Okay, so here's my medieval story. I will call it Sage Runs, so that no one will be confused with my vampire story, which I will post possibly tomorrow sweatdrop , when I get the time. I was kind of impatient and so I typed the shortest thing first
xd . Tell me which one you like best and why!! Even if you hate one I'll still continue writing it xp . Enjoy!!!
She danced with the men of the pub. When she sat down her cheeks were red from the excitement.
“I believe you are completely drunk, milady.” Her protector said annoyed that they were in a too public and unprotected area.
“I am not!” She said angrily before taking a sip of his wine. “Not yet anyways. I’m just happy, that’s all. I mean this is the first I’ve been out of that stupid castle and before I’m married off to that old man of a king, I’m going to make the most of this….besides I don’t even want to be married! What the Hell was my father thinking?!” She stopped, “Don’t you dare answer that.”
The room grew quiet as yet another traveler entered the busy pub. All the tables were filled except theirs.
“This seat taken?”
Her protector glared. “Yes.” He scared a lot of people including the stranger due to his great size.
“Do be kind, Brone. He has as much right to sit here as us.” She laughed, “Where are you headed, stranger?”
“I’m on business.” He kept his cloak on. “I’m just stopping in for news and a drink.”
“But surely it’s too dangerous to travel by night!”
She made him smile. “I know as well as you of the dangers and I can care for myself.” He was as young as she was, so she hardly believed him.
“I as well can care for myself, but still am not foolish enough to travel by night.”
“You’re a woman. You need protection.” He nodded to Brone who glared yet again.
She waved the innkeeper over to bring more drinks. “You highly underestimate me, stranger. I can care for myself without Brone. He is a friend of the family who simply travels with me, because my father told him to.”
“I’d never let you travel alone, milady, even without your father’s orders.” Brone scoffed.
The stranger raised his eyebrows. “Even your protector does not trust your safety alone.”
“I never said that!” Brone growled. “I’ve trained her since she was young and she’s got a level head on her shoulders!”
The innkeeper came with the drinks and left them.
“Do you have a name?” The girl asked.
“Yes and I bet you do as well.”
She rolled her eyes. “I am Sage and this is Brone. What is yours?”
“Garrett. What’s it to you?”
“One day, Garrett, I will prove what I can do.” She took a sip of her wine. “But now I wish to dance.” She left her glass on the table as she stood. “Won’t you join me?”
Garrett rolled his eyes and followed much to the annoyance of Brone who kept his eyes on the tables surrounding them, looking for any signs of danger, while his charge danced with a stranger.
Saying Sage was a handful was an understatement. She’d broken her arm at the age of ten while riding horses bareback. Ladies of her status were not even allowed outside the castle unless for festivals, much less near the stables. She ran away at the age of 13 when her mother died. She then made the excuse, when she was found that she had gotten lost, but he knew better that no one knew the forests surrounding the castle more than her. He was put in charge of watching her at the age of 4 when she was declared a problem to the nurses who had been hired to watch her and those were but a few of the mishaps she has caused Brone over the years. That does not even count the sword lessons she had begged him for since the age of 5 and finally received at the age of 6 after she had discovered an old sword left behind in one of the towers. He gave her the lessons behind her father’s back only because he was obligated to make sure she didn’t hurt herself and he also wanted her trained properly… He knew she wasn’t the average girl, because he often saw the girls her age mocking the things she pulled off. She was far from their frivolous tendencies and he often found the thing she did amusing, but only when her ideas didn’t put her or himself in danger.
Her father had been angry when she told him that she would not leave unless she had a horse and there was no carriage. It was alright to Brone, because horses were faster then traveling by carriage.
The reason to her anger towards her father started when the queen had died in child birth when she was 13 and the boy survived. Sage blamed the boy for the position she was now in. Her father had always wanted a son and disliked having her around now that he had one. Her crazy antics were now not his problem since she was eligible for marriage.
“So what is your business?” She asked.
“I can’t tell you.”
“Cannot or will not?”
She frowned. “Where are you going?”
“Away from home. Why do you ask so many questions?”
“Because I do…Are you going to answer them or not?”
