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The Chronicles of a Legend
This is going to have my thoughts, some of my discoveries, and any other random stuff I can think of.
Episode 13 of Neo Chronicles
Neo Chronicles

Episode 13: Jabari Pt III

Table of Contents

((Final part of Jabari's quest Opening Theme.))

Jabari finds himself in a place. It's a city. That's not a good sign. Cities mean people. Cities mean victims. And the only reason he's there is because the next gate is there—the gate to the demon world.

What's the name of this town? It's cold, It's arid. If it weren't for the mechanized fortresses they call buildings, this place would be a tropical landfill of sorts. This fortress bears the sign “Bolivian City Meats.” He's in Bolivia. There was a time when this place couldn't afford the luxury of being called a city.

So many things have happened to this world since the first time the shaman first made his way through it. So many things have happened since the last time as well. It's probably been at least half a century, and now he's back, inhabiting the now lifeless shell of a person to once again serve whatever higher purpose the Olòrún has set out before him. He know not His purpose, but h do know His will, and it must be done.

Jabari blocks out the world. Every sight, every sound, everything his body physically picks up on moves into the background. He needs to look into the heart of all things—pick up on what the spirits are whispering. This hell gate is somewhere around, and the sooner he locates it the—there. The moment he spots it is the moment he's there. Moving between the physical plane, like a shadow, past the fortresses, past the people, past the vehicles, he moves betwixt it all.

Now, he's in the jungle, and he can see the gate already begin to manifest itself. It sits high in the sky, hanging among the clouds. Its dark, sinister light disrupting the natural order of things. The trees that used to stretch upwards whither before his eyes, crumpling over like elder men. The avian creatures skirmish about the winds in search of safety only to get struck down for flying too close to the light.

There isn't much time to waste. On his knees, the shaman kneels. He lifts his hands up and begins casting the spell to lock this demon door before it's able to open. To his relief, he immediately begins to see it take effect. Excited sparks of some otherworldly energy crackle about the gate like lightning about to form. He feels it. He can almost touch it. There's a sharp pain to it, but as long as the gate is closing, the pain is a small price to pay.

He sees it fading. The gate is blending more and more within the sky—a sign that the portal is closing. To hurry the process, Jabari exerts more force into it. He pours in more mystical energy. The sooner this thing is gone, the better. For the first time all day, everything is going according to plan. Everything looks as it is—as it should be—as—no.

Of course it's not that simple. Of course it's not as it seems. The gate isn't getting any weaker. This spell is having no effect over it at all. Something is wrong. He can feel it. It's getting stronger. God, why is it getting stronger? What's causing it to—oh no. His mind is back in the city. he's in the hospitals, he's on the streets, he's in the homes. Their homes. The innocents'. The children's.

The children are sick. It's an illness they've never encountered before. It's an illness their parents have never seen before. There is no physical indication of it. Their temperatures are fine, no boils or spots or anything apparent, but they are sick. All of them, from the infants to the adolescents. They all suffer, and it's all thanks to this beast about to emerge. It's feeding off them—stealing their essence. The more effort Jabari puts into trying to stop it, the more it consumes.

There's nothing he can do right now but wait. He stops his spell and waits, watching as the sky turns a crimson red with the screams of tortured souls drowned out by fire.

Finally, the gate opens and, from it, every unspeakable evil pours out. The lesser demons seize the opportunity to trade their former home for this one. And they bring sickness and plagues and diseases with them. Havoc rains down from the sky invisible to all but the shaman. He shoots down as many of the lesser demons as he can with hopes of freeing the young souls being forced into it, but they number in the hundreds. And among the hundreds, their master emerges.

It is a ram headed man, with dark, feathered wings. Its eyes like ignited coal. It floats above the earth, looking down on all the mayhem its presence here causes. Molech is the devil's name. Every child's soul screams as it's slowly, painfully, and forcefully dragged into him. It treats them like a meal. That's exactly what they are to it. Its power grows with each child it consumes, and it will keep consuming them until it is stopped.

On the swirling winds of Oya, Jabari fiercely takes to the skies to meet this devil. He doesn't care about slaying its minions to get to him. They all fall to the might of Shango and the storm. Lightning and hurricanes beckon to the shaman's heed and call, and they eviscerate the few, proud, dark creatures who stand between him and it.

Jabari hears himself bellow a fierce cry as he charges head first into battle. His ax of the storm makes contact with the dark, stony hide of the devil and cuts deep. Even its blood is ignited like lava. It burns his skin as it spatters upon him, but he does not relent in his assault. Two...three...four more strikes, the devil allows me to land, and then it starts fighting back.

