a few questions that were asked to me by my friend.
q: where do you buy your awesome clothes?
a: i buy at verious spots, like hot topic, pac sun, zumies, and the stores on haight.
q: what's your favorite store on haight?
a: i dont know. problably the one with the mange jacket and pikachu hat.
q: are you willing to try new things?
a: sure. but it depends.
q: do you eat your vegetables?
a: well some. i love brocolli, carrots, peas, and stuff, but just not onions..
q: can you become friends with anyone?
a: that again depends, i can be friendly to someone, but not like the person. or like them. but i'm always nice.
q: what kind of music do you like?
a: rock and metal. 8]
q: what's your favorite song?
a: right now it's miss murder by a.f.i.
q: what dont you like about hip hop?
a: that they dont ever have original beats, and all the songs sound alike..
q: do you like rap?
a: rap is okay. people always mistake rap for hip hop. so hip hop gives rap a bad name to rockers like my self. but as for i rap is cool.
q: i know this is random, but what kind of shoes do you like?
a: vans, audios, airwalks (they arn't original, but they work), and DC. they're good for skating.
q: do you skate?
a: nope. but i like the style and i am very educated on it because my brother skates good.
q: define "normal"
a: that's a book.
q: i mean, what is normal to you?
a: i guess everyone is normal.. even though they are weird.
q: where do you live?
a: my house.
q: where are you from?
a: my mommy.
q: do you like magic?
a: yeppers. x3
q: what is this "conehead"?
a: 8(:> it's usualy the other way but this thing will make it funny.. see < smile 8 >.<"
come again for FAQ part 2!
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