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RolePlay Samples
→Okay, so I figured every decent roleplay is going to ask for some sample posts. Most like an Intro post and one or two regular posts. I haven't been in a decent, literate (or advanced literate) RP in a very long time, due to the lack of them or the fullness of them. So I normally have to type up the posts. That is exhausting and annoying, to have to type up all of these long posts. So I'm just going to put them here. So whenever an RP asks for sample posts, all I have to do is give them the link to my journal. Muahahaha. How pleasant. More people should do this instead of going through their posts to find a nice, lengthy post.←


Introduction Post
Her eyes opened. Kassi blinked several times, adjusting her eyes to the light. Then they were finally opened and adjusted. And that was the first time she saw herself. There was a window in front of her, and it reflected all of the features from her head to the bottom of her neck. And the first thing she noticed was her hair. Her hair... it used to be a deep, rich red color. Now, it was as if ice and time had changed it. The hue was that of a dark brown color. That's what color it was before she had it dyed. Maybe lack of visiting the hair salon was the cause of that... Kassi rolled her eyes. What the--?!!? They weren't... they weren't hazel anymore. They... they had changed. Kassi's eyes were now blue, with specks of light green dotted in them. Before, they had always been green. And she hadn't worn color contacts... This was so wrong. Touching and prodding her face, Kassi tried to make sure her nose and mouth were the same. They were. A plain, but small, nose was planted in the middle of her face. Her mouth was still the stiff, hard line it always was, a pale pink standing out against her even paler skin. Her skin... it had tanned. Which was shocking, considering she had been in ice. Looking at her arms, her legs, her face, Kassi realized that she had grown several shades darker. She wasn't black, but she was definitely a very light brown. But brown nonetheless. So much for her dreadful pink skin. At least her clothes were the same. Kassi would be majorly freaked out if they had changed. That would be very disturbing to even know how they were changed.

Kassi shook her head. She felt... woozy. Everything around her was white, and it was awfully cold. The door. There was a door in front of her. It was made of cold, hard steel, but it was unlocked. She gripped the handle, turned, and pushed. The girl stumbled out, almost tripping in the process. That did nothing for her dizziness. Holding on to some sort of rod to stop her fall, Kassi put one had to her throbbing head. "What's going on..." she murmured, looking up. Kassi almost screamed. For what she looked up into was a window. It was set in the same door she had pushed. Beyond the window? A boy. He was no older than Kassi was, but he was frozen. His face was that of pain, but it was relaxed at the same time. Maybe he was suffering. She put a hand to her mouth and looked around. There were... more. She was frozen too! But she was lucky enough to wake up before the others. Biting her lip, Kassi tried to get a hold of herself. It's okay... Just pinch yourself, Kas, and maybe you'll wake up, she thought. After a brief moment, she said to herself, Yeah right. Like you'd actually have a dream this wild? You hate sci-fi stuff. Why would you dream about it? Totally stupid. I mean, who dreams about waking up from a frozen coma? Not you. Don't believe yourself. That was one thing about her. She was always too pessimistic. It was as if there were a little angel and a little devil in her. Most of the time the devil was talking, whispering discouraging things in her mind. Don't trust yourself. Let someone else do it for you... was something it often told her. She bit her lip. Who was she supposed to listen to this time? She desperately wanted to listen to the angelic side of her, but, hard as she tried, she knew that the demon in her was right. This was only too real. "Maybe it's not real. Maybe this really is a dream," she said softly, only hoping that she was right. "Yeah... I-- I think I will pinch myself. Who says this can't be a dream? It has to be." She tried to encourage herself. So, taking deep breaths, Kassi pinched her arm... hard. Instead of opening her hazel eyes and seeing her room, the only thing that happened was Kassi yelling, "Ow!" Now that that was over, the girl almost began to cry. But she stopped herself. The little demon in her whispered, What, you're going to cry? Is little Kassi a big baby? Aw, do you want a pacifier? Ooh, maybe you want your mommy! It's voice was taunting, and Kassi was not going to give in. "It's a dream..." she whispered again, her voice cracking.

But she didn't even believe herself. Backing away, she only bumped into another cell. This one contained a girl. There was one next to it, and again there was a boy. Four frozen teenagers? This was only too much for Kassi. She slowly stepped backwards, hoping not to run into another chamber. As she backed away, she noticed little boxes on the sides of the chambers. All of them read the same thing. Time: 230/230 Years. 230 years. Kassi had been stuck in an ice chamber for 230 years. It was 2007 the last time she remembered. So how much could have changed in 230 years? A lot more than Kassi anticipated. She turned and ran outside, thinking that the other frozen teenagers would hurt her or something. She was already weak and stiff from the ice and lack of movement in general. Murderous teens could very nearly kill her if they landed a punch hard enough to the right places. So, turning and exiting the building-- She stopped in her tracks as soon as she set foot outside the door. Everything was... shinier. That was all she could think. Whoa... her angel and her devil murmured in unison. And indeed, that was all one could say. For bright green grass was everywhere, instead of crumbly, pebbly dirt. The air was crisp and clean. Kassi could almost taste the air. Instead of smelling the nauseating stench of gasoline and factory oil, the sweet scents of flowers and spring entered her nose. It was... perfect. Beyond the perfection of the area around the building, Kassi could see things whizzing back and forth. Squinting and focusing her eyes, she realized those things were cars. Flying cars? Yeah right. Now you know it's a dream, Kas, the little angel scoffed. The devil thought differently. Hey, you shut up. Flying cars are great! You're not in a dream, girl. Indeed, that was how her demon was. It held all the 7 deadly sins. Now it was specializing in greed. She could practically see it rubbing its hands together and licking its lips, probably wondering how good the food was. After all, with technology this good, the food was probably better. Ooh... go on, Kas! Enjoy the awesome stuff in that city. Come on, just move your feet! I swear you won't regret it. This is awesome! The little thing went on and on about how cool the place was, how terrific it would be, how good it would be for her wooziness.

