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My Adventures of My Life! (not really)
Uhh...I wont really be writing about any adventures, because I never really have any XD But I just LOVE adventures! But what I will be writing about is what happened throughout my day so far, or what's been going on, ect.
Changminnie &3 says:
Changminnie &3 says:

Miss Croft says:

Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
hehehe woohoo!
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
finally I get to chat with u! hehe
Changminnie &3 says:
*jumps up and down*
Miss Croft says:
i know right?
Changminnie &3 says:
*hits you*
Changminnie &3 says:
sorry, when i get excited
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
u have to be near me, so i can hit u
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
i hit ppl when im excited
Changminnie &3 says:
Changminnie &3 says:
soooo long! so have u been?
Miss Croft says:
thats defintiely a bit strange
Miss Croft says:
ive been great
Miss Croft says:
and you?
Changminnie &3 says:
hahaha, on tv, they just said, "how have you two been?" just when i typed out how have you been? xD
Changminnie &3 says:
im...ok...i dont know
Changminnie &3 says:
things feel out of order
Miss Croft says:
aww why is that?
Changminnie &3 says:
no idea. is it becaus ei haven't played video games for a long time and haven't watched anime for ahwile?
Miss Croft says:
wow lol
Changminnie &3 says:
my friend from school always thinks somehting is wrong with me if i haven't watched anime or played vidoe games for over 5 days. haha
Changminnie &3 says:
idk. im just weird
Miss Croft says:
lol we all are
Changminnie &3 says:
life feels meaningless all of a sudden. so anyways, what's up?
Miss Croft says:
nothing really, just downloading more soundtrack music, tee-hee
Changminnie &3 says:
i made a few friends that are obsessed with the same guy as i like. but but but i get to keep him, becaus eh gave me a ring, and wont let me take it off
Changminnie &3 says:
hehe, i noticed u love listneing to soundtracks, and so do i
Changminnie &3 says:
u know the song "Double Trouble" or something like that formt he harry potter soundtrack? for some reaosn i like listening to that. hehe
Miss Croft says:
i ADORE that song
Miss Croft says:
its from the third movie
Changminnie &3 says:
me too!
Changminnie &3 says:
i love singing it also!
Miss Croft says:
#5 on the CD
Changminnie &3 says:
heheheh. cool! I love listening to it.
Changminnie &3 says:
when i first heard it, i kept rewinding the tape lol. and my sister got annoyed for rewinding the same scene over and over
Miss Croft says:
Miss Croft says:
you have the actual song?
Changminnie &3 says:
lol, no. i htink i used to. but not anymore. haha, but it's ok. wow, i haven't heard that song for awhile now
Changminnie &3 says:
and and and i listen to the sountracks from video games too!
Miss Croft says:
me too! lol, if you want, i can send you the file
Changminnie &3 says:
and u know how a character has a theme? i LOVE Sheena's theme from ToS! haha. it's really pretty
Changminnie &3 says:
hehe it's ok. it'll be a hassle. eheh. i also have the file for sheena's theme, i can send it too
Miss Croft says:
yeah, i know all about themes, lol, i have a hobby of recongnizing them
Changminnie &3 says:
idk if u'll like it or not xD
Miss Croft says:
i probably will, you'll never know
Changminnie &3 says:
hahah u too? cool!
Changminnie &3 says:
u want it?
Miss Croft says:
okedokie, but i have dial-up, so it would take a while
Changminnie &3 says:
whenever they put it on during a cutscene im like OOOOHHH! and i dont press anything and keep it there just to listen to the music. hahaha
Changminnie &3 says:
dial-up? O_O ahhhh! it's evil! i had it too like a year ago. are u ever gonna get rid of it?
Changminnie &3 says:
let me look for the file while we chat xD
Miss Croft says:
lol i used to to that with my game, Chrono Cross, but then i bought the soundtrack
Miss Croft says:
dial-up is evil, argh!
Changminnie &3 says:
it really is. it always signed me off
Miss Croft says:
i am not getting rid of it - i can get boradband when i move back to my campus
Changminnie &3 says:
and and and yeah. i used to be on allll day
Changminnie &3 says:
and then we'd have angry callers asking us why we didnt pick up all day
Miss Croft says:
and it would take up the phone line
Miss Croft says:
lol yeahg
Changminnie &3 says:
lol, we got so used to it. haha, it happened all the time at the end of the day
Changminnie &3 says:
so u cant use the phone right now?
Miss Croft says:
have you watched the fifth Harry Potter movie yet?
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 sends:

Changminnie &3 says:
it came out? O_O
Changminnie &3 says:
i saw the commercial
Changminnie &3 says:
but didnt know it came out xD
Miss Croft says:
yeah, lol on Wednesday
Changminnie &3 says:
what the...and I call myself a harry potter fan! SHAME ON ME!
Miss Croft says:
lol wow
Miss Croft says:
i already saw it, and it was awesome
Changminnie &3 says:
i doubt my dad will let me go to the movies to watch it. but i'll still ask.
Changminnie &3 says:
really? cool!
Changminnie &3 says:
was it totally different from the book?
Changminnie &3 says:
oh and err...the file is up there. ^
Miss Croft says:
i am downloading it, lol
Changminnie &3 says:
hhehe oh ok. xD im listening to it again
Miss Croft says:
if course it is very different from the book in many aspects, but that is because the book is very long
Changminnie &3 says:
i haven't heard it for awhile. it make sme cry though...it reminds me of a sad cutscene
Changminnie &3 says:
yup yup
Changminnie &3 says:
i remember when i saw the 4th movie
Changminnie &3 says:
i was in shock
Miss Croft says:
lol, the same with me when i listen to songs from Chrono Cross and Final Fantasy Tactics
Miss Croft says:
in shock?