The force behind its attack is enough to kill him three times over, but the mystical armor of Ogun spares him from its wrath. Jabari calls upon the hurricane to surround him and the demon both. The bladed winds strike at the beast from every which way as he command the lightning to fall atop the creature's head. All matter of nature eagerly joins in the attack. The spirits of the earth know that this creature is not a part of the natural order, and they all want it banished as soon as possible.

But Molech doesn't care. It fights back against nature, against the spirits, and against all of the Orisha, swiping them all down like mere nuisances, and that's all they are to it at this point. He is still drawing on the children's essence, still growing more in power.

“There was a time when these meat-bags would gladly offer their young to me. It was a dark time. A joyous time. A forgotten time. I had to settle for one infant every so often. I forget the details. And then, something happened. No, a number of things happened. Thousands of your earth years. And now we're here. Now, I can have as many of these souls as I want. No more rules, no more games, I'm finally free to do what I want, just as it should have been in the beginning. Just as it shall be forever more.”

Jabari blocks out the creature's words. They're only meant to shake him. He doesn't let it. But that doesn't change the situation. The demon's power is still growing. Jabari strikes at the beast's limbs, but it's becoming, harder and harder to cut.

It snuffs off the shaman's blows. Its retaliatory hits just about knock the wind out of him. Its punches—so unnatural—they send shock waves out for miles. Jabari's jaw is just about broken. It takes hold of his neck and slams him into the ground. He feels his back just about shatter as it uses his body to split the earth.

Jabari loses sight of the demon's visage. It vanishes before his very eyes as his body sinks into the earth. Very soon, the world fades to black. He's drowning in a sea of darkness. Is it in his mind? Has he passed out? He's not sure. No, he is sure. The Orisha spirits wouldn't let a demon get that close to him. It must be taking all of their effort to keep his psyche protected.

A sharp hurt assaults his side. The pain is real. It is physical. This isn't a mental attack. He's still falling—still sinking. The darkness is thick. Then a more intense pain hits his chest. He gasps on impact, but finds that there is no—or very little—air to breathe. The attacks become more frequent. There's no time to recover between hits. Jabari's disoriented, lost in this phantasm given life. He's not sure if Molech has sent him into some sub-dimension, or shifted the earth into it. With all the power the demon's absorbed, both are equally as likely.

The spirits envelop Jabari in an ethereal field. The cocoon goes beyond any manifestation of earthly energy. He has no conscious thought or control over it, as his mind is still on the pain—the pain that is suddenly lessening. Now, his mind becomes clearer.

Jabari opens his eyes. Still he sees only darkness, but his spirits give him light, and with the light comes enlightening. This is still earth, and he's still fighting the demon. It may not be seen, but it is here, all around. The darkness is it—everywhere at once, yet no where all the same.

Jabari's urged by the Orishas to get back into the fight. It's clear that they don't want this evil beast to go on any more than he does. Images of faces flash within his mind. Every child that Molech has consumed haunts the shaman's conscience. If he fails here, not only are the children lost for good, but countless others will soon follow. Jabari already knows this, but the spirits see fit to remind him. They don't take too kindly to demons who feed on the innocent.

“I assure you, neither do I,” Jabari says.

His strength returns, as do his higher senses. He doesn't think. He acts, reaching out into the void and grabbing the ram by its horns. It burns, like grasping hot coal, but the shaman doesn't let go. He can't let go. The demon fights back, swinging its fists violently, but Jabari pulls it in closer and strike its abdomen. It feels like he break my knee in the process, but it's nothing that won't heal.

The more Jabari attacks, the more he feels the demon's grip on this reality slipping. It seeks to regain its dominance by seeking out more souls. Jabari doesn't give it the chance. By invoking the spirit of Eshu, he uses the darkness to his advantage.

The ancient forces behind chance and fortune keep Jabari just a step ahead of Molech. A bolt of lightning tackles it from behind. Emerging from the darkness, a great purifying fire scalds its dried up hide. Foul winds hit it from overhead, and from underneath, the anger of Yemoja and Oshun erupt with torrential whirlpools.

The shaman has to keep the momentum. His mind races, invoking spell after spell, relentlessly assaulting the demon with everything he has. He doesn't give it any chance to catch its breath. Bolts, daggers, spikes, heat, wind, earth, all hurtle at the creature. All form of matter and energy under Jabari's control encase the demon, and in one bright and loud spectacle, his assault pierces the veil.

