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My Adventures of My Life! (not really)
Uhh...I wont really be writing about any adventures, because I never really have any XD But I just LOVE adventures! But what I will be writing about is what happened throughout my day so far, or what's been going on, ect.
Changmin Opps <3
Korean Name: Shim Chang Min [심창민]
English Name: Max
Stage Name: ChoiKang Changmin [최강창민]
Band: TVXQ
Date of Birth: 1988.02.18
Height: 186 cm
Weight: 61 kg
Blood Type: B
Hobbies: Music, singing, eating
Specialty: Singing, dancing
Position: High vocal
Religion: Buddhism

Credits: Wikipedia


An aquarius born in 1988, his blood type is B. Is greedy when it comes to music, so sometimes cries when he isn't satisfied with his singing. Because his parents are teachers, he is also very competitive and tries very hard at schoolwork and reading. Though the youngest in the group, he is the most modest and has the deepest thoughts. Can be honest and blunt when he strongly believes that something should not be done. Though shy at first, he is a very bright boy when you get to know him well. Followed his friend to an SM contest and luckily won the Best Singer award.

ChoiKang Changmin, whose high note is outstanding

The youngest of our group Choikang Changmin is a crybaby. When his singing goes wrong he cries. But he has a brave side to him too. Starting from elementary school in 6th grade, he delivered newspapers as a part-time job.
Changmin is the youngest in the family and group but noone can complete against his singing. His high note is so outstanding that he doesn't know what octave it goes up to. He says that hes worries that if he knows it might interrupt his singing.
Changmin is a quiet person and doesn't talk very much. In an interview, he only says 2 or 3 things in the end. Changmin is a clear person who reads the Harry Potter Series and tells everyone about it. He particpated in a singing contest and won an award. That led him to be a singer but before that he was regular student.

100 Questions on Changmin:

100 Questions:

1.) Male or FML: Male.
2.) Birthdate: February 18, 1988. Around 5 AM.
3.) Family: Dad, Mom, Me, Two younger sisters.
4.) Skin Tone: Reddish tan.
5.) Height: 180
6.) When were you most sad: I don't think I've ever been REALLY sad.
7.) When I was the happiest: When I first walked into SM.
8.) Musicians I look up to: Brian Mcknight, Shin Hyesung, Kangta.
9.) Places I go most often: School, Learning Centers, bus stops,
10.) WHen do you watch the most movies: After tests, summer.
11.) -
12.) What kind of person am I: I laugh to brightly. I don't get mad
13.) Favorite song to sing at Karaoke: Yurisangja- TO my bride.
14.) First love: No one.
15.) First Kiss: I haven't even had a first love yet.
16.) Fav. Movie: Harry Potter, most anything that's fun.
17.) Favorite flower: ...buht kkot
18.) Fav. TV show: I don't watch too much TV.
19.) What would you do if you weren't a singer: ....
20.) Favorite Books: Harry Potter, ( I sound so young.)
21.) Where I want to visit: Europe.
22.) Fav. Food: I like almost everything.
23.) Fav. Fruit: tangerines, bananas, oranges.
24.) Fav. Color: White.
25.) Nicest thing I did: When i volenteered to clean up my school.
26.) My most important possession: CD player.
27.) Something I want to say: ...hm...I'll do my best at everything.
28.) People I remember: People who work for me, my friends, seniors,
29.) People I think of: The people i like.
30.) If you died: ....
31.) Good thing about yourself: I smile a lot.
32.) Something bad about yourself: I kind of act sudden.
33.) People you respect: People who work hard.
34.) Ideal birthday present: Anything is good.
35.) Hardest thing you had to do: Most eveyrthing.
36.) -
37.) hobbies: listening to music, singing.
38.) Specialties: Singing.
39.) Habits: goofing off with friends.
40.) What I want to do for the person I love: Everything I can.
41.) What I want to receive from the person I love: Everything they
can give me.
42.) What I want to do with the person I love: A lot of stuff, uhm,
walking together.
43.) Prized Possesion: Famiy.
44.) Fav. Animal: Dog.
45.) How are you dressed: Tshirt, pants.
46.) People I don't like: People with bad personalities.
47.) When I look weak: When I can't do something I'm set out to do.
48.) Stress reliever: Music, singing.
49.) When I hurt someone: I don't think I have.
50.) What you think when you look in the mirror: .....
51.) Something I most regret: When i can't do smoething.
52.) # of kids you want: 2 or 3
53.) What's your phone greeting: I can't remember
54.) Today's weather: It's dark.
55.) Fav. #: 7
56) How much can you drink: .....
57.) Slept over anywhere: At my friend's.
58.) HGave you ever run away from home: no.
59.) Ideal woman: good personality, cute.
60.) What I want to say to my friends: I'll do my best to make you
61.) What I want to eat: Everything
62.) Your personailty: I think it's pretty decent.
63.) How often do you go to the bathroom: depends...
64.) religion: Bool Gyo, (TN: What is that? presbytarian? Muslim?
65.) Do you like recieving or giving: Both.
66.) Most memorable day: When i stayed at school until late and
talked with my friends.
67.) Fav. Fashion: I'm not very good with clothes.
68.) Hours of sleep you get: 5-6
69.) When you don't like yourself: When I can't do something I want
70.) When I find myself charismatic: hehe
71.) What you do when you're alone: sing.
72.) People you've gone out with: 0
73.) Where do you look first when you see someone: eyes.
74.) What I think of my life so far: 50/50
75.) Complex: My skin's kinda dark.
76.) You like your mom or dad: both!
77.) When you fight with someone: I feel sad.
78.) When someone wants to break up: I think I'd be at a loss of words
79.) If someone you loved got a horirble diesease: I think i'd try my
all to make them better
80.) If your parents didn't like the person you loved: SUHLDEUK (TN:
i have no idea what that is.)
81.) What are you going to do after you finish this: get ready for
school tomorrow and clean up and sleep.
82.) What you think of couples: they're cute.
83.) Nicknames: ........
84.) What you have next to you: printer, homework, my mouse.
85.) Movies I want to see: Crazy first love (AWFUL MOVIE!!!) Memories
of mursder.
86.) Movie that I most remember: I am Sam
87.) Poeple I see most often: teacher, friends
88.) Fav. Sport: baseball, bball.
89.) Your hairstyle as of now: I'm drying my hair.
90.) Fav season: winter
91.) What do you have in your bag: chapstick, books, CD-p.
92.) How many cards do you have: my student ID, bus card...hehhe
93.) When you're sad: when I'm having a bad day
94.) What kid of women do you not like: ones with bad personalities

