Hello there, poor, neglected journal. *pets* I'm sure you've missed me. D;
Perhaps I should update my life?
I started and avatar contest~! xD Chyah~!
Banner that Shiomi made me. o: Click it.
Click it. >.>
Right now. <3
I don't know.
Well~! I'm thinking about getting a hair cut. |: Like... more of a trim, than an actual cut. But but~!
I want bangs... xD
Like. D: Short bangs in the front. Then longer side bangs like I have now... and then the rest of my hair~!
I doubt it would actually look good on me, but meh. D: It's just hair. o-o
*twiddles umbrella*
Even though I currently don't have an umbrella... xD
I feel so sad at the moment. ;-;
Life is so sad. D:
So sad.
I don't know. xD
I'm bored~! D:
And... I have... an odd little feeling like I've made someone upset with me... D;
And I don't know how to fix it... ._.;
And I've been feeling awful all day. D:<
I went to bed with a headache last night. ;-; And then I woke up with it even worse. ;-;
And all day, I've been headachey, even though I've taken acetaminophen. D; And it's really migraine-ish. Like, nauseous, headache, eyes hurt... bad.
Though, I think I'm okay right now...
*wavers hand*
La la la~!
How are you~?
I hope so.
Well, anyway.
I don't think I have anything else to type at the moment. D; So until next time, my invisible readers~!
I love you. ._.
Tah tah for now~
- Sakura Lied.