Changminnie &3 says:
hahahaha, i kne wit would be different, but i expected it to be a bit better than what i saw...did u enjoy the 4th movie?
Miss Croft says:
yeah i did, it made me laugh for the most part
Changminnie &3 says:
haha u too? cool! wow...we're talking about two different topics at the same time. it's all my fault xD
Miss Croft says:
lol its okay
Changminnie &3 says:
lol! same here! i was sooo disappointed. i was like eehhhh...and i bought the DVD looking terrible happy. haha. made me laugh xD
Miss Croft says:
now i cant wait until the sixth movie
Changminnie &3 says:
sry if i dont reply right away, my comp is being slow for some odd reason
Miss Croft says:
thats alright
Changminnie &3 says:
neither can i!
Changminnie &3 says:
i felt terrible when dumbly died
Miss Croft says:
i'll apologize too in case my internet kicks me out
Changminnie &3 says:
hehe it's ok.
Miss Croft says:
not really for me, i was more sad when Sirius Black died
Changminnie &3 says:
oh yeah! omg! I hated that sooooo much! grr!
Miss Croft says:
me &3 Sirius
Changminnie &3 says:
Changminnie &3 says:
oh sorry...
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
i thought i got over it...appparently i havent xD
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
hahah i love him too! oh! oh! oh! and Lupin! xD
Miss Croft says:
me ADORE Lupin
Miss Croft says:
*hugs Lupin*
Changminnie &3 says:
why did he have to leave?
Miss Croft says:
and thats why i despise tonks XD
Changminnie &3 says:
stupid author! im gonna go over to her house and make sure she brings them back somehow! ok...i can't...and she's not stupid
Changminnie &3 says:
heheh same here
Miss Croft says:
well, Lupin is in the fifth and sixth books
Changminnie &3 says:
it sorta reminds me of my school...u know how they ALWAYS change the teachers for defence against the dark arts?
Miss Croft says:
yeah i realized that, lol
Changminnie &3 says:
in my school, ever since i entered they kept changing the match teacher. haha
Miss Croft says:
your teachers change a lot too?
Changminnie &3 says:
6th bookt oo, but not so much
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
ahaha yeah
Changminnie &3 says:
lol, they always fire them at the end of the year
Miss Croft says:
lol wow
Changminnie &3 says:
and we come back finding a whole bunch of strangers
Miss Croft says:
my schools werent like that
Miss Croft says:
few times we get new people. but mostly its the same
Changminnie &3 says:
i think it's just my school then. since it's a small, ahem, i mean VERY tiny private school it's like...uhh...idk. lol. small town? house?
Changminnie &3 says:
for us, it's always changing lol
Miss Croft says:
lol, no, my schools were always changing
Changminnie &3 says:
oh! and u know what they do to the homeroom teachers? they change htem around like every year....
Miss Croft says:
yep yep, lolol
Changminnie &3 says:
and one teacher teaches more than one subject. lol
Changminnie &3 says:
imagine the SS teacher teaching art hahaha
Miss Croft says:
my high school was like that
Miss Croft says:
its ok, in my school the football coach taught English
Changminnie &3 says:
our science teacher complained to us one day about her teaching art, she said, "me teaching art. ack!" and started erasing the board...ahahaha
Changminnie &3 says:
Miss Croft says:
lol you're really hyper
Changminnie &3 says:
my school has 2 floors....and u know what? it's form Pre;K to 12th grade
Changminnie &3 says:
and this year there was only one student in 12th grade. so they put the student with the 11th graders

Transfer of "Tales of Symphonia - Sheena.mp3" is complete.

Miss Croft says:
O_O, well hopefully you wont have to stay until 12th grade
Changminnie &3 says:
u call this hyper?
Changminnie &3 says:
lol, i hope so too!
Changminnie &3 says:
i wish my friend nat was on! I wanted u to meet her.
Miss Croft says:
awww lol
Changminnie &3 says:
but yay! it's done
Changminnie &3 says:
hehehe, chicka!
Changminnie &3 says:
hmm i talk too much. bla!
Changminnie &3 says:
i think im just happy that i finally have someone to talk to. lol. im a very talkative person (as u already know. haha)
Miss Croft says:
yeah i can tell
Miss Croft says:
but its okay, you like to talk to people
Miss Croft says:
im listening to it, its pretty!!
Changminnie &3 says:
im listneing to this...song...wait not song. not the appropiate word, it's just music, it's called song of night. it's so pretty. id ont think i downloaded it...it's this site that lets u listen to midis from anime so yeah. and it's saved on WMP and it's preeetttyyyy
Changminnie &3 says:
yaaay! im glad u like it!
Changminnie &3 says:
i was a bit nervous about whether u'd like it or not.
Miss Croft says:
its a very pretty song
Miss Croft says:
and instrumental songs are songs, lol
Changminnie &3 says:
yeah. and it makes me wanna cry. xD sorry, it's just that i'm near the end of the game, and so many emotoinal things have happened and to Sheena that it makes me feel sad
Changminnie &3 says:
lol oh ok xD
Miss Croft says:
lol awww
Changminnie &3 says:
it's soooo pretty! I wont be able to send it since it's not really download. but i can give u the link to listne to it. it's like a piano and a flute playing
Changminnie &3 says:
it makes me relax. omg! i feel old...idk why
Changminnie &3 says:
ahhh! im just hyper...a tiny bit...idk...am i?
