“Oh sorry.” She said after she tripped on the subway platform into someone. He had a strange feeling to his hands when he helped her up. They were cold.
“Quite alright; where are you going anyways?” He had fair hair and a sweet smile.
“Our hotel.” She pointed out her friends also waiting for the next train.
“So early? You’re Americans right?”
She nodded.
“I’ll show you around town if you’d like.” He smiled kind enough for her two friends to agree.
“I don’t think so, Gram.” Another man showed up beside him and put his arm around Gram’s shoulders.
Gram glared at him making Ami wonder whether they were friends or not. “Get your own tourists, mate.”
“I really think you should find some others, Gram.” The man said annoyed, yet friendly enough to hide any anger. Their eyes caught a moment and then Gram backed down reluctantly.
“Fine, mate, but meet up with me later. I want to hear all the details.” Gram left obviously annoyed.
The man smiled just as sweetly as Gram had and shrugged, “Gram is somewhat of a trickster. He likes to get nice Americans lost in London.”
“And what makes you think we trust you to show us around London?” Ami asked with a similar smile.
“Because I, unlike Gram, miss, am a Gentleman.”
“’Gentle’ is an odd way to describe a man of your sort.” She said before Maylin grabbed her by the arm and turned her away.
“Excuse us for a moment.” She said to him. “What are you doing?!” She whispered. She didn’t even wait for an answer, but went on. “A cute boy with an accent, might I add, helps us out and you’re talking to him as though he’s some bum off the street!! This is exactly why I sometimes wonder whether I know you or not!!!” She glared at her. “Be nice! For once in your life do something to better your social life!!”
Ami rolled her eyes, “For your sake I will not take that insult to heart. I’ll try to be nice, but we really should get going.” She watched the man watching her. She had a feeling that he had heard every word and was absolutely amused by their conversation and her reaction.
The train pulled in and they boarded it. The seats were nearly all filled and the train was crowded. Her friends found seats, but she was left standing beside the stranger. Over the roar of the tunnels outside and the senseless chatter around them this was as private a conversation could get.
“What do you want from us?” She asked simply, giving up on Maylin’s “suggestion”.
“Nothing…I just want to make sure that you all return safely to your hotel.”
“So you’re a kind hearted fellow looking out for the weak and less fortunate?” She asked sarcastically.
He looked absentmindedly out the window. “I wouldn’t say less fortunate would describe someone of your sort. Unlucky in the people you meet…. yes.”
She frowned.
“Ah, I hit a mark with you I guess.” He said sadly. “You are a strange girl.”
She looked him in the eye. “I’ve known that for a long while already, but you’re the first to say it.”
He shrugged. “I was the first of many things…This is your stop, I believe.”
“I never told you where we were staying.”
“Your room key fell out of your pocket when you ran into Gram.” He smiled mischievously as he handed it back to her. She glared at him, but followed him and her friends followed after.
When they reached the street she asked, “So will you be having us for dinner tomorrow evening, possibly after sunset would be most suitable for you?”
He was somewhat taken aback by her comment, but truly not surprised at her cleverness in the phrasing. It just made him more curious. “I could meet you in the lobby if you’d like.”
Her friends rolled their eyes and climbed the stairs knowing she was going to be heartless.
“That’s fine and we should go someplace a little crowded, if you don’t mind, I’d like to save my neck and theirs.” She smiled wickedly.
“Only if you save yours for me…” He disappeared after saying this.
Mad was to say the least. She guessed he was joking, but she didn’t like the joke whatsoever and she had an inkling that he probably wasn’t joking at all.
It was the same case with Maylin when she entered the room. “How could you?! You promised not to be mean!”
“I was only joking…”
“Please, you were way harsh!”
“You could have been a little nicer, Ami.” Jax agreed with Maylin. “He was only trying to help.”
“Help?!” She sneered. “If only you knew!” She left them and closed the door to her room.
He stirred the blood in his glass.
“You’ve only been in London for a week and already you’ve found a girl to obsess about?!” Gram shook his head annoyed. “Not only that, she’s mortal!!” He laughed mocking him. “Wait until Dana finds out!” Gram said.
“But my sister won’t find out, not yet anyways.” He said glaring at Gram.
“Alright, alright, I won’t tell. How is Dana doing anyways? I haven’t seen her in ages.”
“She’s fine.”
“I bet she’s missing the old days. Aren’t we all?”
“I’m not.”
Gram rolled his eyes. “What? You didn’t like the crazy stories the mortals had about us?”
“I’ve never liked superstitions. They bring fear to even the innocent ones who try to ward us off with silly talismans. It’s all ignorant rubbish. They’ve advanced without us in their minds and I’m all for it.”
“But you said she knows about us…”
“She’s a strange mortal and I want to know how she knows of us. She seems to attract our kind in queer ways, so I’m not surprised she knows of us when we pass her by so often. She attracts death and I’m surprised she has not died as of yet.”
“Her heartbeat is like a siren’s song, my friends, someone of our kind will take her soon enough, if not you.” She said with a southern American drawl beside him. She grinned wickedly as she drank the last of the blood from her glass, and then said. “There is always a fight over one of her kind. Many will come for her with intentions far from yours.” She got up leaving her empty glass behind.
“Oh how I love her!” Gram said smiling as he watched her leave. “Sophie, I love you darling!” He yelled to her. She heard him over the din and blew him a kiss at the door. “The things she says are only a small portion of the strange thoughts that run through that pretty little head of hers.” He faked wiping a bloody tear from his eye. “If only she were mine!”
His friend rolled his eyes again. “Ask her out.”
“Are you nuts? She’s only the hottest American to come to town! She’d only kill me if I ask her, and besides I’ve got all century.”
“A Romeo scared of his Juliet, how quaint.” He said sarcastically.
“You ask her for me then. You’re older and stronger than her and I combined.”
“No way.”
“You so owe me after that meal you stole from me this evening. What’s with you and ‘saving the innocents’ anyways?”
“It’s not worth it, Gram. I’m gonna go now.” He drank the last of his glass and got up to leave.
“Remember to ask her for me, Okay?”
“You know I don’t forget anything.” He shook his head and left him at the bar.
Alright there you are, another installment. I've got more I need to type yet, so don't worry about me ending it here just yet. I've got about two more journal entries before I go insane with still not having a name for the brother stressed . I just realized that I have a bruise on my leg and I don't know how I got it confused ....
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amusedwriter rambles
Things I write for no apparent reason other than to pass the time. Most stories have no endings, but contain an awful lot of meaningless dialogs. Other entries are basically boring life occurrences that have nothing to do with my stories whatsoever.
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And oh, it is wonderful! the vamps get me every time.