i know sometimes things may not always make sense to you right now, but hey what'd daddy always tell you straighten up little soldier.stiffen up that elbow there, what you cryin about you got me. Haley i know you miss your mom and i know you miss your dad but i'm gone and i'm tryin to give you the life that i never had, i can see your sad, even when you smile, even when you laugh i can see it in your eyes deep inside you wanna cry, cause you scared i aint there daddys with you in your prayers.no mor cryin wipe them tears daddys here no mor nitemares we gonna pull together through it we gonna do it haley uncles crazy but heloves you girl and you better know it what we got in this world when it spins, when it swirls, when it whirls, when it twirls two little beautiful girls