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Eroses snack recipese!!!!
blaugh hey ppls im going to start a tip / kool recipe journal!!!
the first recipe ill post is:


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this recipe serves 8-10 ppl servings may differ

these are like dirt cups but there vanilla instead of chocolate
first youll need:

1 [ 12 ounce] package of vanilla wafer cookies

2 cups milk

1 JELL-O vanilla flavor instant pudding [ 4-serving size]

1 tub [ 8 ounces] cool whip thawed " any whipped cream would work"

ninja now its time to make this thing !!!!

(1)...take waffers and crush in a zipper style plastic bag. use a rolling pin it goes faster!!!

(2)...pour milk into large bowl. add the pudding mix and beat with a wire wisk for 2 min. or until all pudding clumps are gone. let it stand for 5 min. stir in the whiped cream and a 1/2 cup of the crushed cookies.

(3)...put the pudding mix in cups that you will serve in, leave about a 1/2 inch in the top for the crushed cookies
blaugh rofl
hurray now you can refrigerate it for a couple of min. or until you're ready to eat it!!
you can garnish it with yummy gummy worms !!

if you want chocolate "cup of mudd/ dirt" substitute the vanilla cookies with oreos and the pudding with chocolate pudding and dont add wipped cream 3nodding whee

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