Ep2 They Call Me RYU!
???: Hmm If i dont hurry and get home Mom is gonna be worried about me.
but i needed to know my way around these parts of pioneer since me and my mom live in the Forest Dome Area of pioneer.
Hmm I wonder why mom sent me to school in pioneer's City Area? I liked it better when she teached me at home..
Ah well i guess she know's best.
???: Hmm? I hear something. It sounds like a fight is going on.
I wonder if theres any good fighters here in the city area? Well only one way to find out.
Unknown Guy #1: Well girly im in a good mood so i'm gonna let you crawl to me without me having to come get you. HAHAHAHA
Mass: Heh. You need to stop with that annoying laugh of yours. Its really starting to piss me of you know. (*Coughs*)
Unknow Guy #1: Cute... Guess i'll have to come over and get what i wont now dont i?
???: (*Thinks To Self*) This is not right. Wait is'nt that Ryoka laying on the ground?
It is And her friends are in trouble too. I need stop this.
???: I think you guys are really low and sick you know that? Picky on girls like that. Shame on all of you.
Unknown Guy #1: Beat it kid or we're gonna put the same pain we put on these girl's on you.
???: I dont think so.
Unknown Guy #1: Guys come take care of that boy over here im busy with this little chicky right now.
Unknown Guys: Yes Boss.
???: Heh just as i thought weaklings.
Unknown Guy #1: What The Hell? (*Throw's Mass Down*) I'll teach you to do that to my boy's like that.
???: Try it
Unknown Guy #1: Take this SONIC BLOW!!!
Mass: Huh? What? I didnt see him move.
Unknown Guy #1 (*GAH*) (*Hit's The Ground*) What happen?
???: I hit you.
Unknown Guy #1: No way!! I didnt even see you move!
???: That means your weak and not rightfully trained. Now Good Night. (*Kick's*)
Unknown Guy: Ahhh!!! (*Black's Out*)
(Few Minutes Later)
???: You Guys alright?.
Mass: Yeah...
Zel: Yea we're ok.
Mass: So who are you anyway?
???: Is Ryoka ok?
Mass: Answer me Dammit!!!
???: Umm (*Gulp*) Yes ma'ma. I'm new around here and..
Mass: Tell Me Now! Ahh. Damn..
???: Ms are you ok? Let me heal you to take care of some of those wounds.
Mass: Hmm. Fine but after this you better tell me who you are understand?
Ryoka: (*Thinks To Self*) I dont know if im gonna make it my body can hardly move. Huh? That voice is it him? No it cant be.
or was i knocked out that bad?
Zel: Umm can you do the same for Ryoka too? She's been hit in the back of her neck and i dont know if she's ok or not. She's not moving at all.
???: Ok let me check on her now. Ms you should be feeling better in a sec.
Mass: Wait Tell me your name now.
???: Ms i dont think this is the time now. I need to check on Ryoka.
Ryoka: (*Open's Eye's*)
Mass: Tell Me!!
???: Ok.. My name is..
Ryoka: RYU!!!
RYU: Huh?
Ryoka: (*Runs And Hug's*) Oh Ryu it's good to see you again!
RYU: Umm Ryoka? Your Ok?
Ryoka: Yeah im fine im gald to umm.. I mean it's good to see you again. Yeah yeah that's right good to see you again.
Zel: Ryoka? Your ok.
Mass: What the hell? Why you acted like you were dead or dieing? Saying oh Zel oh Mass i cant move and im sorry B.S stuff.
You look like your fine to me now.
Ryoka: I have no idea what your talking about.
Mass: Grr Ryoka!
Zel: Well if everyones ok i think i'll go home now.
RYU: Yeah I better get going too.
Ryoka: You can walk me home Ryu. And I wanna see where you live To Ryu.
Zel: Isn't anyone gonna walk home with me? After what we been through i dont know if i wanna walk home alone.
RYU: Maybe you should walk home With Your Friends Ryoka.
Ryoka: No no no. She'll be fine. Mass walk Zel home.
Mass: What? No Way.
Zel : Hehehe That's ok ill walk alone. (*Thinks To Self*) That's so cold a guy be for friend ship.
Ryoka: Take care Zelly Baby. Let's go Ryu.
RYU: Umm Ok
(A Few Mintues Later)
Mass: Hmm It seem like we been walking for hours. Wait are we just walking around?
cause we passed are house five times now.
Ryoka: Quite it Mass. No one ask you to come. So Ryu where do you live?