Just as Kassi was about to agree with the devil, a... robot suddenly appeared out of thin air. Literally. It materialized in front of her, cubes upon cubes of metal appearing to form a robot. The thing had a circular head, with some sort of attenae atop of it. It's neck was just a long coil, attaching the head to the body, which was square and heavily built. It's legs were merely wheels, giving the robot a very short size. Hands? It seemed as though they were stumps of steel. But Kassi was proven wrong when thsoe hands came expanding towards her on a metal coil. Fingers unraveled out of the fist-like scrap of metal and grabbed her hand. It shook it firmly. The robot said in a totally human-like voice, "Hello. My name is C-49P6. How are you today? Would you like a fully guided tour of RetanArl? Please come with me. Thank you." It was definitely a robot. The heap of metal took her hand and dragged Kassi along, making sure she was walking, not just being pulled along, her feet dragging in the shimmering grass. Wait... shimmering? She bent down to study the grass up close. Touching it, Kassi realized it was... fake. It definitely looked real, but it was as if it were made of bendable jewels. Emeralds, maybe? It didn't matter. The robot took her hand again and pulled her along, pointing out various things. "Those are the cars. You may get one once you attain your flyer's liscense when you are 14. And that over there is the Techno-Cafe. You can try some of its delicacies later. And that over there is the cash-machine. Simply press the button and punch in the desired amount of money. That over there is--" Kassi cut him off. "Yeah, okay, I think I'll just find my way around now. Thanks anyways." The robot's eyes glowed red. It looked as though it would attack Kassi any second. Then the eyes dimmed to their original color and it said, "Thank you. Good bye." Just like it appeared, the robot dissolved into the air. Wow... that was weird... The angel remarked, scartching its head. Shaking itself as if to rid its mind of whatever just happened, the angel said, Come on, let's go. And let's not go anywhere she wants to go. And she, of course, meant the devil. So Kassi started walking, hoping she could find some answers.

This is the post to a RP I made. A girl has just woken up from being, literally, frozen. Cyrogenic or something. It took me a VERY long time, because I have writer's block. So don't expect me to make foot-long intro posts all the time. >(

Regular Post
Anabell's brow furrowed as she concentrated on the lock. Right... left.. right again... another right... Click. The sound was clear to her ear. The safe was open. She looked side to side. Nobody was here. Turning down the flashlight beam, she breathed deeply. Step one, complete. Pulling out a crumpled piece of paper from her pocket, Anabell smoothed it out (trying to make as little noise as possible) and read the list, her eyes darting back and forth between the door and the paper. Hurriedly and nervously, Anabell took a pencil from the desk and scratched out the first thing on the list: Open safe. That part was done, no doubt. Shoving the paper back into her pocket, Anabell sighed. This was so stupid. She could, and most likely would, get caught. If only she hadn't contradicted that man! Now, here she was, robbing the local store, opening the safe to get the horrid man his money. Maybe then he'd let her go. But for now, she had other things to worry about. Like this safe she was robbing. Like the door that police could bust through any second. Like the alarm that was prone to ring at any given moment. This was way too risky... Why did she even agree to this? Her other choice was death, and at the moment, it seemed much better than what she was doing now. No... concentrate! she thought.

She shoved that thought away and continued her work. As quietly as she possibly could, Anabell turned the handle and pulled gently. With only one or two squeaks, the safe door opened. She looked inside, almost scared that the safe was alarmed. Surprisingly, it wasn't. "I guess they thought nobody would even make it this far... Except an employee. And they can't set the alarm off on an employee. Whew... that was close," she whispered to herself, wiping a cold drop of sweat dripping from her forehead. She inhaled, then exhaled, as if she were doing yoga. Except instead of meditating to go to faraway places, Anabell was robbing a store. She didn't know why the man wasn't aiming for something... higher, although it might have to do with the fact that he was the sole rival of the store owner. But frankly, there was plenty more money in the cash registers than in the safe, and they were much easier to rob. But that terrible man, the dumb jerk he is, thought that everything would be in the safe. He himself ran his store that way. Yet at the time, Anabell couldn't tell him anything. If she even tried, a silver bullet would be whizzing through her head faster than she could say, "Yes."

