Friend that makes you laugh the most? Sticky
028. Friend who you can talk to anything about? Acrilla
029. Friend with the best personality? Hmmm... all of them?
030. Last friend to call you? Rebel.
031. Last friend to talk to you? Rebel
032. Last friend you hung out with? Acrilla and Sticky
033. Last friend you went to a movie with? Acrilla and Sticky (the last time we hung out we went to a movie.)
034. Last friend to make you laugh? Rebel
035. Most memorable experience with a friend? Marching band, and just sitting out at 2:00 in the morning on my driveway
036. Anything you plan to do with friends when you get older? No idea...
037. Any trips planned with friends? Nope, none yet!

Other Questions...
043. Ever traveled anywhere? Not out of the country
044. What places do you want to visit? Italy, Greece, England, Ireland...
045. Where do you want to live when you're older? Ireland!
046. How happy are you with where you are in life? Why? Yeah, I'm just comfortable with my friends (who are freaking amazing) and I'm having a lot of fun. I'm living in a wonderful place, and it's really quiet and peaceful.
047. What's your most embarrassing moment? Uhm.... pretty much whenever I say something stupid to the guy I like.
048. Do you have any art or pictures on your walls? Describe it.
049. Do you remember your dreams?
050. Do you believe in love at first sight?
052. What was your favorite childhood toy?
1.How many letters are there in your name?
2. Do you have a nickname?
3. Does it have more or less letters than your name?
5. Do you like your name?
6. How about your middle name?
7.Do you know what your name means?
10. Does it match who you are?
14. Have you donated to Gaia?
15. Do you like real money or gold better?
16. What's your favorite coin?
18. Do you have a job?
19. What is it?
20. What's your dream job?
25. Do you live close to water?
26. What kind of water? (eg, river, lake, ocean)
27. Do you live near mountains?
28. Which ones?
29. Do you live near a geographical thing my of any sort?
30. What is it?
33. Are the the youngest, oldest, or middle child?
34. Which would you like to be?
35. How many cousins do you have?
36. Have you met all your cousins?
37. Do you get along with them?
38. Do they live near you?
39. Do you have large family functions?
40. Would you like to have large family functions more often/at all?
41. Do you live with your parents?
42. If not, do you live with anyone?
43. If yes, do you get along?
44. Who would you like to live with?
45. If you had to share a house/condo/apartment with someone famous, who would it be?
46. Would you live in a camping van?
48. Would you live in a castle?
49. Would you live in a cottage?
50. Which would you rather live in, out of those four?
54. Are you a private person?
59. Are you a homebody?
60. Do you have chores?
61. What are they?
62. Do you enjoy doing them?
63. What's your least favourite chore?
64. Do you like dusting?
65. Do you ever dust?
66. Are there dust bunnies in your house?
67. Do they have faces?
68. Names?
69. Do you have pets?
72. If not, would you like to have pets?
73. Is there a reason that you don't have them? And what is it?
74. Do you like animals?
75. Do you prefer domestic or wild animals?
78. Do you have an imaginary friend?
79. Have you ever had an imaginary friend?
80. Was it male or female?
81. Was was his/her/it's name?
82. Was it a better friend than your real friends?
83. Do you have real friends?
84. Do you actually like your friends?
85. Do you think they like you?
86. Do you fight ever?
87. Is there lots of drama?
88. Do you have a best friend?
89. If so, how long have you know them?
90. Have you always been friends?
91. Do all your friends know each other?
92. Where have you met your friends?
93. Do you have enemies?
94. Are they real or imaginary enemies?
95. Why are they your enemies?
96. Did you ever pretend to be a superhero when you were little?
97. Do you still pretend to be a superhero?
98. Are you, in fact, a superhero?
99. If you were/are one, what's your name?
100. Or is that secret?

101. Type a random word.
102. Give it a name.

103. What are you doing right now?
104. What should you be doing?
105. Does food sound good?
107. What's the scariest household appliance?
108. Have you ever used a saw?
109. Have you ever used a shovel?
110. Which would you rather receive as a birthday gift?
111. Who are you most likely to receive it from?
112. Do you write thank you cards?