Miss Croft says:
lol dont feel old
Miss Croft says:
it sounds a lot like New Age music to me, and i have a large playlist of that
Changminnie &3 says:
hahahaha ironic. im listneing to a very soothing song while being hyper...sorta hyper. not really
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
no it's not that xD
Changminnie &3 says:
her theme to me is liek the medival(sp?) times ot me...bla!
Changminnie &3 says:
i liek the medival times
Miss Croft says:
me too
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
do u? i love it when video games are from that time period
Changminnie &3 says:
oh thanks. i just KNEW there was another e there xD
Miss Croft says:
Miss Croft says:
now iwant to send you a file, lol
Changminnie &3 says:
hehe, since i sent u a file i really really like, why not send a theme song u like too form a vidoe game?
Changminnie &3 says:
if u want hehe
Changminnie &3 says:
oh! and here's the link. http://www.geocities.com/anime_unloved/song_of_night.mid
Miss Croft says:
okedokie, i will send the main song from Chrono Cross - its similar to Sheen's theme
Miss Croft sends:

Changminnie &3 says:
hehe okies. shama! oh! speaking of video games
Miss Croft says:
you have iTunes right?
Changminnie &3 says:
i bought FF 8 recently
Changminnie &3 says:
oh yes i do. hehe
Miss Croft says:
lol good
Miss Croft says:
oh really? have you played it yet?
Changminnie &3 says:
i know the game is a bit old, but i was intrested in playing. maybe mostly because the black haired girl, Rina or whatever looked like my aunt xD
Changminnie &3 says:
yup i have
Changminnie &3 says:
and guess what happened?
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
since im new to turn-based games (im not couting Fire Emblem since it's more like chess) I couldn't really understand much. and i hate reading directions
Changminnie &3 says:
lol, but i did anyways
Miss Croft says:
isnt ToS turn-based?
Changminnie &3 says:
and my part was made of Squall (main character) and this other lady (his teacher)
Changminnie &3 says:
oh no, it's real-time
Miss Croft says:
ah ok
Miss Croft says:
Squall, yes, i know who he is
Changminnie &3 says:
u get sucked into battle and just beat them. hehe. hmm...a tiny bit like Kingdom Hearts except when u get near them u get sucked in and u fight and...u get it right? xD
Changminnie &3 says:
hehe of course u'd know. hehe. the intro where he gets cut and there's blood freaked out my lil sis xD
Miss Croft says:
lol, yeah, i know Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts well XD
Miss Croft says:
aww your poor sis
Miss Croft says:
she doesnt like blood?
Changminnie &3 says:
hehe, I for some reason just love the battle system in ToS. it makes me feel comfortable. KH is ok i guess
Changminnie &3 says:
ahaha no
Miss Croft says:
lol aww
Miss Croft says:
i dont mind blood - hell, i play Silent Hill and Resident Evil XDD
Changminnie &3 says:
expecially me. when i saw it i was like "O_O I had that coming" i saw it in a video from youtube once. lol
Changminnie &3 says:
ahaha. the onyl reason i dont play them because im scared of it.
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
and scarying me is easy
Miss Croft says:
lolol aww
Changminnie &3 says:
but the ironic thing is...i like taking showers in the dark and i ADORE thunder and lighting! xD
Miss Croft says:
i ADORE thunderstornms too!!
Changminnie &3 says:
I go, "OMG! OMG! THUNDER! LIGHTING! AHHHH!" *sits by windowsill*
Changminnie &3 says:
omg! u do too?
Changminnie &3 says:
i dont know anyone else who loves it!
Miss Croft says:
now if only i can use electricity during thunderstorms, then that would be perfect
Changminnie &3 says:
when it starts raining hard i get so excited
Changminnie &3 says:
yup, i remember once i turned off everything
Miss Croft says:
lol i dont get excited, just relaxed, but i love it
Changminnie &3 says:
i turned off my computer, the lights, the TV, since it was raining hard and there was so much boom booms outside
Changminnie &3 says:
sometimes relaxed, and sometimes excited, and sometimes both.
Changminnie &3 says:
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
and i make everything dark, and i sit and watch it. and i act like life is beautiful
Miss Croft says:
i would love to play video games or wacth anime during a storm, but the lights go off &_&
Changminnie &3 says:
and im enjoying life to it's fullest
Miss Croft says:
lol aw
Changminnie &3 says:
it does? it doesn't for us...we only turn it off sometimes just in case
Miss Croft says:
it does to us sometimes
Changminnie &3 says:
do u like getting wet int he rain?
Changminnie &3 says:
hmm, never happened to us so far
Miss Croft says:
actually i burned out my first Nintendo 64 because i played it in a storm, my mom had to buy me a new one XD
Miss Croft says:
actually no i dont, i really dont like being outside
Changminnie &3 says:
ahaha, i had to tell my sis to turn it off because i was afraid of it being destroyed
Changminnie &3 says:
i sometimes dont liek going outside, and sometimes do...dude...im so into varieties. xD (ignore my bad spelling)
Miss Croft says:
thats ok, lol
Changminnie &3 says:
hehe, i wonder what it's like when there's a thunderstorm while ur on the plane...
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
haha, it must be scary
Changminnie &3 says:
but knowing me, i'd most likely jump up and down
Miss Croft says:
it must be, especially since i am scared of getting on planes &_&
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
really? i hate planes. lol. i cant stand planes for osme reason
Changminnie &3 says:
it's not the heights, i just hate it
Miss Croft says:
im afraid of the crashing &_,
Changminnie &3 says:
and u have to sit for like fooooreeevveeeeerrrr
Miss Croft says:
Miss Croft says:
Star Wars music!!!!!!