They're back on earth, back outside, beyond the darkness. Molech, now kneeling, hasn't recovered, so Jabari seizes the opportunity to call upon the spirits once more and blanket the area in a containment field. Nothing gets in. The demon can no longer siphon souls from afar.

“You've cut me off?” Molech queries. “Ah, but I can sense that it won't hold for long. Not that it even matters. I've received more than enough sacrifices.” The demon stands upright. All of its superficial wounds vanish in an instant. Its forelimbs ignite in a blaze as pure as the darkest of all evils.

Jabari clenches his fist, ready to charge in once more, but stop in his tracks. The shaman know the creature is right. With how fast it was absorbing the souls, he wouldn't be surprised if half the globe's within him. Even the souls of the children who set off on this quest with me fell victim. He's failed them. He's failed them, and even worse, he can't even recall their names.

“You have not failed, noble shaman,” the spirits assure him. They say that if he just keeps up the fight, they'll handle saving the children. “But it will cost you dearly. How much are you willing to give in order to save them?” Jabari is almost insulted that the Orisha have to even ask. Surely they know him well enough to know his reply. How long has he fought in their name? How long has he sought to uphold the balance, to carry out the Olòrún's will? How much is he willing to give?


He no longer cares about his well being. If he must lay down his life in service, then he will not hesitate to do so. He believes in his cause. He believes in his mission. He believes in the great spirit who guides him. This demon will not prevail. He is fueled by his resolve.

Jabari fights his way through the demon's tricks. Its power is great, but the power that fuels the shaman is greater. He pummels through Molech's defenses. The great wall shatters to the ground, and through it, Jabari sees all of its many prisoners. Every child lost and helpless, praying for their deliverer. Jabari reaches his hand out and grabs hold of them. His light comforts them. They're no longer afraid. They trust him, they believe in him, just as he believes in the one who sent him, and with that light—with that power—he sets them free.

One by one, the souls are released. Molech falls to its knees helplessly trying to reclaim them, but the Orisha don't let it. Like beams of light flying up towards the sky, the children fly back to their homes. Jabari senses them reviving, as if waking up from a bad dream.

Molech flails to his feet and rushes in to attack the shaman, but its assault is met with a strong and solid barrier. Here he stands, inches from Jabari, recklessly punching at a wall he can't hope to crumble. Jabari's back is to him. He sets his gaze up towards the sky. Today is the day good actually wins. He knows this in his heart. Any doubt that may have crept up in his mind is now erased. He's accomplished his mission. His quest—his journey is over.

The only thing left to do is end it. He turns to face the demon once more, and with little more than a whisper, he says, “Leave.”

Jabari instantly feels the power of the Olòrún fall forth from the heavens. Beyond sound, beyond light, beyond any and all belief, the power falls upon Molech, tearing him apart in mind, body, and soul. This is divine wrath. The light shining from the blast covers everything. The explosion pierces the edges of dimensions. Nothing of the former demon is left in its wake, nothing save an afterthought.

Jabari's spirit is left crippled afterward. He said he would give everything, and that's exactly what he did, and he'd do it all again if given the opportunity. He doesn't know how many portals are left, but this is the last one he'll be able to close. He looks back towards the sky right at the gate and begins the incantation he had started before the fight. He sees the gate's maw begin to close.

But at the last moment, a crimson beam of light shoots out from the still closing portal. A figure emerges right in front of the shaman, and lunges towards him. “Nice try,” the figure says as it thrusts its arm through the shaman's chest. “Now burn.”

And as fast as it happened, Jabari's entire body is set aflame. The charred corpse falls to the ground as the spirit of the deceased warrior, in the form of an orb of white light floats in front of the figure. It tries to approach it, reaping the spoils of its victory, but is halted by a wall of light emerging from the ground.

The figure takes a step back as the light illuminates. The figure is human-like. It has no ostentatious image, no demonic features, everything about this figure—this man—looks as human as can be. A white male, average build, brown crew cut hair, smug face, even wearing something as human as a black trench coat.

He hisses at the light, and for a moment his blue eyes appear to glow red. “So you won't let me kill his spirit then?” The bright light pulses in response. “Fine, see if I care. I've already won for the day. Your champion has fallen, and I roam free.” He looks up to the sky, and watches as the demon gate completely closes. “Well, at least you got that.”

((Thus concludes episode 13. Ending Theme.))

User Comments: [2] [add]
Majik Hymen
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jun 03, 2007 @ 02:51am
I really enjoy this. It's like watching an addictive show. X3

commentCommented on: Mon Jun 04, 2007 @ 02:28am
Cool, that's what I'm goin' for.

Community Member
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