I hear you have the day off today!<3 That's great!!<333 That means I can hog you today... -w- I really missed you yesterday, but got lots of yaoi manga and a new form of comfort... I'm glad that my friend Angie is able to be at her dad's house... I want her away from any pills that are around... What did hubby do yesterday? owo??<333 I read your PM about being scrunched all together!! >w<;; I can't even imagine having to share my bed space with more than one person!! @w@;; It would be all sweaty and crowded and a bit uncomfortable... >w>;; Hee hee...<3333 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!<3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333....<33333 Or so I believe it to be! ^w^ I could be wrong? Fuuu~~... My poor hubby needs muffins! ;w; Eli probably wants muffins too... I'm used to it a bit but... -w-;; You aren't!!! Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
yaoilicious Community Member |
Community Member
Yush! A day off to be with my wife! YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! ^_^ I've spent almsot the whole day with you! ;w; Makes me so happy!!
Your at dinner right now....I can't wait till you come back!!!! *mews and waits*