Changminnie &3 says:
really? i dont really think too much about it. but u know what happened on our way back to new york?
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
star wars? heh? random xD
Changminnie &3 says:
techinally, it was from our country to london...but anywyas, the plane for some reason had to go aorund in circles four times, i thinkt he runway had traffic. lol.s ounds funny xD
Changminnie &3 says:
*imagines planes in places of cars*
Miss Croft says:
Miss Croft says:
aww im sorry
Changminnie &3 says:
and duuuude, it was scary. everyone started feleing sick. and i kept my eyes closed xD
Changminnie &3 says:
i was like AHHHHHH!
Changminnie &3 says:
inside my head of course
Miss Croft says:
i remember hen we visited New York, our flight was delayed 7 hours because of a storm in Jamaica O_o
Miss Croft says:
lolol awww
Changminnie &3 says:
whoa! 7 hours? and i we found 45 minutes long xD
Changminnie &3 says:
u guys stayed in the plane for 7 hurs, or at the airport?
Miss Croft says:
yay its finished!

You have successfully received C biggrin ocuments and SettingsOwnerMy DocumentsMy Received Files�1 Chrono Cross.m4a from Miss Croft.

Miss Croft says:
at the airport
Changminnie &3 says:
i remember when we pissed our plane, we stayed at a hotel in Kuwait City for the night. and i didnt wanna leave. ok i sorta did want to, because i was desperate to come back home and play vidoe games
Changminnie &3 says:
yay it's done!
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
ahh! im sorry to hear that. sounds tiring
Miss Croft says:
i was just bored
Changminnie &3 says:
OMG! it's starting...pretty....
Miss Croft says:
lol very pretty
Changminnie &3 says:
in the plane...i wanted to get off and run around the airport. haha. yes, im wild
Changminnie &3 says:
yeah! it IS sorta like sheena's...or maybe it's just me. it sounds a little sad but pretty
Changminnie &3 says:
reminds me of titanic. OMG!
Changminnie &3 says:
happy happy!
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
xD sorry, lol. im wild
Miss Croft says:
lol thats alright
Changminnie &3 says:
i feel like a cowgirl and thne a swordsman
Changminnie &3 says:
and ok i'll shut up
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
Changminnie &3 says:
Changminnie &3 says:
lol. cowgirl and swordsman does NOT go together
Changminnie &3 says:
Changminnie &3 says:
*imagines a cowgirl with a sword*
Miss Croft says:
lol its a funny picture to think about
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
ahaha yeah. but i love the music! thanks for sharing! hehehe
Changminnie &3 says:
what's the game called again? chrono cross?
Miss Croft says:
lol you're welcome
Miss Croft says:
yep yep
Miss Croft says:
made by Squaresoft, the same people who did Final Fantasy
Changminnie &3 says:
darn, i only watched like 2 or 4 episodes of it. &_& need to go back and watch the rest. i alays watch like 2 or three episodes and move onto another anime
Changminnie &3 says:
oooh. i think ToS was made by them too...
Changminnie &3 says:
or was it Square Enix?
Changminnie &3 says:
i should check
Miss Croft says:
lol, its the same company, Square Enix is the new name
Miss Croft says:
Squaresoft was the old name, Chrono Cross is for the PSOne
Changminnie &3 says:
ooh okies. is it turn based?
Changminnie &3 says:
oh! i haven't finished my story about FF 8 yet xD
Miss Croft says:
yeah it is, but is simpler to understand that FF
Miss Croft says:
lol no you havent XDD
Changminnie &3 says:
lol, my friend natalie is used to me going back and forth in topics, and also me changing them all of a sudden
Miss Croft says:
lol thanks for the memo XDD
Changminnie &3 says:
we were once talking about us being sick or a disease or something, and i started talking about eye colors. lol. it wa sonly two days ago
Changminnie &3 says:
Changminnie &3 says:
u'll probably get used to it as well
Changminnie &3 says:
Miss Croft says:
lolol yeah i will, dont worry
Changminnie &3 says:
bear the pain of talking to hamim xD
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
i always forget what im talking about like in a second
Changminnie &3 says:
and i get distracted soooo easily
Miss Croft says:
LOL there was a short pause there for a moment
Changminnie &3 says:
like right now, i should be talking about what happened in the game
Changminnie &3 says:
lol, i was wondering what i should sya xD
Changminnie &3 says:
i was gonna type out what happened int he game, and htne i backspaced thinking maybe i should talk about how i get distracted easily
Changminnie &3 says:
ahahaha. xD omg! WOOHOOOo! cowgirl and swordsman music!
Changminnie &3 says:
Miss Croft says:
lol lets talk about the game first XDD
Changminnie &3 says:
ahaha okies okies
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
Changminnie &3 says:
lol lol. my sis must be thinking im insane. wait...is she watching me?& *looks back* no she isnt
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
good, last thing she needs is thinking her older sis is insane
Changminnie &3 says:
oh there i go
Changminnie &3 says:
the game, yes yes
Changminnie &3 says:
NOOOO the music stopped!
Changminnie &3 says:
*puts it back on*
Changminnie &3 says:
ok i'll start....
