T_T lovely lovely Ludwig van...!!
Awww I just saw a Clockwork Orange. {Alex is damn CUTE} I felt bad for him, though I probably shouldn't, seeing as he was the member of a gang, a rapist, a murderer and a thief. Oh well. I also saw Tommy- you know, the rock opera by the Who? I like the Acid Queen, though I'm not sure why. That thing she used to inject the drugs into Tommy looked like the Iron Maiden. Anyhow, anyone who was wondering about the Bob Marley part in my journal description? Hehehehehe. whee I've just recently developed an obsession with the man. He was a poet, a philosopher and a great musician. I've always liked reggae; a band I like, Black 47, mixes all sorts of things and they once had a song that sounded like a Celtic music/reggae cross. It was awesome. Field hockey camp starts on Monday. I got my mouth guard today, though I should've gotten, like, three of them- I chew the cursed things to bits. I don't even know if the amount of rubber I've ingested because of them is healthy ;3 Sooooooo, I have nothing to do. I've just scrapped about four chapters of my story and I'm not happy 'bout it. I'm re- writing the second now. -_- This is going to take a while.
CURRENT LISTENINGS: Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd