I am currently questing a Thank You Letter for July 2007.
Funds: 2,505gp/10,350gp
Funds: 2,505gp/10,350gp
I really like giving gold out in like numbers. xD
Those who are loved: (150+ gold)
icelandruler - 200 gold heart
kelikala - 70 gold + 150 tokens
greenteaicymocha - 431 gold heart heart
M1STER - 150 gold
nightmareangel4j0 - 200 gold heart
Inuyashas_Cutey - 937 tokens!!
The Masqued Fox - 150gp + 400 tokens heart
Blacklist: stare
FagigallyGland - skipped me twice, then I sent a trade, he sent me 1 bug.
I currently love gold and tokens. =)
A huge thank you goes to Hawaii2K who actually donated a July sealed! You are forever adored!! heart