Changminnie &3 says:
Miss Croft says:
LOL aww
Changminnie &3 says:
Squal? right? ahaha yeah
Changminnie &3 says:
lol, well since it was the beginning the part was made up of only Squall and his teacher, whatever the lady's name is
Changminnie &3 says:
i forgot
Changminnie &3 says:
short term memory like dory
Changminnie &3 says:
omg! u know when....i should sotp right there!
Changminnie &3 says:
the last thing u need is me talking about finding nemo
Changminnie &3 says:
oh! i used to be called nemo in 4th grade
Miss Croft says:
lol i prefer you not to XDD
Changminnie &3 says:
b4 the movie came out i was called Memo
Miss Croft says:
lol wow
Changminnie &3 says:
ahhh! again!
Changminnie &3 says:
ok i promise, the game
Changminnie &3 says:
i promise u this time xD
Changminnie &3 says:
Miss Croft says:
lolol its just that im not a fan of Nemo XDD
Changminnie &3 says:
hehhe neither am i
Changminnie &3 says:
but i like dory. hehehe
Changminnie &3 says:
maybe because she's a reflection of me
Changminnie &3 says:
omg! i must be blue! ok ok i'll shut up
Changminnie &3 says:
uhh....the game
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
Squall had to take a test or something...to see if he can pass the fighting exam...physical exam or whatever they call it
Changminnie &3 says:
so i had to go to some cave place. but i got lost xD
Changminnie &3 says:
i always do when it comes to video games
Changminnie &3 says:
and i kept going back and forth at between the same place
Changminnie &3 says:
and then finally i got to the correct place after half an our probably
Changminnie &3 says:
and i noticed how my characters kept attacking each otehr xD
Changminnie &3 says:
like once the teacher whipped (she uses a whip) Squall instead of the enemy
Changminnie &3 says:
and i wa slike, "uhh....ok...."
Changminnie &3 says:
and then when i got to the boss
Miss Croft says:
lol sounds liek Confuson or Berserk
Changminnie &3 says:
the girly died
Changminnie &3 says:
lol. xD
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
and Squall had only 20 HP left
Changminnie &3 says:
but i still had SOME hope for defeatng it right? since we kept hitting it back and forth for some time
Changminnie &3 says:
and u know what i went and did?
Changminnie &3 says:
i made squall commit suicide xD
Miss Croft says:
O_O um ok
Changminnie &3 says:
lol, i mad ehim attack himself
Changminnie &3 says:
Miss Croft says:
why did you do that?
Changminnie &3 says:
i didn't do it on purpose
Miss Croft says:
lol oh
Changminnie &3 says:
because i was confused, and also new to the turn-based system. and when it was his turn this menu came up to attack. so i pressed it. and then it said two names, and when i pressed the first name squall's name came up. and i wa slike huh? and i selected his name and then he ran half way tot he enemy and attacke dhimself witht he sword and the Game Over scene came up
Changminnie &3 says:
and i was like, "..............what kinda..........ok it's probably just me."
Miss Croft says:
oh ok
Changminnie &3 says:
Miss Croft says:
lol, you had the choices to attack each other
Changminnie &3 says:
and there were 4 discs. my mom said, "wow, u finished the whole entire game just by STARTING the first disc. bravo!"
Changminnie &3 says:
lol, i guess so. but...why? xD
Miss Croft says:
some RPGs allow you to attack your teammates
Miss Croft says:
no real reason why
Changminnie &3 says:
i would have never thought that they'd give us the choice to attack ourselves. i thught it meant who i want to use to attack the enemy now. but that also confused me since the woman was knocked out, and it was Squall alone
Changminnie &3 says:
lol, ok?
Miss Croft says:
Miss Croft says:
no you dont choose who you want to use to fight
Miss Croft says:
the computer does that for you
Changminnie &3 says:
i wondored why it had his name there, since he was already "chosen" to fight
Miss Croft says:
luckily, Chrono Cross doesnt allow you to attack your members
Changminnie &3 says:
i knew it was his turn to attack
Changminnie &3 says:
but the name just confused me
Changminnie &3 says:
is chrono cross simpler?
Miss Croft says:
its simpler than the average FF, yes, but still its a hard game to play
Miss Croft says:
most RPGs are, lol
Miss Croft says:
but the fighting system isnt as confusing as FF
Changminnie &3 says:
that's good. lol. as far as i've seen, the only game that i feel comfortable fighting in is in ToS.
Changminnie &3 says:
i never get nervous in that one
Miss Croft says:
confident! ol
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
and also since we have a healer there.
Changminnie &3 says:
lol. yeah. xD
Changminnie &3 says:
especially since i have a healer in my party all the time
Miss Croft says:
but you do get to pick from more fighters than FF
Changminnie &3 says:
does Chrono Cross have a healer? lol. sorry for allt he questions
Changminnie &3 says:
that's good. because the more the merrier
Changminnie &3 says:

Miss Croft says:
well not really - you get to pick elemental attacks and equip all of your characters with healing powerd
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
oh ok. that's sitll fine. as long as there's healing. although i prefer someone who's main job is to heal. I guess i'll try to find that game then
Miss Croft says:
its a good game - and if you want, you can equip one character of all healing lol
Changminnie &3 says:
Did i tell u what sheena's powers are like? i can tell u if u want to hear...i talkt o much and im no good in describing
Changminnie &3 says:
really? that's great then! sorta like Raine then. she's the main healer, but she can also attack with magic. she's always used for boss battle. hehe.
Miss Croft says:
you can tell me what Sheena's powers are like
Changminnie &3 says:
hehe okies! it's uhh sort of like magic. except she uses those cards/paper like things. u know like uhh those things the japanese ppl use? with symbols on them?
