Yep, like it says, I'm pissed -___-"
I get bugged, and nobody gives a s**t. . . jackasses! I'm the type of person who USUALLY swears, but I've gone "goody goody" since I've came to this school, maybe I should go back to being bad a** =/ Way better than being a PAIN IN THE a**. I went to Kim's house today after printing out a whole bunch of stuff for Brittney and meeting her at the park, but she got in trouble for going home too late sad I told her to go home at 7, but "NO~!" It's still early =/ It's best to listen to "Sam" >____<
When I saw Kim, she was with her little cousin. . .I don't know how it's spelled. It's pronounced something like TEE-TUM =/ I don't know. We talked about how Jessica said Shantyl was fat when she was RIGHT THERE! I can't remember what else she said about that, but that sounded bad! She also said that it was abnormal for Brandon to have abs, because he was only in the 6th grade xd Kim talks about him way too much =/ So does his lover. IT'S GETTING ANNOYING >=o. That's probably one of the reasons I talk to Brittney was more whee We came from the same area! The Commercial area cool , which was way more crappy and ghetto =] That's what made me who I am. I became more "Asian" when this Korean exchange student came to my school =/ I became more happy and perky. So not me =/ I mean, I used to me like: What the ******** was the b*****d/idiot/b***h/a-hole/d**k/etc. . . Back then, I was bitchin' cool That's my true nature domokun Now I'm just another fake, another loser, another Asian. It' school like this that kills people on the inside. I'm currently dying on the inside! SAVE ME MA OLD BUDDIES! School=living hell. I think I've been hanging out with the wrong people. My vocabulary has become what it was before again twisted I am who I am, and I hope nobody changes that. PINK RULES THOUGH! PULK POWER!
I want to be ON TOP OF THE WORLD
I get bugged, and nobody gives a s**t. . . jackasses! I'm the type of person who USUALLY swears, but I've gone "goody goody" since I've came to this school, maybe I should go back to being bad a** =/ Way better than being a PAIN IN THE a**. I went to Kim's house today after printing out a whole bunch of stuff for Brittney and meeting her at the park, but she got in trouble for going home too late sad I told her to go home at 7, but "NO~!" It's still early =/ It's best to listen to "Sam" >____<
When I saw Kim, she was with her little cousin. . .I don't know how it's spelled. It's pronounced something like TEE-TUM =/ I don't know. We talked about how Jessica said Shantyl was fat when she was RIGHT THERE! I can't remember what else she said about that, but that sounded bad! She also said that it was abnormal for Brandon to have abs, because he was only in the 6th grade xd Kim talks about him way too much =/ So does his lover. IT'S GETTING ANNOYING >=o. That's probably one of the reasons I talk to Brittney was more whee We came from the same area! The Commercial area cool , which was way more crappy and ghetto =] That's what made me who I am. I became more "Asian" when this Korean exchange student came to my school =/ I became more happy and perky. So not me =/ I mean, I used to me like: What the ******** was the b*****d/idiot/b***h/a-hole/d**k/etc. . . Back then, I was bitchin' cool That's my true nature domokun Now I'm just another fake, another loser, another Asian. It' school like this that kills people on the inside. I'm currently dying on the inside! SAVE ME MA OLD BUDDIES! School=living hell. I think I've been hanging out with the wrong people. My vocabulary has become what it was before again twisted I am who I am, and I hope nobody changes that. PINK RULES THOUGH! PULK POWER!
I want to be ON TOP OF THE WORLD
Community Member