*i go and give kazu his food*
trevor-so how did it go in there?
fine why?
trevor- no reason
oh i forgot to give here the dairy i found* i run and trip as i go into ur room and fall flat on my face*
*watches you fall and laughs. I notice you got my diary. I blusha nd run over and pick it up. still blushing*
W-where did you f-find this L-loki? *i blush harder thinking of what you could of found out in this little book*
Y-You didn't r-read it r-right?
no i didn't read it i would never do that*smiles* i found it in the other room under the pillow
*smiles back* Thanks for not reading it. Well, why don't you take a walk around soul society and see te sights. *mummbles under breath* If there are any.
ok then i will*walks out and down the road* hey this is ok i guess well at least until we all get better*i sigh and sit on the side of the road under a tree*
*you hear walking and look up. You see byakuya walking down the road and he spots you. He walks over and sits besie you*
Byakuya: What are you doing here Ayaka?
*stares at him* well i am waiting for my friend to get better u?
Byakuya: I saw what Omai did to renji and i was going to see how he was. I saw you and thought it would be ok to talk with you beofer that. {THIS IS SO NOT HOW BYAKUYA ACTS BUT BEAR WITH ME!.....He's being nice.}
ok but he is probably ok well i want to get out of here so bye* i walk out of a portal to the other world* wow it is nice to be here*i sit under a tree*
*suddenly yachiru jumps on to your head fomr the tree*
Yachiru: Aya! Where were you, Okami is looking for you! come oen! *she drags you back to soul society. Ther, you see me with my arms crossed and my foot tapping.*
Did you think you could leave here so easily?
*glares at u* all i wanted to do was go back to our home....the shrine we lived in while we were in teh woods for the time!
*i glare baack* YOu lived in the WOODS? I want you all to stay here for awhile in soul society with me. *gets sad look on face* But if you want to leave, then leave. *runs off crying*
come back!!!!* i chase u* hey i don't want to leave u how about u come with me and get some things with me?* i look at u and smile*
*lokks at you and just walks away* No thanks, i got some 'work' to do for captain
Hitsugaya. *Runs off still crying* Call me back later.
wait come back...grr that girl is so unpredictabal.*i sigh and look up as it starts to pour down rain* well at least it can't get anyworse then this*i sit down*
*i keep runnign and fall flat on my face* I..can't tell. I can't tell her the truth about why i can't leave. *cries harder and just lays there*

man i wonder why she keeps running off *i start to walk off* i wonder were i am no one is here.

*i hear thunder and look up. I see lighting strike right infront of me and i jump up. I loo aorund and relize i'm close to my room. I sneeze and walk to it. I see renji waitng for me with hsi arms crossed. I smile at him and colapse. He picks me up and carries me to my rooma nd lays me on my bed.*
Renji? Where is aya?
REnji- I don't know, i'll go look for her.
*renji goes to look for you, mean while with you, a huge hollow comes and attacks you form behind*
Hallow: MM, dinner. *he tries to attack you, but you don't have a waeapon. You close your eyes and open them. When you do, you see a girl who loosk liek this blocking the attack.*

*bloker girl looks at you*
brown hair girl: What is your name? My is sen and this is yuna. We live around here and work for soul society.
*i look at them* thank u for helping me but i got to go *i get a little afraid and run off*omg i can't let that happen again*i climb a tree and lay on a branch*