Someone yelled across the room and threw a chair. A brawl would most definitely ensue. They both made their way back to the table where Brone handed her sword to her. She strapped it to her waist just in case things got too out of hand, which it did. She hated drunken men mainly because they reminded her of her father in his intoxicated rampages.
“Who would like to deal with me first?” She asked grinning as she moved into a fighting stance and drew her sword. She was a natural fighter in Brone’s eyes and Garrett could now see it, as he pulled out a book and began to sift through the pages frantically. Brone threw a man over his shoulder into a wall.
“This isn’t a good time for you to be reading, Garrett! Where’s your sword?!” Sage asked quite annoyed as she knocked someone out and then blocked the edge of yet another dagger with her sword.
“I don’t have one…” he said still looking.
“What?!” She ducked as a fist almost caught her.
“If you want to get out of here alive, I believe this is the right book for me to read.” He said as he turned more pages, and then decided on one passage when he saw a lantern crash behind the bar.
“Whatever you are planning, I suggest you use it!” She kicked a man off the table who was headed for Garrett.
“One second!” He mumbled the words under his breath from the text and the fire began to grow rapidly.
The men noticed the blaze and ran. Garrett grabbed the bags from under the table and took Sage’s hand as he dragged her out the door with Brone close behind them.
The horses were being set free from the stables, because the buildings would all be consumed at the rate the fire was spreading. They caught their horses and followed the trail out of the area.
“We have to stop.” She said tiredly after a long while of traveling.
“No, we don’t.” Garrett answered back as he checked a map.
She grabbed his shoulder tightly. “Yes, we do.” She insisted. “It’s late and we will stop or I will kill you myself!” She let him go and rode on.
“Fine with me…” He said still surprised at her strength. He coughed regaining his composure. “There’s a ridge just over in that direction.” He pointed after looking closer at the map. “We can stay there for the day and then travel again at night.”
After the campfire was lit and they sat around it he asked. “So why do you want to travel with me now anyways?”
“Because the wedding has now been canceled, due to the untimely death of the bride.” She said happily.
“You’re really enjoying that absurd idea you have, aren’t you?” Brone said annoyed.
“Oh come on, Brone!” She whined. “I know you don’t want me married off to the old king who was the highest bidder.”
“You’re right I don’t, but they’ll certainly come looking for you.”
“No, they won’t.” She said before she took a sip from the water. “Because that poor defenseless princess back there died in the flames and so we are now free to do as we please.” She grinned
Garrett groaned. “What does it have to do with you following me?”
“Because…” She said annoyed that she had to explain herself. “Brone and I are going to what ever town you are going to take us to and I have an idea that you are going quite some distance away from here. Here …is where my father will send his men to look for me, if he does mind you, and there…is where he will not expect me to go.”
“Simple as that.” He said sarcastically.
“Exactly.” She said ignoring the sarcasm.
“As long as that is settled….” Brone turned the logs over in the flames and then laid down under his blanket. “Bank the fire before you go to bed.”
Garrett glared at her and she glared back.
“So what moronic explanation do you have for your doing nothing back there?” She asked as she banked the fire and laid down as well. “And why do you not carry a weapon?”
“Because I’m a sorcerer.” He answered simply.
She laughed. “You have got to be kidding me!” She stopped when she saw Brone roll over in his sleep and then whispered. “Don’t play coy with me! I’ve given up on fairy tales long ago!” She rolled away from him so that he couldn’t see her face.
“I’m telling you the truth!” He whispered. He grabbed her shoulder and turned her to face him. “I’m traveling, as you said a long ways, so that I can get proper training!”
“So then prove it.”
“I’m not going to prove it to some foolish girl who doesn’t even believe fairy tales exist!” He noticed her annoyance. “Besides magic can only be used when it is absolutely needed.”
She rolled her eyes and tried to turn over, but he stopped her. “If you won’t prove it, I’m going to sleep! I’ve got nothing more to say to an ignorant boy who doesn’t see that girls can fight!”
He let go and she rolled over and went to sleep, while he laid awake not even tired.
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amusedwriter rambles
Things I write for no apparent reason other than to pass the time. Most stories have no endings, but contain an awful lot of meaningless dialogs. Other entries are basically boring life occurrences that have nothing to do with my stories whatsoever.
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But seriously it's cool so far