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
she usually uses those, or just fights, she has a bit of ninja abalities i guess. and she's also a summoner, it takes up all of her MP though. hehe
Changminnie &3 says:
wait no...it's called TP
Changminnie &3 says:
im getting confused with Star Ocean
Changminnie &3 says:
and...yeah...that's all xD
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
lol. im making her sound like she's not special at all
Miss Croft says:
no im sure she is ^_^
Changminnie &3 says:
i cant believe i used to hate her
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
you have game cube right?
Miss Croft says:
yeah i do, lol
Changminnie &3 says:
I recommend u play ToS then. (obviously since i love that game. haha) if u like that is. u can prbably rent it or something. but only if u like
Miss Croft says:
i will look into it
Changminnie &3 says:
but i hope im not forcing u to!
Miss Croft says:
im a bit tied with money right now, and i want to save for a Wii and a PS3, but i will definitely remember it lol
Miss Croft says:
no no
Changminnie &3 says:
it's just that i love that game and i love telling ppl about it. xD Cherry Blossom plays it, hmm...i haven't spoken to her for a long time
Changminnie &3 says:
hey! u sort of remind me of her! maybe because ur the same age as her? idk...i like talking to u more xD
Changminnie &3 says:
hehe okies!
Changminnie &3 says:
i hope u get around to it!
Changminnie &3 says:
and good luck with the Wii and PS3
Miss Croft says:
aww thank you ^_6
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
i first want to get a PSP...probably just because of allt he htings u can do on it. i dont really care much about the games, sinc ei dont know any good ons for now
Changminnie &3 says:
hehe ur welcome
Changminnie &3 says:
i think it's because i find it easier to talk to u
Changminnie &3 says:
and i dont feel like im bothering u...ok i stilld o a little bit to be honest xD
Miss Croft says:
i have never spoken to Cherry Blossom
Changminnie &3 says:
but im always paranoid and thinking things
Changminnie &3 says:
u havent? wow
Miss Croft says:
aww dont think that way
Miss Croft says:
well im still new
Changminnie &3 says:
she's nice. and thanks to her i found out about ToS. i wonder how i started talking to her...
Miss Croft says:
many i dont think know i exist XD
Changminnie &3 says:
OH! i remember! she Pmed me once saying hi, i see that u like Pita Ten too. and i think that's it xD and that's how it all started
Changminnie &3 says:
Changminnie &3 says:
But ur active!
Changminnie &3 says:
im sure they notice u. there are many older members who are never really active and i doubt ppl knows them
Changminnie &3 says:
even when they see the inactive "older" members, they probably think they're new
Miss Croft says:
aww thanks i guess i dont feel like i am part of the family or something
Changminnie &3 says:
did that make sense/ xD
Changminnie &3 says:
Changminnie &3 says:
Miss Croft says:
i noticed there is something really close with the older members
Changminnie &3 says:
u ARE part of it!
Changminnie &3 says:
really? but but but im an older member and ur firneds with me and uhh...uhh..huh? xD
Changminnie &3 says:
many of the older memebers are never on anymore
Miss Croft says:
lolol aww
Changminnie &3 says:
like ever heard of CardcaptoreLydia?
Miss Croft says:
i have heard of her, but never spoken to her
Changminnie &3 says:
but it doesnt matter to me if they're new or old, when a member is active and is sincere to the CCR community, i feel like they're part of the family
Changminnie &3 says:
so i always took u as one of those ppl
Miss Croft says:
aww thank you
Changminnie &3 says:
she disappeared before u joined i think xD
Changminnie &3 says:
hehe ur welcome!
Changminnie &3 says:
but i hope u dont feel that way anymore. im sure u'll feel like part of the fmaily soon
Miss Croft says:
well i dont know, you're the only one i really talk to
Changminnie &3 says:
i mean u know a lot of the active members. which are part of the fmaily
Changminnie &3 says:
seriously? =O
Miss Croft says:
many say that they made friends throigh CCR and talk to them often and im like ;_;
Changminnie &3 says:
U HAVE ME! and i'll introduce u to the ones i tlak to
Changminnie &3 says:
u know Kakads right&
Miss Croft says:
lol aww
Miss Croft says:
yeah of course
Miss Croft says:
but i have never spoken to him
Changminnie &3 says:
one of the new mods? well i was friends with them form uhh...liek...over a year ago xD last summer.
Changminnie &3 says:
u can talk to them RIGHT now if u want
Changminnie &3 says:
it's ok. he's a really nice person
Miss Croft says:
i have only really spoken to Twinstar and Mystic Tiger and Moko-Chan very little
Changminnie &3 says:
i call him my big brother. hehe
Changminnie &3 says:
i've never spoken to them xD
Changminnie &3 says:
only Twinstar through Pm for a little while after the forum was back up after the crash
Changminnie &3 says:
i talk to u, kakads, li showron, fefnir gundam (that annoying guy &_& wink , cherry blossom, and i think that's it...xD
Changminnie &3 says:
do u want to speak to kakads now?
Changminnie &3 says:
i dont wan tot force u
Changminnie &3 says:
see! he knows u!
Miss Croft says:
...im shy remember, so i will be scared, especially since i have never really met hm
Miss Croft says:
i know him because one, hes a mod, and two, because he posts a lot, lol
Changminnie &3 says:
hehe dont worry! he says he knows u!
Changminnie &3 says:
Miss Croft says:
O_o wow thats impressive lol
Changminnie &3 says:
lala, im sure he'd be glad to speak to u
Miss Croft says:
i dont even post as much as the other older membes XD
Changminnie &3 says:
u know why we have so many posts?