Credits: DBSKExclusives@fanaticgurl

1) Max's height happening

At one fan signing thing a lady was talking to Max.....
Girl: Oppa!! Hello~
Max: Hello~
while Max was giving her his autograph.....
Girl: Oppa! your height is 176cm right??HAHA
they were joking aroung and she got her paper and Max wrote her a P.S.....
P.S. It's 186 ^^

2) Xiah & Micky Happening

One day at their house Xiah was writing his report....
Micky comes up and turns off the lights...
Xiah:Hey! why did u turn off the lights???
Micky:If they see the lights,the fans will come
About an hour later Micky turns on the lights...
Xiah: Why are u turning on the lights???
Micky:What if the fans really leave......::

3) Max's fan Happening

When DBSK was still beginners the fans would walk up to Max and
Fan: Could u give this to Junsu???
He's so used to it now whenever a fan gives him a present, he goes
Max: Who should I give it to??
Then one day Max was tring to get in the car and a fan walked up to him and
gave him a present...
Max:Who should I give it to??
Fan:Give it to some wonderful person named Max^^
SO Max still remembers that fan..........

4)Xiah's U are so pretty Happening

One girl fan walked up to Xiah and said
Fan:Oppa!! You are sooo pretty~
Xiah:Thanks~You are pretty handsome your self~^^*

5)Micky's Lee Hyo Ri Happening

One time there was this signing thing and a fan went to Micky....
Micky:What's ur name??
Fan: It's Lee Hyo Ri(a really pretty korean singer)
Micky:Is that ur real name??
Micky laughs and for the PS, he wrote
P.S.- Get as pretty as your name~^.^

6)Micky's Fan signing Happening

There was another one of this fan signing things and one fan went to get
Micky's autograph....But she saw MAx right there and she thought that he was just
georgious......SO she just said her name and kept on staring at Max...
Fan sad staring at Max)
Micky: Hey....Your autograph...
Fan: AH! thank you^^
and on the PS...
PS- Max is very handsome isn't he???

7) Micky's Dinner Happening

Micky made Kimchi stew for dinner the day before.....
Xiah: Hey...Yoochun..about that stew that u made yesterday...
Micky: I know it was good thankyou.
U know was playing computer games.....
Xiah: Tell u the truth.....I feel sick.....
Hero: Yeah...it was pretty bad...
Max: I thought that it was pretty good
U know was just listening....
Uknow: Yoochun.....that stew yesterday was delicious- but leave it to
JJ from now on....