117. Do you use spell check?
118. How do you feel about dictionaries?
119. Thesauruses?
120. Do you care if you mispell things?
121. Do you make fun of people for spelling mistakes?
122. Do you judge people for them?
123. What do you judge people on?
124. What do you judge yourself on?
125. What's your best feature?
126. Which feature could use some work?
127. Are you happy with yourself?
128. Are you happy?
129. At this exact moment, how do you feel?
130. Do you know about "I" statements?
131. Do you hate "I" statements?
132. Have you ever used one?
133. Did it work?
134. Have you ever been camping?
135. Have you ever been to camp?
136. Which would you rather do?
137. Have you been a camp counselor?
138. Would you like to be?
139. If you were, was there an initiation?
140. What was it?
141. Did it involve chocolate pudding?
142. Are you allergic to chocolate pudding?
143. Do you like chocolate?
144. Are you allergic to anything?
145. If so, what?
146. How do you get around it?
147. Do you eat healthy food or junk food?
148. Do you eat too much, too little, or just enough?
149. Is your porridge too hot, too cold, or just right?
150. Do you even eat porridge?
151. How do you feel about fairy tales?
152. What is your favorite fairy tale?
153. Do you only know fairy tales because of Disney?
154. What's your favorite nursery rhyme?
155. Post part of it.
156. Do you know any?
157. Do you keep a journal?
158. Do you keep a journal on Gaia?
159. How many journals do you have?
160. What do you usually write about?
161. Do you write poetry?
162. Would you call yourself a poet?
163. Do you consider your poetry to be good?
164. Do you like to read poetry?
165. If so why?
166. If not, why not?
167. What's your favorite poem?
168. What's your least favorite poem?
169. Have you visited all the forums?
170. If you haven't, which ones haven't you been to?
171. Do you think you'll ever visit them?
172. What's your favorite forum?
173. Why?
174. Why are you on Gaia?
175. Why are you on Gaia right now?
176. Why are you taking this quiz?
177. Why are trees green?
178. Are trees green?
179. If you had to eat the squirrel or save the cake, which would you do?
180. What is the strangest thing you've ever been asked?
181. How did you respond?
182. Which is the better word, no or yes?
183. Have you ever been to the optometrist?
183. Which is clearer, number one number two?
184. Do you know the order of letters on the eyesight test thing?
185. Do you know what it's called?
186. Do you wear glasses?
187. Do you wear contacts?
188. If you wear contacts, do you have colored contacts?
189. What color contacts would you like to have?
190. Do you wish there was a way to permanently change your eye colour?
191. What color are your eyes?
192. What color are your eyes on Gaia?
193. Do you believe that eyes are the window to the soul?
194. Do people ever look deeply into your eyes?
195. Does it make you uncomfortable?
196. How do you feel about mirrors?
197. How about standing between to mirrors?
198. Are you superstitious?
199. What is your favorite superstition?
200. How many do you know?

203. Do you like urban legends?
204. Do you believe them?
205. Has any of them ever happened to you?
206. Anyone you know?
207. Are you afraid of the dark?
208. Do basements scare you?
209. How about dark basements?
210. At night?
211. Alone?
212. What scares you the most?
213. Does anyone know?
214. Have you ever had to face up to it?
215. Why does it scare you?
216. Do you have a psychologist?
217. Did I get the name right there?
218. Would you ever tell them your fear?
219. Do psychologists scare you?
220. Do you want to be one?
221. Are you one and just keeping it quiet?
222. If you were one, and went through trauma, would go see another?
223. Do you have a psychology?
224. What do you think of physiotherapists?
225. Chiropractors?
226. Pediatrics?
227. Paleontologists?
228. What is a paleontologist?
229. Do you want to be one?
230. Have you ever studied dinosaurs?
231. Why do you think they died out?
232. Do you wish they were still around?
233. Have you ever been to a museum and seen dinosaur bones?
234. Have you ever found a dinosaur bone?
235. What's your favorite dinosaur?
236. What do you know about brontosauruses?
237. What is the plural of brontosaur?
238. What would happen if a tyrannosaurus rex fell over?
239. Do you know the name of the bird thing in the rock?
240. Where was it discovered?
241. Do you even know what I'm talking about?
242. If you could be a dinosaur, which kind would you be?
243. Are you interested in geriatrics?
244. Have you had braces?
245. If not, are you going to have to have them?
246. Do you have fangs?
247. If you don't, would you like to have fangs?
248. Would you let an orthodontist get rid of your fangs?
249. Do you believe in vampires?
250. Do you believe that you are a vampire?
251. What do you think of people that think they are vampires?
252. Do you like the concept, vampire?
253. What powers do vampires have?
254. Are you a werewolf?
255. Would you like to be a werewolf?
256. Do you think it's possible to be a werewolf?
257. What powers do werewolves have?
258. Which is better, vampires or werewolves?
259. What other creatures of darkness are there?
260. Do you believe any of them are real?
261. Have you read any of Beowulf?
262. Do you know the story?
263. Do you think it could be real?
264. Do you think Grendel is a pretty name?
265. Did you know there's a movie in production?
266. Do you know who's cast as Beowulf?
267. If you didn't know, will you check?
268. If yes, where will you check?
269. If you know who's cast as Beowulf, are you excited?
270. Do you like the Phantom of the Opera?
271. Have you seen the show?
272. Have you read the book?
273. If you have, which do you like better?
274. Have you read or written any fanfics?
275. Do you like musicals?
276. Which is your favorite?
277. Why do you like it so much?
278. Do you hate musicals?
279. Have you ever been forced to sit through one?
280. If you could only see one musical, which one would it be?
281. If you had to erase one musical from the course of history, which one would it be?
282. If you could erase one thing, any one thing, from history, what would it be?
283. Why did you pick that?
284. What would the ideal effects of that be?
285. What do you think would happen if you really got the chance to do it?
286. Do you know when the garbage can was invented?
287. Do you care?
288. Would you like to be able to time travel?
289. Are you keeping secrets about your washing machine?
290. If you could travel around in time, when would you go?
291. If you had to travel in time and live in that time forever, which time would you rather live in?
292. Would you be rich?
293. What would be the worst thing about living in that time?
294. The best?
295. Do you think time travel will ever be invented?
296. If yes, do you realize what that could mean?
297. Do you own a flashlight?
298. Aren't they fun?
299. What's are very small flashlights called?
300. Have you ever shone one into your eyes?

