Woot! after almost a month, eek i think, I am finally back and kickin'. WhooHoo! Anyway I had problems with miss typing my e-mail so I had to get it sorted out. Anyway not much has gone on. I went to the capital of Wyoming which i know i can't spell right now.. Cheyenne? -_-! Hmm.. Maybe Chyeane?.. I'm not sure, but I know there's a "Y" some where in there. Anyway they had Frontier Days going on, which we weren't going to see due to our limited time, and that meant we coudn't get some cool fireworks while we were there either... not that we need them but pot bottle rockets are esential for sending pepe bunnies into orbit. blaugh
Anyway I hope you all are having an awesome summer or nice winter for those in the southeren Hem.. ^_^ Oh, I quote for the day.... Hmm.. I think something from Homer will do nice..
"Kids you tried your hardest, and failed miserably. The lesson here; never try."
-Homer Simpon
There's a story behind that quote, but that'll be for a different entry.
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Through the eyes of a free spirit....
I'll write whatever comes to mind.... oh and beware spoilers, spelling errors, random babble, and random references. -_-! oh and the random text faces, too.