today I found out that he had been found dead, with his family. please take a moment to think it over how well you know him.
Christ Benoit
I watched his mamorial cerimonie on }RAW{ tonight. and I saw the most amazing achievements in his professional career.
they left the entire building empty, even throwing a 3 HR schedeual off the table.
he had shown everyone how much he loved them. he faught with 120% of himself. put sacrifice on his first priority. but he loved his opponent, turning his foes to friends. never letting his gaurd down.
the wolf in his rage always brought a good show....
when he had won on ~{Royal Rumble XX}~, you could imagine the joy he had felt after the suffering he gone threw. taking on one of his toughest opponents, THE BIG SHOW an hour after he had been put into the match.
he is one of the most reconizable superstars in the wrestling industry. he made me a wrestling fan and he gave me something i can to relate to. he was a great friend who believed in me, you could accually feel the warmth he shared when he dived his head into his opponent. he believed in evryone of us. and I Achnowlege his lost hopes and dreams....