Name something you can see that is...
303. Red
304. Blue
305. Green
306. Yellow
307. Orange
308. Purple
309. Black
310. White
311. Grey
312. Pink
313. Brown
314. Small
315. Large
316. Ugly
317. Pretty
318. Plastic
319. Metal
320. Wood
321. Glass
322. Liquid
323. Solid
324. Gas.
325. Sparkly
326. Boring
327. Stupid
328. Interesting
329. New
330. Ancient
331. Yours
332. Someone else's
333. Special
334. Broken
335. Fixed
336. Important
337. Typed
338. Silly
339. Fun
340. Dirty
341. Clean
342. Light
343. Dark
344. On
345. Off
346. Noisy
347. Quiet
348. Alive
349. Dead
350. Inanimate

How many...do you have?
351. Books
352. DVD's
353. Videos
354. Shoes
355. Shirts
356. Pants
357. Skirts
358. CD's
359. Records
360. Tapes
361. Boxes
362. Posters
363. Towels
364. Cars
365. Pillows
366. Pencils
367. Pens
368. Computers
369. Earrings
370. Other rings
371. Keys
372. Homework assignments
373. Classes
374. Feet
375. Tools
376. Bathrooms
377. Showers
378. Flowers
379. Tissues
380. Instruments
381. Scars
382. Freckles
383. Fan clubs
384. Magazines
385. Wishes
386. Lipsticks
387. Alarm clocks
388. Lamps
389. Scissors
390. Phones
391. Light switches
392. Appliances
393. Bills
394. Windows
395. Plants
396. Secrets
397. Hiding spots
398. Gaia mules

399. Do possessions matter to you?
400. Why?

401. Write a 10 letter word backwards
402. Make it spell something else.

403. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend (if not, please consider the next questions to be hypothetical and answer them anyway)
404. So, would that be a boyfriend, or a girlfriend?
405. Would you consider the other? (eg, girlfriend if you have a boyfriend)
406. Is it a long term relationship or a short term one?
407. Does your significant other know?
408. Is it casual or serious?
409. Does your s.o. think it is?
410. How long have you been together?
411. How long do you think it will last?
412. How long do you want it to last?
413. What's the best thing you've ever done for them?
414. What's the best thing they've ever done for you?
415. What's so great about them?
416. What do they see in you?
417. How did it start?
418. Have you always liked them?
419. Do you see fat bouncing babies in the offing?
420. Or are they already there?
421. If they are, how old are they?
422. What do you disagree on?
423. How do you deal with that?
424. Is it a long distance relationship?
425. If so, have you ever met them in real life?
426. If not, would you continue the relationship if one of you moved away?
427. Are you okay with PDA?
428. What do your friends think of them?
429. Are they more important than your friends?
430. Is there anyone besides your current partner you'd like to go out with?
431. Would you tell them?
432. If you have not a bf/gf, do you want one?
433. Or are you happy being single?
434. Is there anyone you'd like to go out with?
435. What would you do if your partner cheated on you?
436. What would you do if you cheated on your partner?
437. What do you consider to be cheating?
438. Are you jealous?
439. How do you feel about polygamy?
440. Have you ever had a relationship you regret?
441. Why do you regret it?
442. What would you do differently?
443. What do you wish you could change about your current relationship?
444. If you're not in a relationship, what would you not want in one?
445. If smoking then breath mints?
446. If smoking than perfume?
447. How much could/can you forgive?
448. Are relationships important to you?
449. Why?
450. What's the most important thing about your relationship?