PPPS - LOL, listen to Hi Ya Ya. XD Changmin's microphone seems to stop working at one point, and Junsu sings the wrong chorus lyrics after the bridge
("Dancing in summer paradise" when it's supposed to be
"Always be happy together." LOL he just goes with it~ ââ„¢¥ ââ„¢¥ ââ„¢¥)
***supervictoria64 comment on DBSK 2nd Asia Tour Concert Album.

this was written somewhere before,but I forgot where I got it from.I'll just make it short for y'all:There was a guy he went out with his friends who are girls.This guy is a korean.They were eating in a restaurant.Suddenly
(according to the guy) he saw five good-looking guys
(and of course the manager was with them)
(this guy is same age with DBSK)walk into the restaurant.
All the girls in the restaurant started whispering and starring at those five guys.
This guy's friends realise it was DBSK and asked the guy to go over to
DBSK to ask for their autograph.This guy went to their table and asked
for their autograph.
All of them especially the manager stared at him.
He also felt very awkward because he was of the same age with them.
And a guy asking a guy is very odd.
The first to sign was Yunho,this guy said his first impression of Yunho was,Yunho was very manly,handsome and nice.He also said even to him(who is same age with them and is a boy)he is very surprised to say that Yunho is really really handsome better than in the tv.(Im not sure who came next all I know is Yunho was first so Im just randomly writing who is next.)Then Micky signed this guy said that Micky was very nice, funny and was a lefty.He also said Micky looked better than in the tv.Then Jaejoong,he was really amazed with Jaejoong's feminine looks.He said Jaejoong had very very fair skin but he had bad eyebags.He said Jajejoong was the nicest(I think.)and looks more handsome than on tv.Xiah:He said Xiah looked different from the tv.He said Xiah was very angry and not nice.Changmin:He said Changmin is VERY VERY VERY handsome.He looks much much more handsome than on tv.
His ranking of who was the most handsome,

i got just tagged along with my friends for this even ;

i went with 7 other friends, only three of us got chosen to go in; so i went in, but this is for reals, outside were the fans that didnt get chosen, and seriously, they were all youngwoong jaejoong fans.

if you look at their placards, they are all jaejoong fans --;

anyways so i went in; i dont really like dbsk but i do like youngwoong jaejoong a little bit;

so i was going towards his line but someone ; was going towards yoochun's line but since jaejoong had no one in his line, the admins were pushing her towards jaejoong's line. then right in front of jaejoong she says "aw rainbow, i dont like youngwoong jaejoong" ; jaejoong seemed quite alarmed but he just laughed lightly..

all the other members looked in jaejoong's direction

i was so surprised i just stared at that fan. she really did say it extremely loudly. then there was this other fan, she must have been a junsu fan.

once again there was no one in the jaejoong line. the admin pushed the girl towards jaejoong's line and the fan turns around towards her friend and says "sunshine, i already got jaejoong's sign, this is annoying i need to get junsu's"

even though she said that jaejoong smiled brightly while the jaejoong fans sat outside crying...

then a bit later jaejoong slightly looks over to yoochun and forces an awkward smile...honestly, when i saw that i felt really bad

since there were no fans in his line he was just sitting there practicing dancing

then another admin told this other fan to go get a sign from jaejoong and the fan goes "no~"

at first he was laughing and smiling, but then more and more fans kept on saying things like that and so eventually jaejoong's head just went down and he wouldnt look up

and this one fan screams "im not going to go to youngwoong jaejoong~ ahh~ im not going~ let me go!!" jaejoong heard this and embarassed he somewhat hid his face in his hands..

then this one yoochun fan got put into changmin's line. and changmin asks "whats your name?" and she repleis with "you dont need my name" and his face just lost all color and he puts his head down.

seriously though, all the fans outside were jaejoong fans.

all the fans were crying, and begging to be let in; and they were all calling out his name

but since the glass was tinted i dont think he saw them or realized that so many of his fans came

i really think changmin and jaejoong got really hurt at this signing session, especially jaejoong...

