I wanted to see who really read my journal occasionally xd
well...even though it didn't exactly turn out that way...er...um...anyway...
I decided to include everyone who replied in my journal within the past 3 weeks and not just whoever replied to that specific entry.
Azure Phoenix
Fake AP
sooo...what is this list for you ask? xp
I'm going to give you all something as thanks for replying xD
naturally it's going to be some sort of art that I'll make but what exactly I'm not sure.
If you don't want anything from me just tell me :p I don't mind
I'd actually be happy cuz then I'd have less work to do....er *cough*did I say that out loud? ._.;;
um...seeing that I don't have my laptop except on the weekends it might take awhile for me to finish everyones sweatdrop
but I'll remember~

Community Member
I usually check journals on a regular basis. No one can read mine though because it's for my leet eyes only. ninja
You could give us all a group drawing. It'll save you time to draw each an individual drawing... maybe.... I don't know because you'll have to draw us individually for the group picture anyway. sweatdrop I'll be teh zombie!! xd And be sure to include your avatar in the group as well! That is, IF you want to draw us in a group. ninja