*You look down cause you heard running and saw renji smiling up at you*
Renji-okami wants ya back Aya-chan. Come on. *you jump off th tree and follow him*
Renji- Yuor realy her only friend besides me Aya-chan. You mena the world to her, she told me that her self.
i knkow and i bet u mean the world to her to* i smile but then i stop walking and look up at the rain* the last time i saw rain is when we ran away from the village
*renji keeps walking and looks over his shoulder*
Renji- ya comin?! *he walks off and you folow him again.*
Renji- what was the villages name?
well it WAS called hintren but it was invaded so me and kazu ran away since then its been different*looks at him* but u have always had a home so u probably wouldn't understand.
Renji- oh look, were here. *You both walk into my room and see me laying on my bed. I have a cold cloth on my for head and i'm sweating*
R-renji? Did you find here?
Renji- Girl, you need your rest. Ya caught a cold out there in the rain. *walks over and sits in a chair next to me*
Renji? Did you find out about the village she used to live in?
Renji- hai, she said she lived in a village called Hintren and she;s never had a home. You know how's that like, right?
hai, I never truly had a home until i came here.
*i look at u two confused* well i should probably go back and check on trevor and kazu so bye
What ever, i'm going to sleep *falls asleep and renji leaves and turns off the light*
* i go see how they are doing back at the other room*
hey so are u guys ok now
trevor-ya kazu says he feels better now
i am glad he is doing fine so i see he is sleeping
trevor-yea he was tired so how is ur friend doing?
she ok just sleeping
*renji walks in the room and trvor glares at him*
Renji-I came to see if Aya wanted to go and get soemthing to eat with me.
*you hear my voice form down the hall*
i'm not really hungry* my stumic grawls loud* ok maybe just a little...fine i will were are u going?
*trevor gets a totally red face and turns the othere way ticked off*
*i suddenly appear in the room* I'm going with you guys to lunch, if that's ok with you loki? *i look at trevor and walk over. I wisper in his ear*
You owe me one bud. *i walk back over and lgare at renji* Wel then, shall we go? I know this great little cafe over by the river. My two friends named sen and Yuna own it.
ok its fine with me how about u renji? * i start to walk out* oh and trevor i will be back later so don't freak out i won't disapear *i smile*

*Renji mummbles*
Renji-what ever. *and walks after you*
ok then* we get to the place and start to eat*hey lets go swiming* i jump into the river*
I stare at you and renji prepares to jump in with you, when i pull him back*
Bad boy! you Eichi Yaro!
son of a b***h!
Renji- I am not!
Yes you are! *pushes him in the water and holds his head under* I'm gonna kill you you b*****d of a friend! *some one pulls me of him and holds me agianst them as a struggle*
renji- captian ichimaru? What are you coing here? *i stop struggling anf look up into the smiling face of gin. My face goes pale and i stop struglling*
gin- why ya tryin to drown captain's kuchiki's vice captian over ther.
hey u put her back down right now!* i pull u down*
trevor-hey come quick kazu ran off he said that it is happening again something about transforming
oh no not now he can't be we gotta go find him*i look at u*
*i;m still pale and i'm looking at gin in fear*
I-I'm gonna s-stay here. R-renji will go with you. *you guys run off and leave me with him. He smiles and takes a sep twoards me. I take a step back and fall in the water.*
hey renji is she gonna be ok with that creepo?
trevor- i hope so but right now we gotta find kazu
hey trevor u have never seen kazu's true form have u?
trevor- no i haven't
Renji-she should. *back with me and gin. I slowly get out of the water and I am soaked.*
-mumbbles under breath- I hate him so much.
Uh gin, i have to go. i run past him and try to find you guys.*
hey look who is coming* i see u running*
trevor- oh my god look over there its kazu!
*we all look over* hey what do u think u are doing running off like that?
*i stare at kazua nd turn around. All three of you suddenly get a flash back of the person who attacked your village and they looked like this

That's me. I remeber thosw wo now and where else i have seen them. It was me who burned down your village , i'm so sorry. I awas just following orders.
*i look at u with tears in my eyes* how could u?!* i run and hide behind kazu and trevor* that was our village u were suppost to be our friend!*it starts to rain again*

I thought i was too but i had to follow my masters order. YOu hate me now since you learned i did that. That used to be my villag too until i was shunned. *stares at you sadly and turn around*

I want you all to leave soul society and go never come back
Renji- Come on okami, i'm sure you don't mean that..
SILENCE! i never want to see there faces in soul society again.
*i start to walk away and look over my shoulder at you one more time*

NO! i will not leave u we are friends remember!* i look at kazu* and now that this is happening i can't leave either * kazu screams and end up looking like this

noooo! not yet u can't!* i scream and run toward u* u have to go and hide! * i start to transform into this* i have to stop him!

I-I wont run, Not any more. Your right, were frinds and i'll help you.*i start to trsnform too and i look like this

NOOO!* i jump in the way and destroy ur blast* i have to turn him back don't make him passout! * i make a orb and hit him in the gut with it*

Grr, fine. You do it then. *sits onthe gournd like a child and I cross my arms and stick out my tounge*
* he stands up*
kazu- am i ok now?
ya but why did u transform here?
kazu- probably cause of all the energy in this place
oh i see
*i stnad up and wlak away* You still aren't coming back to soul society ya know.
i know* i turn and grab trevor and kazu's hands* come on we have to go * i look at u one last time* sorry for all the trouble* we start to leave through the portal*