yoochun junsu and yunho seriously had long lines that never ended, and changmin maybe 4, while jaejoong had none

im not really a fan but i felt extremely bad. crying
~~~the end~~~

Changmin story:

there was absoultely no one in jaejoong oppa and changmin oppa's line. it was almost like all the changmin and jaejoong fans decided not to show up. it was that bad. i felt so bad i didnt know what to do, and eventually i ended up crying. as i walked up to changmin i was crying but i tried to hide it but changmin caught on. he began with, "don't cry..." but i really couldnt help it. i apologized...for criyng...for hte biased fans...and i just apologized. changmin looks at me and laughs and says, "theres no need to be sorry."

right after he signed my poster i said in a whisper, "i love you" and his reply..."thank you...so much...for loving us."

then as i was leaving something he said really saddened me... he looks over to junsu and says "hyung, i thought she was your fan...i guess not."

its the fans that made them believe this. that is why whenever i give changmin oppa a soda he gives it to junsu, when i hand him a pen for him to sign something to me, without even thinking, he hands it to junsu.
~~the end~~

The number of TVXQ anti-fans:23169(as of the beggining of 2007)

Did you know?(random facts,I hope no one has ever posted any of these before)
~Jaejoong shaves his armpit very regularly,you rarely see his armpits hairy.(LOL)
~Jaejoong was wearing a shirt which clearly states(without any censors but I will censor it here)F***in My Way Up in rising sun*jap version* video.
~In the same video,Changmins hat almost fall out and you can see Yunho's armpit hair...LOL
~Jaejoong cries when he reads comics.And when he watch sad movies he will not cry because he said movies are played by real people and do not give space for imagination.(I don't really get him)
~Fans who meet DBSK usually say Jaejoong is the nicest.
~DBSK loves Anne Hathaway.They wish to act with her some day.Just to meet her.
~Changmins dream girl would be a girl wearing Anne Hathaway's clothing from the devil wears prada.He thinks its very stylish.
~Micky likes any type of girl.
~Every member wants to visit Europe.
~Jaejoong likes girls who wear stylish clothes(sort of Japanese style.With leggings and stylish shirt..etc)He likes those Harajuku style clothes.Those that are sold in Japan.
~Yunho likes girls with cute outfits.Mainly long shirt with pants(must have pants).
~Micky likes girls with simple and sporty clothing not to much.
~Xiah likes girls who wear outrageous sexy outfits and/or formal dress(like princess)
~All DBSK activity in Korea will be postponed(even their new single with Jaejoong's 10 question-bistro in couple-)because of their very busy scheduele.
~Yunho is listed at number 3 for most determine/competitive celebrity.
~According to Micky Jaejoong teaches him(Micky) how to imitate voices every night before they sleep.
~Micky sometimes likes to eat rice with milk.
~Micky had a hard time at first trying to get used to the dancesteps.
~All members admitted that O Jung Ban Hap's dance moves were quite hard and especially when they had to sing at the same time.They also said this song/dance needed more energy than their rising sun dance/song.
~DBSK Jaejoong loves to get pulled/crowded by fans.He loves attention.
~DBSK Yunho does not like fans to pull him or crowd him although he will just smile in his heart he does not like him.
~Some fans in the airport threw chocolates at Yunho to get his attention.OUCH!Junsu got pissed and kinda scolded the fans(not really scold but I forgot what he did but I know he was pissed).
One pic:
CHANGMIN..Is this real??

Something STUPIDFACTORY said on page 22:
DBSKER94: Thanks for those informations! Well, i got to say. Some fans are seriously $@!#^%&. Even though they do not fancy Jaejoong, they don't have to say it out loud do they? I would so loveeeee to get Jaejoong's autograph please. Changmin's too! If not, any member of dbsk's autograph is fine for me! Jaejoong was really good to continue smiling even after hearing those comments. They're really sweet (:
I read this in many forums. Many people who met DBSK said Changmin is reaaaaaaaaaal handsome compared on tv. And Junsu is always the one who is said to look really serious. Totally different from the Junsu on tv eh? haha. (I still love you Junsu! xD)
Junsu lost weight just to fit his hairstyle?! >.< I agree that Junsu has more charisma now but i still think he's cuteeeee xD

YC and CM's naked interviews from S-magazine


When do you want to go back to Korea the most?
When I want to eat Korean food, when I want to breathe Korean air, and when I want to go to Han river.

Is there a difference between Japanese fans and Korean fans?