Slowly, carefully, Anabell opened the safe fully. She could see a wad of money inside. Reaching her hand in, she pulled out the wad of money. So far, no alarm. Meaning: so far, so good. Gently closing the safe with a gentle click, she took the wrinkled piece of paper out of her pocket again. Number two read: Take money out of safe. Approx. $200. Ooh... He's going to be disappointed... Anabell thought as she counted out the money. He had predicted $200, but instead that wad of money summed up to about $93. She knew that if she came back to his warehouse with only ninety-three out of two hundred dollars, he would beat her. With a stick, with his belt, with anything in the room. And what could she do? She would have to deal with it. Nonetheless, she scribbled out the second item. "I guess it counts..." she muttered to herself, counting the money again then stashing it into the bag slung across her shoulder. "Better not be too disappointed..." she murmured, stuffing the paper into her pocket again, "after all this trouble I'm going through. If he's so tough, why don't he do it himself?" She was downright furious. Here she was, risking life and limb to rob the store of the man's rival. It hardly made any sense at all! "'Oh, go rob the bank, Anabell. It's in your best interest. And use this as a guide. Oh, and put all the stolen items in here.'" Anabell repeated what the man said, dropping her voice to a low, mocking tone. He was pointing a gun to her head, but at the same time casually speaking and handing her supplies. How she hated him!

I do not know where this came from. I guess it's just a girl who got kidnapped and now this dude is blackmailing her. ;o

Regular Post 2
Kunima ran across the street, dangerously putting herself in the glare of the street light. Those stupid things had cameras built into them, so if one was to dash under it, anybody watching would immediately see it. And Kunima was wanted, a menace. She was a known criminal across the country, all because she was (i)framed(/i). A jerk had murdered the mayor, and at the last second, he shoved the gun into her hand and jumped out the window, to his own death. And, at that very same moment, the police, who had heard the loud gunshot, stumbled in. They saw Kunima's hand wrapped around the gun handle, pointed straight at the mayor's bleeding body. They put two and two together and arrested Kunima, locking her in handcuffs and gagging her. She was not to cause any more damage to any more important people. Or less important people, for that matter. Nobody was to get hurt because... because some juvenile decided to be funny and shoot the mayor with a pistol. This was just unacceptable. The police officers didn't think anybody would be crazy enough to shoot the town's mayor. She was going to get locked up big time.

They shoved her into a cell, locking the door closed. They ignored her screams of "I'm innocent!" and "Check the fingerprints! There should be two sets!" and "I WAS FRAMED!" They often heard squeals like those from the other prisoners. But they knew, like the others, that the insolent girl would shut up and learn to accept it. She was a murderer. Or that's what they thought. For, seeing as she had the gun pointed at the lifeless body, they had all the evidence they needed. But they were foolish policemen. Had they never thought that she really was framed? Had they ever taken into consideration that a simpleton girl like her was telling the truth? They didn't think they needed to. All that really mattered was that she had been caught as a murderer. Besides, what else would she be doing in the mayor's office anyway? The bars were of heavy steel; not even the strongest could bend it. Then they shut her away from everyone else. Another metal door came sliding across the bars, but this was of titanium. She was able to breathe, though.

But, miraculously, she had escaped. How she did was quite simple, for she had broken out on the day she was captured. While being led, in handcuffs and legcuffs, for her "one phone-call," she had bribed the policeman with a strong beer she had snuck in for this purpose. The man was easily bribed. He willingly took the beer and chugged it down in record time. Then it looked as if he were socked by a boxer. His face became drowzy, and his eyes became droopy. Well, he certainly became drunk very quickly. He let go of Kunima's arm, in a daze. Then she ran for it. Her legcuffs clinking together, she pushed the door open with her back and ran, faster than she had ever ran before. Eventually she came to a blacksmith shop, and the man there willing offered to break her cuffs off, since he had not yet heard of her crime. And it was like this that Kunima was running the streets. In her typical orange suit and the remains of cuffs on her ankles and wrists.

She ignored civilians shouting, "Hey, you! What're you doing?" And various yells of, "She's wearing the orange suit! Get her! She's escaping!" There was complete pandamonium. Apparently she should've taken off the jumpsuit before leaving. But she didn't have the time. All she could do was make the guard drunk and run, hail Mary, all the way out of town. What she would do, she didn't know. But the first thing was positive. Get out of this jumpsuit. You didn't have to be a rocket scientist (or even a teenager, for that matter) to know that anybody in an orange jumpsuit was in jail and escaped. Or they just decided to keep the suit, but it was highly unlikely. To Kunima had to walk around with the jumpsuit on, conversing with... herself. And the plants, the animals. Basically just nature. For she was only too relieved to be out of that dumb prison, and wanted to be stupid and free, remember the feeling and everything. So that was exactly what she did, getting closer and closer to the neighboring village.

This was my entry thingy for a role play, and it's not very good. XP And I know... strictly speaking, it's more of an intro post than a regular one. So sorry bout that.

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