(These next questions have nothing to do with relationships unless you want them to. Apply them anyway you like.)

451. Drama or no drama?
452. Screens or no screens?
453. Drinking or no drinking?
454. Smoking or no smoking?
455. School or no school?
456. Work or no work?
457. Sleep or no sleep?
458. Music or no music?
459. Perfume or no perfume?
460. Cologne or no cologne?
461. Deodorant or no deodorant?
462. Sports or no sports?
463. Taxes or no taxes?
464. Compost or no compost?
465. Guns or no guns?
466. Drugs or no drugs?
467. Pollen or no pollen?
468. Trees or no trees?
469. Fax or no fax?
470. Birthdays or no birthdays?
471. Clouds or no clouds?
472. Doors or no doors?
473. Polls or no polls?
474. Gum or no gum?
475. Hairspray or no hairspray?
476. Accessories or no accessories?
477. Gold or no gold?
478. Snow or no snow?
479. Sprinklers or no sprinklers?
480. Parks or no parks?
481. Pills or no pills?
482. Doctors or no doctors?
483. Company or no company?
484. Toys or no toys?
485. Electricity or no electricity?
486. Pepper or no pepper?
487. Spices or no spices?
488. Bra or no bra?
489. Bugs or no bugs?
490. Signature or no signature?
491. End or no end?
492. Dishwasher or no dishwasher?
493. Summer or no summer?
494. Recycle or no recycle?
495. Fries or no fries?
496. Ketchup or no ketchup?
497. Patio or no patio?
498. Questions or no questions?
499. Socks or no socks?
500. Gloves or no gloves?

501. Are you proud?
502. Do you know why you should be?

503. What time is it now?
504. How long has it taken you to get this far?
505. How many breaks have you taken?
506. How many unwelcome interruptions have their been?
507. What is in front of you?
508. What is behind you?
509. What's to your left?
510. Can you guess what question's coming next?
511. What's to you right?
512. Were you right?
513. What's above you?
514. What's under you?
515. Where are you in relation to the bathroom?
516. The kitchen?
517. The front door?
518. The street?
519. What's the nearest gas station?
520. What's the nearest food store?
521. What's the nearest mail box?
522. Do you care?
523. Do you ever write letters?
524. Do you like getting mail?
525. What sort of mail do you usually get?
526. Do you prefer letters, phone calls or emails?
527. Why?
528. How often do you use the phone?
529. Do you have your own phone?
530. Do you have a cell phone?
531. Do you have to pay your own phone bills?
532. Do you ever call long distance?
533. If you do, where do you call?
534. Have you ever dialed the wrong number?
535. Who were you intending to call?
536. Have you ever had to tell someone they had the wrong number?
537. Do you get lots of those?
538. Do you ever get the wrong person's mail?
539. What do you do about it if you do?
540. Have you ever opened someone else's mail?
541. Have you ever snooped in someone else's email?
542. Who's email would you like to snoop in?
543. Why?
544. Is there anyone you wish would snoop in yours?
545. What would you do if you found out someone had?
546. What if it was a friend?
547. A family member?
548. You're psychiatrist?
549. Would you ever give out your password?
550. To anything?
551. Do you have a bank card?
552. If so, have you ever lost it?
553. Have you ever had money stolen?
554. Have you ever stolen any money?
555. Have you ever found a wallet?
556. If so did you return it?
557. If not, would you return it?
558. In tact?
559. What would make you steal?
560. Is there any circumstance that would make you kill someone?
561. What would it be?
562. Can you speak more than one language?
563. What are they?
564. What else would you like to be able to speak?
565. Is English your first language?
566. What language do you speak at home?
567. At school?
568. Do you know any sign language?
569. If you do, what?
570. If you had to lose one of your senses but got to pick which one, which would it be?
571. How would you function without it?
572. Have you ever played the blindfold game?
573. Has anyone ever walked you into a tree?
574. Have you ever walked into a door?
575. A signpost?
576. Have you ever had to use crutches?
577. Would you like to have to use crutches?
578. What do you think about casts?
579. Band-Aids?
580. Do you prefer beige band aids or fluorescent ones?
581. Are you fond of rubber duckies?
582. Have you ever heard that song?
583. Who sings it?
584. Mukluks?
585. Are you paying attention?
586. Do you lie?
587. Are you lying now?
588. Are you sure?
589. Does honey go moldy?
590. Does margarine?
591. Do you get migraines?
592. If so, what do you do about them?
593. Do you have back pain?
594. Back problems?
595. Do you have any chronic diseases?
596. Are you sick?
597. Have you ever been to the hospital?
598. Were you born in a hospital?
599. Have you ever had a blood test?
600. What do you think about blood tests?