Should I say the difference between 'girl' and 'woman'? Japanese fans have the cute 'girl' image even if they are older, but Korean fans have a strong womanly feel to them even if they are young (laughs).

Have you ever joined a fan cafe or fan site secretly?
Of course (laughs).

Have you ever cried in front of fans?
Rather than crying in front of fans... I happened to be caught crying (laughs).

How do you wish fans would look at you?
A human (laughs). I really wish they will look at us like that. I want them to know we are both human.

When was your most embarrassing moment?
At a university event, when it was my turn to project to the stage, I fell from jumping. It was really embarrassing.

Do you have any place you want to recommend to fans coming to Korea?
Darewon Chinese restaurant. It's near the SM office, and the members and I often order food from there. Hahaha.

Really? It must be good (laugh)?
Actually the taste is so-so. It's because I don't know many places (laughs).

When was the time you cried the most in your life?
I don't want to comment on personal things. But after debuting as DBSK, I think I had much more tears of happiness.

If you had a one month vacation, what do you want to do?
I want to go to Provence in France. After I rest, I will miss doing work so I will study composing and practice singing.

If you were given a week vacation, airplane tickets, and some money, who do you want to go with?
Of course I want to go with the members.

Is there a member you want to be like?
Hm...I haven't really thought about that.

What are you interested in recently?
Zelda for Nintendo Wii! I loved this game when I was in America, and when I went to Japan there was this game. I was so happy (laughs).


When do you want to go back to Korea the most?
When I have hit the limit to myself. There are many hard times in Japan because I am still going up step by step.

Is there a difference between Japanese fans and Korean fans?
Other than the nationality and language, there is none (laughs).

Is there a memorable fan from a concert?
A fan that listens to our music.

Really? That's a funny answer.
Haha. Is it? But I really like fans that listen to our music. Most fans don't listen to the music and just scream (laughs).

Have you ever joined a fan cafe or fan site secretly?
Yes. I have (laughs).

How do you wish fans would look at you?
As an average 20-year-old young man who is youthful and always tries hard. Is that hard (laughs)?

When was your most embarrassing moment?
When I was singing and my voice cracked. It was really embarrassing (laughs).

Do you have any place you want to recommend to fans coming to Korea?
I want to recommend Kyung Bok Kung. (A place with ancient buildings)

When was the time you cried the most in your life?
When I was young, I thought that my parents were the strongest people in the world. But as I grew, it was so sad seeing my parents become weak. I also cried a lot watching the movie "A Moment To Remember". How would it feel if you can't even remember the one you love...The movie was very sad.

If you had a one month vacation, what do you want to do?
I want to learn swimming, singing, acting, using a camera, and playing an instrument. I especially have a lot of interest in cameras recently.

If you were given a week vacation, airplane tickets, and some money, who do you want to go with?
Of course the members.

Is there a member you want to be like?
The other members have many things that are better than me. But rather than being like someone else, I like to be 'myself'. Is it too much of a self-admiration?(laughs)

What are you interested in recently?
Camera and music!

oh yeah heres some legit orderline aside from yesasia: (ofcourse i already ordered from these websites before so no need to fret!)
1. cdjapan.co.jp
2. hmv.co.jp
3. amazon.co.jp
4. play-asia.com

-this is taken from another interview-
JJ:Originally at the time of our debut we had decided on our ow concepts and had our own hopes and dreams.In the beggining,since changmin is the youngest,he had the cute and charming concept.For Micky,his concept was gentle,international student style,humorous and dandy(o_0*).For Yunho,he is the leader,his concept was manly tough and leadership.For me mysterious.Because of how I look on the outside.
JJ:Yes.Yes I was in charge of mysterious charisma.For Junsu his concept was luxurious and sexy.
CM:It was far from cute.
JJ:we started with these concepts.
JJ:But one day...
MC:So it was like a promise you weren't going to break?
JJ:We went well with the promise during hug.Changmin held the cat,gave milk to the cat and kissed it.It was all good.But during the way you are..
CM:That was 2-3 years ago and we were going to KangReung.In a cable program we were filming something and Junsu suddenly...
CM:He put his hands like this..Show what you did
JS:he did that action is is similiar to the picture.
