A Random Story I Wrote When I was Bored

A Random Story I Wrote When I was Bored
One day there was a fisherman on the river in a boat. He was fishing quietly and humming to himself when suddenly out of nowhere came a large sea monster that jumped out of the water and swallowed him whole.

The next day the small fishing town was in an uproar about what they should do! That fisherman had been a famous member of their community. Finally they decided to hire a hero to destroy the great beast that threatened their waters.

One by one, brave warriors responded to the announcement of the fishing town, offering a great reward to whoever could destroy the beast. But not one of them could do it. One by one, these 'heroes' went to find the sea monster, and never returned.

In a small village not far from the fishing town, a young boy was living with his parents and his sister. They were very poor, and his sister was ill but they couldn't afford a doctor. So the little boy was sent away to find work.

First, he was apprenticed as a blacksmith, but that didn't turn out to well and he was soon thrown out on the street. He wandered around for days until at last he came upon a small sign that offered a big reward for killing a sea monster.

Intrigued by the idea and the hope of being able to save both his starving family and his sister, the boy set out to become a warrior. He soon found an old man who claimed to be the best swordsman around. The old man said he would train the boy if he would work for him and clean his home. The boy agreed.

The work was hard, and the training even harder. It was years before he was ready to face the monster. Every month he would visit his family and they would greet him happily. Now he was 18 years old and he considered himself a good warrior and a worthy opponent to any sea monster, as he had been in many battles and was undefeated.

When he went that month to visit his family, he told them what he planned to do. They became very worried, having heard stories of the previous warriors' disappearance when going off to fight the terrible beast.

After many tears and much pleading, the family agreed to let him go. He began his trek to the fishing town. On his way he came across some bandits who were trying to steal a young girl's necklace. He stopped and pulled out his sword. Recognizing him and knowing his reputation, the bandits fled without a fight and the little girl was safe to return home. The boy continued on his journey.

After two day's travel, the boy arrived at the fishing town. He went to find the mayor. When he got there, he requested permission to slay the beast.

The mayor declined his request, saying that too many lives had already been lost on that silly quest and he was not going to allow anyone else to try. Disappointed, the boy left and went to stay at an inn where he could think.

After some time, he decided to go and try to slay the beast anyway. He waited for nightfall and headed out to the dock, where he hopped into a boat and began to row out to sea.

It was a long time before anything happened. The sea was calm and there seemed no sign of any such monster. The boy had gotten drowsy and had layed down in the little rowboat and fallen asleep.

While he was sleeping, a giant sea creature reared out of the water and swallowed him whole, boat and all. But he didn't die!

He awoke inside the beast's belly and looked around, disgusted by the smell. After realizing where he was he panicked, afraid he would die. Meanwhile, the beast travelled out to sea, further, and further away from the shore.

After a while he stopped panicking and came up with a plan. He had to slay the beast. Taking his sword he cut his way out of its belly and swam to the surface where he breathed in the fresh, salty air. The large sea monster, now dead, sank to the bottom.

It was several days before the boy returned to the fishing village, having no boat to speed his travel. He had to swim all the way there. Everyone was surprised to see him and when he explained what had happened the town's mayor was shocked. The boy was well rewarded and his family and sister saved. The sea monster never bothered the town again and people went back to their normal lives.

Many years later, the story of the boy who saved the fishing village was told to the children in all the nearby towns. The boy was gone now, but his story lived on, he was remembered as a brave hero.

The End.