601. Post your three favorite smileys. You can do it in one post if you like.
602. Post your three least favorite smileys. You can also do that in one post, if you want.

603. How many questions are left?
604. How long will it take you to answer them?
605. What questions would you like answered?
606. Why?
607. If you could speak to animals for a day, what would you say?
608. Would you write a book about your experience?
609. Would you document your experience in any way?
610. If you did, would you try to convince people that it had really happened?
611. Would you try to find out why it happened?
612. What's the weather like where you are?
613. What's the weather usually like where you are?
614. Would you like to be outside right now?
615. If so, why are you inside?
616. Or are you?
617. What are you sitting on?
618. What are you wearing?
619. If you were to walk into a room full of people that didn't know you, what you want the first thing they thought about you to be?
620. What's the first thing you notice about people?
621. Is that good or bad?
622. Do you like people?
623. Do people like you?
624. Is there anything you like better than people?
625. What is it?
626. Could you ever be a hermit?
627. If you had to be, what kind of hermit would you be?
628. Do you want to be famous?
629. What do you want to be famous for?
630. What do you want to do?

631. Jell-O or Kool-Aid?
633. Milk or water?
634. Sleep or food?
635. Sleep or tv?
636. Walking or driving?
637. Crayons or pencil crayons?
638. Pencil crayons or felts?
639. Felts or paint?
640. Paint or chalk?
641. Paper or cloth?
642. Cotton or spandex?
643. Soap or bleach?
644. Bubbles or candy?
645. Candy or meat?
646. Cardboard or plastic?
647. Yes or no?
648. Truth or dare?
649. Socks or hats?
650. Bicycles or unicycles?
651. Dragons or unicorns?
652. Dragons or dinosaurs?
653. Batman or Godzilla?
654. Spiderman or Mothra?
655. The Hulk or Mr. Clean?
656. Mr. Clean or you?
657. Beyonce or Madonna?
658. Greenday or Coldplay?
659. CSI or Crossing Jordan?
660. Simpsons or Futurama?
661. Catfood or garbage?
662. Mittens or snowpants?
663. Pavlov or pavlova?
664. Forks or fingers?
665. Chopsticks or forks?
666. Demons or devils?
667. Chopsticks or fingers?
668. Scary Movie or Scream?
669. Scary Movie or Not Another Teen Movie?
670. Chick flicks or Date Movie?
671. Gas or electricity?
672. Fluffy or silky?
673. Satin or velvet?
674. T-shirts or blouses?
675. Suits or dresses?
676. Computers or cars?
677. Baseball or hockey?
678. Lacross or hocky?
679. Baseball or football?
680. Football or soccer?
681. Soccer or rugby?
682. Scotch tape or duct tape?
683. Classical music or rock?
684. Rock or rap?
685. Classical or rap?
686. Harlequin romance or comics?
687. Sudoku or crosswords?
688. Hangman or Scrabble?
689. Color-by-numbers or connect-the-dots?
690. Lilo or Stitch?
691. Foot cream or hand cream?
692. Umbrellas or hoodies?
693. On or off?
694. New or used?
695. Panic or stress?
696. Work or school?
697. Physics or Sewing?
698. Sand or rocks?
699. Cold or hot?
700. Yours or theirs?

