I'm the singer in a Grunge band(Which is debatable), which at this moment is called A.Y.M. I've been in it since April, and we've had one half assed practice. I'm getting progressively better at guitar, and I have more reliable friends that can also play instruments. Should I ditch them and go for myself or another band? The good point is that we just got a drumset so we just have to get a drummer. The bad points are that drummers are ******** hard to come by, we don't have a bassist because the ******** broke his arm, and I have vastly different musical tastes than the rest of the members. They're all the biggest metal heads I've ever seen, and I float in a stream of Mid 80's to late 90's Alternative Rock, Nu-Wave, Grunge, and punk. I mean, none of them have even heard of the Pixies. Come on. I'm seriously doubting the strength of this band thing, especially as summer comes closer.
Captain_Cynic · Thu May 31, 2007 @ 06:58am · 1 Comments |