RYU: I live in the Forest Dome Aera.
Mass: What The ********? Forest Dome. That's too far for me to be walking.
Ryoka: Be Quite Mass. I dont mind walking with you there Ryu.
RYU: heheh.
Mass: So how did you learn them kind of moves anyway?
Ryoka: That's none of your bussiness Mass. And asking Ryu stuff like that is rude.
RYU: Heh. It's alright. I learn these moves From my Mom.
Mass: Wow your mom could fight?
RYU: She the best fighter ever i think
Mass: Hmm (*Ring*) (*Ring*) Ah my cell phone. Yeah? uh huh yeah ok. Ryoka we need to get home it's geting late.
plus Mist and Eve seen us walking around by the house 7 times now.
Ryoka: Let me see the phone.
Mass: Here. Hmm i cant understand it.
RYU: Hmm?
Mass: I was so sure of my self i could handle those guys. But i was beat'en with eas.
RYU: If you want i could show you some of my moves and teach you about Soul Energy to help your fighting.
Mass: Soul Energy? And it would make me stornger?
RYu: Yeah. You have alot of Soul Enegry.
Mass: I do? Hmm.
Ryoka: But Mom please let me Stay out a little longer.
Mass: Give me that.
Ryoka: HEY!
Mass: Sorry Eve but can you put Mist on the Phone I need her.
Mist: Hello.
Mass: Mist is Soul Enegry for real i need to know please tell me.
Mist: Hmm Let me guess you got into a fight and lost right? And you wanna know if Soul Enegry is real so you can be come stonger.
Mass: Hmm Yes...
Mist: Well im not surprised. I knew that was gonna happen to you one day. And let me guess that young man with you helped you out
right and told you about Soul Enegry right?
Mass: Hmm Dammit forget this.
Mist: Wait. Ok its real i use it you know? why do you think i can read your mind? It's not just cause im a Force. It's cause i have Soul Energy.
It's about time you learned how to use it. And i think you should take him up on his offer.
Mass: I see. See you home. (*Click*) Time to go Ryoka.
Ryoka: Ok it's nice to see you again Ryu Take care (*Hug's*)
RYU: (*Blush*) Umm Yeah. take care Ryoka.
Mass: I'll meet you inside Ryoka. I need ask him something.
Ryoka: Ok you better not hurt him or try to pick a fight with him.
See ya Ryu.
Mass: So you saying that i can be stronger huh?
RYU: Yeah. You have alot of Soul Energy in you i can sense it. It's just you need to learn how to let it out and control it.
Mass: Ok. I'll take you up on your offer. I really want be stronger.
RYU: Heh. with Soul Energy you will be. Maybe even stronger then me with how much energy you have.
Mass: Hehehe. You really know what to say at times.
RYU: Yeah i know. And im Shocked you laughed. You really dont seem like the type of person to laugh that much.
Mass: You only met me to day. So how can you say that?
RYU: Umm. Well... Good ponit.
Mass: You know you should get to know people more before you start to judge them. hehehe.
RYU: Yeah i guess theres still alot i need to learn. heh heh.
Mass: True. But anyway i know you heard my name before but i never told you my name and you never told me your name.
I'm Mass. Mass Cary. And You?
RYU: Well im RYU. Last Name West.
Mass: Fire West Eh? Cute. hahaha.
RYU: If you say so.
Mass: Well i better get in the house. And im sure your Mom and Dad are worried about you.
RYU: Ok I'll see you later in school. Take Care.
Mass: Wait!
RYU: Hmm?
Mass: I never got the chance to say thanks for saving me and my cousin I hate to admit it but we could have been killed.
RYU: It's No Problem. Dont worry about it.
Mass: I know it wasnt.
RYU: Oh...
Mass: But i just wanna to say thanks.. *Kisses*
RYU: Huh? *Blushes*
Mass: Quit acting shy it dose'nt suit you. hehehe. Anyway see you later Fire West.
RYU: Umm Ok... What im i doing? I better get home.
It's looks like RYU has finally showed up but is it a good thing or bad? And Who is RYU's Mother?
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My love for you is deep and true. No matter what you do, I'll always be there for you. No matter where you go, I'll always be there beside you. Till the day I die sweet heart... I love you Ayu...
My love for you is deep and true. No matter what you do, I'll always be there for you. No matter where you go, I'll always be there beside you. Till the day I die sweet heart... I love you Ayu...
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