Miss Croft says:
whatever he wants
Changminnie &3 says:
let me tell u the legend xD
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
lol, well i was part of the forum before we had the crash
Miss Croft says:
i was too O_o
Changminnie &3 says:
i think we had three or two crashes, i forgot
Miss Croft says:
well no, i only remember one
Changminnie &3 says:
but after the last crash
Changminnie &3 says:
xD the one is probably the crash for just a day right?
Miss Croft says:
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
hehe, that's not what i meant. xD i dont count that hehehe. but even before that
Miss Croft says:
oh wow, yeah before i joined, lol
Changminnie &3 says:
after the other SECOND to last crash (xD) well, we were all ike ahhhh!
Changminnie &3 says:
ahhhh! we worked so hard for all those posts!
Changminnie &3 says:
and then we had the Word Games
Changminnie &3 says:
and we aaaallllll went psycho
Changminnie &3 says:
and i wa sone of them to get it out of our system xD
Changminnie &3 says:
and we played and posted liek crazy
Changminnie &3 says:
so i guess our posts are a bit meaningless
Changminnie &3 says:
if u check our card thingy or whatever, the page that comes up after u click our name, i bet u it'll say a large portion of our posts are part of the word game
Changminnie &3 says:
ahahaha, so yeah, we only have so much because we went all out on the word games
Miss Croft says:
i noticed that lol
Changminnie &3 says:
that was back then when the posts there counte
Changminnie &3 says:
dhahaha. lol. so yeah, dont feel bad because we have more posts. i understand
Changminnie &3 says:
when i join new ofrums im like, "uhh...im such a newbie...1 post...ahh...xD"
Miss Croft says:
lol same with me
Miss Croft says:
im part of YuGiOhFans, and that is a huge forum,
Miss Croft says:
gets me a bit intimidated
Changminnie &3 says:
hehehe, but once ur active, it shouldn't bother u. and you're very active and sincere towards the community
Miss Croft says:
aww thank you
Changminnie &3 says:
oh! me too!
Changminnie &3 says:
and u feel a bit shy and nervous to post right&
Miss Croft says:
exactly lol
Changminnie &3 says:
and join a thread that's like 38953645363 pages long
Changminnie &3 says:
ur welcome!
Changminnie &3 says:
hehehehe, i know how it feels
Changminnie &3 says:
do u still feel that way here?
Changminnie &3 says:
in CCR?
Miss Croft says:
not nervous ike i used to, because i posted so much now, but still a bit left out
Miss Croft says:
i only joined back in February, lol, i just need more time, lol
Changminnie &3 says:
hehe, i'm sure in a bit more u'll feel right at home! ok not at home but maybe like ur part of the family? hehehe, but just rmember for now, ur still part of the fmaily to me!
Miss Croft says:
aww thank you
Changminnie &3 says:
to be honest, i still sort of feel like im not part of it...i only talk to like four ppl. but ppl still knows about me.
Changminnie &3 says:
no problem
Miss Croft says:
really? wow and you're a much older member
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
the ones i talk to all the time is only u and kakads.
Changminnie &3 says:
ahaha true
Changminnie &3 says:
Changminnie &3 says:
hwo could i forget cindy?
Changminnie &3 says:
and the other girl!
Changminnie &3 says:
Changminnie &3 says:
i have a bad memory...ok...i tlak to a couple more ppl
Changminnie &3 says:
Changminnie &3 says:
u know jessica right? cardcaptor727 or osmehting. i talk to her sometimes. and another girl who's inactive.
Miss Croft says:
yeah i do know Jessica, lol
Changminnie &3 says:
wait...am i part of the fmaily? *worried*
Miss Croft says:
but the only other person i talk to a lot is this Dutch member from my YF forum
Miss Croft says:
lol yeah you are
Miss Croft says:
seems like many know you XDD
Changminnie &3 says:
hahaha really? OH! i forgot deathseeker!
Changminnie &3 says:
dude! i cant believe i talk to so many more ppl than i thought...i just forgot. i have a bad memory xD
Changminnie &3 says:
but ppl knows me? really? o_O
Miss Croft says:
lol i know Deathseeker, but i have only spoken to him maybe once
Changminnie &3 says:
i remember last summer i wasn't on for a month because of computer problems, and in the premium member section someone asked what happened ot me. ahaha
Miss Croft says:
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
hehehe. what the....billy (kakads) says everyone knows me more than hima nd he's a mod...xD well i HAVE been around longer than him...
Changminnie &3 says:
i miss the old CCR the smaller one
Changminnie &3 says:
there were like three hundred somehting members only back then. including inactive members of course
Changminnie &3 says:
i felt like i was known more before than now
Changminnie &3 says:
oh well!
Miss Croft says:
lol aww
Changminnie &3 says:
ahhh, lallaa. lol. actually im a bit unsure if i feel liek im part of the family or not. ahaha. oh well
Changminnie &3 says:
chicken! so watcha doing now
Miss Croft says:
nothing, just sitting here downloading soundtrack music XDD
Miss Croft says:
and you?
Changminnie &3 says:
ahaha. talking to u and billy. and oh! i replied in the banning game not too long ago
Miss Croft says:
i went on the site this morning, lol
Changminnie &3 says:
hehe yeah. and u banned me because u felt like it xD
Changminnie &3 says:
before that i banned u for throwing a pillow at me throw PM hehe
Miss Croft says:
lol yeah XDD
Changminnie &3 says:
i love throwing pillows
Miss Croft says:
i read that, lol
Changminnie &3 says:
hehe. chhhaaaa! rats! shama...