701. Type the word for a color in a different color.
703. Have you ever played Scrabble?
704. Are you good at it?
705. What's the best word you've ever spelled?
706. Are you good with words?
707. If not do you wish you were?
708. Are you clever?
709. Are you smart?
710. What's a word you hate?
711. What bugs you the most?
712. Do you ever pretend you can purr?
713. Do you wish you had a tail?
714. Do you have a tail on Gaia?
715. Do you wish that you had something your avvi does?
716. Do you actually own anything your avvi does?
717. How long is your hair?
718. How long are your eyelashes?
719. Have you ever measured them?
720. Do you wish on eyelashes that fall out?
721. Do you get your eyebrows shaped?
722. Why?
723. How much do you pay for it?
724. Do commercials work on you?
725. About how many do you see in a day?
726. Do you know the difference between a quiz and a survey?
727. Explain it.
728. Have you ever conducted a survey?
729. What was it about?
730. Have you ever participated in a survey?
731. If not would you?
732. If you did, are you glad you did?
733. If you were to give someone advice about going to your school, what would it be?
732. If you could give some warnings about your least favorite store, what would they be?
733. What is your least favorite store?
734. Do your fingers obey you?
735. How fast can you type?
736. Are you good with a computer?
737. Have you ever made a website?
738. Have you ever made a computer?
739. If not, would you like to?
740. If you can't, do you want to learn how?
741. Do you spend more time on the computer or watching tv?
742. On the computer or with friends?
742. On the computer or reading?
743. Do you read?
744. Why?
745. What's the best thing you've ever read?
746. The worst?
747. Do you care what happens to you?
748. Do you like gossip?
749. Do you spread gossip?
750. Do you think history should be taught in school?
751. Why?
752. Have you heard about the six degrees of separation?
753. Can you trace your connection to the President of the United States that way?
754. How about the queen of England?
755. The Sri Lanken ambassador to Italy?
756. Is there one?
766. Do you know where Sri Lanka is?
767. How about Germany?
768. What's a country next to Germany?
769. What's the first line of your favorite song?
770. What's so great about that song?
771. What song can you not stand?
772. Does music have a big part in your life?
773. Can you make music?
774. How?
775. Do you have a five year plan?
776. Do you want a five year plan?
777. Is there anyone that thinks you should have a five year plan?
778. Do you talk to yourself?
779. Out loud?
780. Where people can hear you?
781. Have you met anyone who talks out loud?
782. Do they know?
783. Do you talk in your sleep?
784. Do you sleep walk?
785. Do you know what sleep paralysis is?
786. Is that the right term?
787. Have you ever experienced it?
788. What's one thing you want to do before you die?
789. Why is it important to you?
790. How long do you want to live?
791. Does eternity scare you?
792. What is one place you want to visit sometime?
793. What do think happens when you die?
794. What do you want to happen when you die?
795. Do you like philosophy?
796. Would you ever attach an apple to your head and let someone try to shoot it with a bow and arrow?
797. Or a gun?
798. What's your theme song?
799. If you don't have one, who would you want to write it?
800. When would you use a theme song?

801. State a fact.
802. State a lie.

Write a word that is five letters or longer that starts with the letter...
803. A
804. B
805. C
806. D
807. E
808. F
809. G
810. H
811. I
812. J
813. K
814. L
815. M
816. N
817. O
818. P
819. Q
820. R
821. S
822. T
823. U
824. V
825. W
826. X
827. Y
828. Z

829. What's another song with the same tune as the alphabet song?

Write a word that rhymes

830. Song
831. Beluga
832. Adorable
833. Tortoise
834. Kansas
835. Glitter
836. Watermelon
837. Attach
838. Indigo
839. Belch
840. Cat
841. Fishes
842. Keys
843. Argument
844. Numbers
845. Silly
846. Slap
847. Breath
848. Counter
849. Flashlight
850. Recent
851. Triumphant
852. Mouse
853. Create
854. Cart
855. Leash
856. Never
857. Salt
858. Dash
859. Mud
860. Forty
861. Birthday
862. Magazine
863. Brush
864. Cantaloupe
865. Comfort
866. Tedium.
867. Spoon
868. Bounce
869. Go!
870. Orange.