All members are in the car(I think it is before or after a 'The Way You Are' performance) but only Jaejoong,Xiah and Yunho can be seen.This time was during the way you are time where all of them had puffy hair.Xiah did the 'angel pose'.
-end of flashback-
JJ:And with that his concept was messed up.After that his sexy and luxurious concept faded away.
YH:The public won't know this but after the incident happen he makes weird sounds with his high tone voice.*imitates Junsu's 'dolphin voice'*Like that.
MC:Hold on.Im curious on what happen to Changmin afterwards.
JJ:Before the incident he had eyes that was always mismatched but after the incident his lips got mismatched.He had an expression full of complaints.So he got in charge of charisma.
*the manager suddenly pops behind Jaejoong and Yoochun.But only Yoochun realised.Jaejoong continued laughing.*
YC:Our manager in front suddenly said 'Jaejoong ah',Jaejoong ah'.
JJ:So our concept has changed alot.Junsu became Korea's little brother.So Changmin started something.
YC:started what?started working out?*laugh*
JJ:Changmin started to work out.
JS:So the reason why Changmin started working out was because of me?
JJ:Yes that's right.He got to get rid of the cute image so he made his skin darker,grew his hair and started working out.

Though i'm chinese.hahhaa. Dbsk's mandarin is pretty alright though for a korean. I can understand what they're saying when they were presenting an award in Taiwan last year. And i reckon Changmin's mandarin is the best among them all xD

Changmin is good at all of the languages he learned. I remember I saw this vid. where the group members said he was the best of the group w/ Japanese. And I also heard he had the best English pronounciation out of the group, yup even better pronounciation than Micky. Micky knwo more english, but pronounciation isn't as good.

Question 1:
Who will get last in the 100 m race?

Changmin, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Yunho and Junsu

Question 2:
Who will cry first when they are watching sad movies:

Changmin, Junsu, Yoochun, Yunho, Jaejoong

Question 3:
who will be the best Manager?

Yunho, Jaejoong, Changmin, Junsu, Yoochun

Question 4:
Who's the best in saving money:

Changmin, Yunho, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu

Question 5:
Who will have the most fun when playing alone (no one else)

Yoochun, jaejoong, Junsu, Yunho, Changmin

Question 6:
Who will be the best husband?

Yoochun, Yunho, Jaejoong, Changmin, Junsu

Question 7:
Who cannot live without his fashion designer?

Junsu, Changmin, Yunho, Yoochun, Jaejoong

Question 8:
Who makes the most calls?

Jaejoong, Yoochun, Yunho, Junsu, Changmin

Question 9:
Who is the most timid one? (afraid of ghosts)

Yoochun, Junsu, Changmin, Jaejoong, Yunho

Question 10:
Who is the most sensensitive

Changmin, Yoochun, Junsu, Yunho, Jaejoong

Question 11:
During gatherings, who is the most popular?

Yoochun, Yunho, Junsu, Changmin, Jaejoong

Question 12:
If won a lottery, who will donate some to the unfortunate?

Junsu, Changmin, Yunho, Jaejoong, Yoochun

Question 13:
Do not disturb him when he's angry

Changmin, Yunho, Jaejoong, Junsu, Yoochun

Question 14:
Who will buy all the revision books and won't touch it at all?

Yoochun, Junsu, Yunho, Jaejoong, Changmin

Question 15:
Who will be the one announcing if he has a girlfriend?

Junsu, Changmin, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Yunho

Question 16:
Who will be the best fashion designer?

Jaejoong, Yunho, Yoochun, Junsu, Changmin

Question 17:
Who doesn't dare to sit those scary rides in amusement parks?

Yoochun, Changmin, Yunho, Jaejoong, Junsu

Question 18:
Who's the best in making cookies?

Jaejoong, Junsu, Changmin, Yoochun, Yunho

Question 19:
Who will look the best in wearing hanboks (Korean traditional outfit)

Yoochun, Changmin, Junsu, Yunho, Jaejoong

Question 20:
Who is the most suitable to be a teacher?

Junsu, Yunho, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Changmin

Question 21:
Who studies the most during autumn?

Changmin, Junsu, Yoochun, Jaejoong, Yunho

Question 22:
During Father's and Mother's Day, who will prepare a carnation(flower)?

Yoochun, Changmin, Junsu, Jaejoong, Yunho

Question 23:
Whose underwear is the most colorful / striking

Yoochun, Junsu, Jaejoong, Changmin, Yunho

Question 24:
Who will be the best model for cosmetics products?

Jaejoong, Yunho, Yoochun, Changmin, Junsu

Question 25:
During holidays, who will stay at home washing dishes?

Jaejoong, Yunho, Changmin, Yoochun, Junsu

Question 26:
Who can predict when is autumn

Yoochun, Changmin, Jaejoong, Junsu, Yunho

Translation credits: Amanda @ cyxion.net
source: mickyuki @ baidu
typist: christine @ cyxion.net

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