Word of the day
See previous entries.. too lazy right now.
IGN: Estelien
Server: Lawolf
Job: Assist (my favorite! ^^)
Lvl: 48
Flying: Ignice Board
Been fighting anything from Captain Leyena to Captain Steamwalkers in the last day or two. Leveled yesterday.
I made a new character, and she got her hair cut already, and it's REALLY cute!
*sob* cry
Yesterday I was helping my friend (on Gaia he's Yellowboy1) in the Mas Dungeon...... and some guys come up to me, "buff plz"... "buff plzzzzzzzz".... "PLZZZZZZZZ I LIVE on BUFFS!!11!!!1!"..... I tried to explain to them that I was busy, and was not about to let my friend die, so, "It would only take like 2 seconds! People in this game just get unfriendlier every day! blah blah blah.."
I'm a BP build! not RM! gonk domokun </complaining>
On a happier note...
I found a thread about "Describe each class in one word".. here's what they say about Billposters:
asal, asal, cool, homo, fast, BoOOooOyah, average, crusher, asura, monk, WHAM! (asal), fun, stunners, boring, paladin, stun, BOOM! (asal), mud, asal, cocky, way too cocky, BLAMMO!, punch, BIKINIS, ownage, BAM, stun, fun-2-fight, stun, fist, over-rated, vomit, a tad bit cocky, smashing, brutal, RagnaMonk, asalraalaikum, cool, knuckly, semi ok crap, boring, stonehand, abs, meanie, selfish, stonehand, squirrel, 1 hit KO, sonic!, *Dead*, asalraalaikum
I'm noticing a pattern here........ rolleyes
To do
Estelien wants to be Lvl60..... eek
Read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Find a good cave to hide in from the n00bs.. ninja