What do you think of when you read the word

871. Guide
872. Thick
873. Easy
874. Soldier
875. Angle
876. Feather
877. Angel
878. Poll
879. Wait
880. No
881. Thank you
882. Fruit
883. Vegetable
884. Light bulb
885. Forest
886. Exposure
887. Hole
888. Purple
889. Late
890. Dumb
891. Transit
892. Speed
893. Pepsi
894. Blind
895. Tough
896. Night
897. Dusty
898. Gone
899. Soul
900. Collar

901. Hanging in there?
902. Got gold?

903. How tall are you?
904. How much do you weigh?
905. What are you like?
906. Do you like talking about yourself?
907. Do you like cats?

What's your favourite

908. Meal
909. Food
910. Utensil
911. Chair
912. Piece of furniture
913. Question
914. Time of day
915. Kind of fiction
916. Kind of non fiction
917. Movie
918. TV show
919. Mug
920. Month
921. Holiday
922. Decoration
923. School function
924. Memory
925. Dream
926. Idea
927. Invention
928. Book
929. Shampoo
930. Soap
931. Makeup
932. Sock
933. Joke
934. Pun
935. Pizza
936. Picture
937. Friend
938. Day of the week
939. Kind of frog
940. Country
941. Band
942. Singer
943. Number
944. Series
945. Place to be
946. Mood
947. Drive
948. Game
949. Non alcoholic beverage
950. Alcoholic beverage
951. Body of water
952. Coffee shop
953. Pop
954. Clothing store
955. Pair of shoes
956. Website
957. Snack
958. Illness
959. Subject
960. Play
961. Cinema
962. Popcorn flavor
963. Kind of chip
964. Commercial
965. Pasta
966. Industry
967. City
968. Phrase
969. Activity
970. Sport
971. Martial Art
972. Flower
973. Cloud formation
974. Brand of tissue
975. Teacher
976. Person
977. Quote
978. Accessory
979. kind of battery
980. Photograph of yourself
981. Gift
982. Newspaper
983. Magazine
984. Political Party
985. Prediction
986. Do you consider singers musicians?
987. Do you play with Lego?
988. How often do you sneeze?
989. How long has this taken you
990. Is there any question you wish I had asked?
991. What is it?
992. Answer it here.
993. How much gold do you have now?
994. Is it enough?
995. Were you questing?
996. Are you still?
997. Were you hoping I wouldn't ask that?
998. Well, too bad for you. What was it/is it?
999. Do you have any idea how long it took me to write this out?
1000. Guess.
1001. do you often take quizzes?
1002. Have you ever done a telephone prank?
1003. Is your favorite color red?
1004. do you have a pet?
1005. were you born in July?
1006. Have you ever done an elevator prank?
1007. are you/planning/been in the military?
1008. do you go to a private school?
1009. have you ever choked?
1010. do you have a favorite color?
1011. have you ever been in a fight?
1012. have you ever started a food fight?
1013. do you like ice cream?
1014. are you allergic to anything?
1015. are you a poll whore?
1016. do you have red hair?
1017. do you have a Gaia bf/gf?
1018. do you have more than 20 friends?
1019. are you and your friends Really close?
1020. are you in collage?
1021. is your favorite color black?
1022. do you consider black a color?
1023. is 23 your lucky number?
1024. do you think cheer leading is a girl's sport?
1025. do/did you like to go to school?
1026. do you like gaia?
1027. do you play gaia every day?
1028. is your favorite cereal fruit loops?
1029. have you ever opened a dictionary?
1030. have you ever shot a real gun?
1031. do you like receiving pms?
1032. have you ever been dumped by your bf/gf?
1033. do you have a bf/gf?
1034. do you own an Ipod?
1035. do you have more than 5 computers?
1036. are you tired of this quiz yet?
1037. have you been playing gaia more than 2 months?
1038. have you ever cheated on your bf/gf?
1039. are your hands tired from typing?
1040. do you have your own computer?
1041. is your birthday in August?
1042. have you ever created your own forum?
1043. do you have a myspace profile?
1044. do you have a piczo profile?
1045. do you like to color your words?
1046. do you have a signature u use on gaia?
1047. are you glad this quiz is almost over?
1048. do you pay attention in class?
1049. have you ever eaten without your hands?
1050. Do you eat paste?
1051. Do you have a favorite color?
1052. Are you older than 13?
1053. Have you ever gone scuba diving
1054. do you own a cat?
1055. do you own a dog?
1056. are you in collage?
1057. do you plan to join the military?
1058. do you often take quizzes?
1059. is your birthday in august?
1060. do you have 4 or more close bff?
1061.do you like to color your words?
1062. do you have 7 or more threads?
1063. do you like chain mail?
1064. do you believe in superstition?
1065. have you ever been knocked out?
1066. have you ever shot a fake gun?
1067. have you ever shot a real gum?
1068. can you drive?
1069. do you add detail to your answers?
1070. do you do abbreviations such as: lol or bff?
1071. do you like ice cream?
1072. have you ever tried fried crickets?
1073. have you ever been/ live in china?
1074. do you LOVE anime (say yes!!!!!, u dont have to..)
1075. do you like cultured food?
1076. do you like long quizzes more?
1077. or short quizzes more?
1078. do you like when your threads get popular?
1079. do you like to play Sims/Sims 2?