Changminnie &3 says:
oh! did u like that song err...what's it called...
Changminnie &3 says:
song of night
Miss Croft says:
oh my, i havent opened the link yet
Miss Croft says:
im in the middle of downloading something and sometimes it gets disrupted and stops &_&
Miss Croft says:
im sorry ;_;
Changminnie &3 says:
no no no it's ok! hehee. i understand
Changminnie &3 says:
i had dial up too before so i get it. and besides, if i made u open it when u cant i'd feel like im forcing u. hehehe
Changminnie &3 says:
but hwen u get the chance i hope u like it. chicka
Miss Croft says:
alrighty ^_^
Miss Croft says:
lol im listening to Sheena's theme again ^_6
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
did u know there's a topic about me? it's veeeeeerrrryyyyy old
Miss Croft says:
i did come across it, actially, lol
Changminnie &3 says:
hehe i'm listneing to the one u sent me
Miss Croft says:
it was funny
Changminnie &3 says:
is it someone's theme?
Changminnie &3 says:
xD ahahaha! I fele embarrassed
Miss Croft says:
no its the main song, the opening song, really
Changminnie &3 says:
oooh lol. hahaha no wonder
Changminnie &3 says:
i was thinking it couldnt be a theme since it's like....uhh...not themeish xD
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
but hey! i wasn't th eonly one who went crazy! there were times when other ppl dide the same
Changminnie &3 says:
darn! i should have taken a screenshot of them
Changminnie &3 says:
but back then i didn't know how to take screenshots
Miss Croft says:
lol aww
Changminnie &3 says:
hehe. i was really happy at first when i saw it. but then i felt embarrassed when i noticed what they were on about
Miss Croft says:
lol aww dont be
Miss Croft says:
i spend much of my time reading on CCR, reading to see what others have posted and stuff
Changminnie &3 says:
haha really? so do i!
Changminnie &3 says:
like a few days ago, i read allt he posts fromt he beginning of the word games
Changminnie &3 says:
sometimes i go back to the older threads and stuff
Changminnie &3 says:
i always wondered if anyone else does that xD
Miss Croft says:
im pretty sure others do, lol
Changminnie &3 says:
lol. hehe.
Changminnie &3 says:
Changminnie &3 says:
Miss Croft says:
what happened?
Changminnie &3 says:
she's bored, and now she called my mom...and my mom said to give the computer to my sis &_&
Changminnie &3 says:
to play BARBIE
Changminnie &3 says:
oooh! i love that outfit on her!
Miss Croft says:
Miss Croft says:
aww poor you
Changminnie &3 says:
Changminnie &3 says:
xD yeah
Miss Croft says:
Miss Croft says:
aww im sorry
Changminnie &3 says:
why couldn' t i have a borhter instead?
Changminnie &3 says:
i'd rather have a bro playing umm...boy game son boy sites then BARBIE!!!
Changminnie &3 says:
it's ok...i have to feel pain
Miss Croft says:
lol aww
Changminnie &3 says:
Changminnie &3 says:
ok sorry
Changminnie &3 says:
lol xD
Miss Croft says:
well i love my sister, we;re a lot alike so i dont usually get alot from her
Miss Croft says:
O_O lol
Changminnie &3 says:
i love teasing my sis...although i never do it in front of her
Changminnie &3 says:
lucky u. haha
Changminnie &3 says:
me and my cousins are like that, but they're on the other side of the world
Miss Croft says:
aww ;_;
Changminnie &3 says:
it's ok. eventually they'll be living here with us int he future
Miss Croft says:
yay! thats awesome!!
Changminnie &3 says:
and i'll go visit u or meet up with u int he future
Changminnie &3 says:
Changminnie &3 says:
yup yup!
Miss Croft says:
aww lol
Changminnie &3 says:
i plan to meet a lot of ppl when im older
Changminnie &3 says:
natalie, karen...ok i dont wanna meet her so much anymore, but yeah and hten uhh....that's all xD

Changminnie &3 says:
i have an online friend that lives near my school accoridng to her. lol
Miss Croft says:
lol aww
Miss Croft says:
thats sounds awesome lol
Changminnie &3 says:
Changminnie &3 says:
Miss Croft says:
whats wrong?
Changminnie &3 says:
my sis is crying out LOUD
Changminnie &3 says:
she says she doesnt wanna play games
Miss Croft says:
awww lol
Changminnie &3 says:
but she's bored
Changminnie &3 says:
and she's crying
Changminnie &3 says:
Changminnie &3 says:
yeah...so how are u? xD
Miss Croft says:
lol aww
Changminnie &3 says:
im bored now....xD
Miss Croft says:
lol me too
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
the word games aren't that popular anymore. ahaha. they become unpopular after the took of the post count for it
Changminnie &3 says:
they took off*
Miss Croft says:
i play in the 2000th post one, and the banning ga,e
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
hehe same here. and the finnisht he sentence game
Changminnie &3 says:
i find that one fun. i tease deathseeker in it xD
Miss Croft says:
Changminnie &3 says:
ahaha. did u ever read them? im evil xD
Miss Croft says:
no i havent, i should look them up
Changminnie &3 says:
haha, u dont have to
Changminnie &3 says:
Im sleepy....u listne to japanese music right?
Miss Croft says:
yeah some
Changminnie &3 says:
heard of Utada Hikaru, or BoA? anothr popular artist is Ayumi hamasaki

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