What words come into your mind when i say...

1090. Salmon
1091. candy
1092. ice cream
1093. m&m's
1094. Tokyo
1095. shoes
1096. anime
1097. coolio
1098. retard
1099. slap happy
1100. rofl
1101. log
1102. pillow
1103. tree
1104. vase
1105. 70's

Have you ever...

1106. broken your nose
1107. called in sick
1108. faked sick
1109. celebrated your birthday
1110. been attacked by a flying squirrel
1111. opened a dictionary.
1112. cheered for a state basketball team
1113. loved anime
1114. been a poll whore
1115. said a speech
1116. played volleyball
1117. seen a boy cheer lead
1118. considered that black is a color.
1119. had a favorite color.
1120. had over 100$
1121. had over 100,000 gaia money
1122. had a gaia bf
1123. had a bff on gaia
1124. traveled to Luxembourg
1125. sprained your ankle

Do you like...
1126. anime!!
1127. to color your words
1128. to do a lot of quizzes
1129. to make your words tiny
1130. to go to threads
1131. to make threads
1132. me?
1133. the move "the day after tomorrow"
1134. randomness
1135. dogs
1136. kittens
1137. parents
1138. the number 8
1139. cartoons
1140. chocolate!!

Which one?
1141. dogs or puppies?
1142. Cats or kittens?
1143. anime or cartoons?
1144. comedy or horror?
1145. green day or your high school band?
1146. cool people or nerds?
1147. forests or deserts?
1148. evil or good?
1149. count to 100
1150. count to 50
1151. post all of the emoticons.
1152. how does it feel to be done?
053. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
054. If you were stuck on an island who would you want with you?
055. What's the best thing that could come out of this year?

Have You Ever? :
015. Done Drugs?
016. Drank?
017. Had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
018. Shoplifted?
019. Committed a crime?
020. Danced in front of your crush?
021. Been in a fight?
022. Dyed your hair?
023. Have you ever watched the Wiggles?

Do You:
024. Sing in the shower?
025. Get along with your parents?
026. Have broken bones, stitches, or scars?
027. Get motion sickness?
028. Have a crush on anyone (what’s his or her name)?
029. Want to go to college?
030. Have a dog?
031. Have Piercings?
032. Have a tattoo?
033. Have Siblings?

034. First thought waking up?
036. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
037. How do want 2 die?
038. Would you want to get married?
040. Your biggest turn off?

Would You Ever:
041. Rock Climb?
042. Bungee Jump?
043. Sky Dive?
044. Run from the cops?
045. Cheat on someone you love?
046. Lay in the snow naked?

This Or That?
047. Single or Group Dates?
048. Night or Day?
049. McDonald’s or Burger King?
050. Christmas or Halloween?
051. Tea or Coffee?
052. Love or Money?
053. Looks or Personality?
054. Spring or Fall?
055. Hamburger or Hot dog?
056. Cat or Dog?
057. Sweet or Sour?
058. Soft tacos or hard tacos?
059. Soft pretzels or hard pretzels?
060. Cocoa Puffs or Cocoa Pebbles?
061. Bar soap or liquid soap?
062. Do you turn the sink off when you brush your teeth, or do you leave it running?
063. Subway or Quizno's?
064. Which word: "laptop" or "notebook"?

Can You:
065. Blow a bubble with gum?
066. Touch your tongue to your nose?
067. Cross your eyes?
068. Dance?
069. Whistle?
070. Speak another language? .
071. Cook?
072. Ace a test without studying?
073. Read a long book in a day?
074. Not talk for 3 hours straight?

More Have U Ever's:
075. Ran Away?
076. Met a movie star?
077. Lost a best friend?
078. Kissed a stranger?
079. Turned someone down?
080. Broken someone’s heart?
081. Wished you could fly?
082. Gone bungee jumping?

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