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This is abook, because I am a writer!
Chapter Two

Spell books exist?

I blinked.

The girl blinked.

I tilted my head.

She did as well.

I rubbed my eyes, they were still watery from the contacts. I hated the contacts, I really did. They turned my entire eye white, they hurt and took forever to put in, and the kids at this school made fun of me for them. But with out them…..

I saw the reflection.

In mirrors, window pains, anything metal. Well for most people, seeing their reflection was normal, but not the way I saw it.

She had my face shape, yes, but everything else was different.

My normally short, light brown hair was dark brown with red mixed in with it, not to mention curly and down to my shoulders. My green-blue eyes had turned dark brown. She was a far more beautiful me then I could ever hope to be.

I groaned, pulling out the contacts case. I spent the next ten minutes putting them in, and other five wiping the water out of my eyes. Blinking back the contact induced tears, I stole another glance at my face. I still couldn’t see my blue-green eyes, but the rest of me was there.

“Oink!” My little pig rubbed her head against my leg to say hi. Bending down to play with her, my eyes swept the room.

“Whoa….” My room at home was nice. It had four walls, a door, and even a window. But that little room was nothing compared to this. I guess room wouldn’t be the proper term for this place, say… condo? I guess that’s the right term for it.

The entrance way was where I stood, there were two couches facing each other, both blue, to match the carpet. A small table with the mirror I spied earlier stood between the two couches. A fire place sat about ten feet behind one of the couches, with little trinkets on it.

Where I stood was hard was on a hard wood floor, it was only a feet wide, but it led past the fire place to a staircase. I looked to the other way to see a door, opening it is saw it was just a bathroom, a really NICE bathroom with black marble countertops and a swan-shaped sink, plus a tub and shower, but a bathroom.

Retraced my tracks to the room with the fireplace then I headed up the stairs. There was a big room with three twin beds. Each bed was covered with a blue bed spread and yellow, lacy pillows all over it. Next to each of the beds were a desk painted light blue to match the beds. I sighed, little rose buds and ribbons were painted all over the desk. I noticed that my name had been written in English had been painted on one of the desks. My space. I opened it ups to see pencils, a copy of my schedule, and pig food sat on one of there.

A door lay across from me. It was glass so I could see it led to a balcony where many plants sat.

“Who are you?” I whirled around to see a girl behind me. She was around the same height as me, maybe a inch taller, leaving her five feet and three inches. Her copper-colored hair was braided but anyone could see her hair was so curly it was to the point of being a mess of frizz. Her nose was covered in freckles, as well as her cheeks, it made her look really cute. Her eyes were green and seamed to be hiding something. The also were surrounded by long red eyelashes.

“Erm, are you Pass Cipher?” I said, remembering the name on the white board outside.

She nodded, “But I asked you were.” By the sound of her voice, I’d say she was Irish.

“I’m Aurora Shingo, Aura for short.” I said, near the bed I was supposed to use sat a few bags. “where am I suppose to unpack?”

Pass pulled at one of her braids, “There are a few drawers under the bed and there is a closet in the sitting area down stairs for the things that need to be hung up.

“Thanks.” I said pulling out a drawer, to see it was lined with ballerina teddy bear drawer paper. Do I really need to say it? Blech, ballerina TEDDY BEAR drawer paper.

“Is that your pig?” Pass asked right when I started to unpack my hoodie collection.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, her name is Spoink.” I looked at my little pet, who was wiggling in between the covers of a twin bed. By the hot pink sheets under the blue comforter, I took this to mean that it was Celine’s bed.

“Oh.” Pass said. She hovered slightly around my area. “I think you should take her to the school doctor. Otherwise one of the teachers might come to take her away. I’m sure that doc would take Spoon-”

“Spoink.” Spoink looked up from Celine’s bed she had begun to eat through Celine’s diary.

“Spoink in. He takes care of all the other pets kids have.”

“Okay. I’ll do that soon.” Then there was an award silence.

I could almost hear the crickets chirping. That lasted about twenty seconds before the princess of pink came through the door.

“ZUT!!! What the hell are you doing here freak?!” Celine burst into the room, her pink locks falling around her face. Getting a closer look at Celine, I realized she was one of those girls that boys like, if there in to the whole, I don’t care what personality is like as long as your hot. Her eyes were blue and they looked stunning against her strawberry blond hair. Her face was a perfect oval, complete with flawless, crème colored skin. Her was so long it reminded me of Aoi, and it curled at the ends.

“The freak has moved in,” answered Pass. “Oh wait… That came out wrong.”

“Whatever. It’s not like your going to be here long. And not even you can spoil my mood. A group of hot boys has recently moved in. And one of them is a Prince from China! The rest of them are from Britain and Japan.”

Ew. Did she mean the twins and Ookami? Ew.

Okay the twins are pretty cute. I won’t lie. The have blonde hair with brown streaks running through it. And they both are tall. Their not to slim but not to muscular. No one but me can tell them apart (when their silent, when Nike speaks he makes it pretty obvious who he is when he is talking. Alex would never skip around the room going “GO DIEGO GO!”) expect for me. They both had the same aquamarine colored eyes, but Alex’s eye seemed to sparkle more… with sophistication, intelligence, and such an air of coolness that Nike could never acquire.

“Um, hello? Earth to foreign freak. I’m talking here!”

“Yes, I realize this. You’re French accent is very distracting, it’s interrupting my day dream.”

“C’est pas bon.” Celine gave me an evil stare. “it’s not good at all, having to share a room with you.”

“BAKAYARO!” I shouted. If she can speak French at me, I can cuss her out in my language.

“Wow, I wish I could speak another language…..” Pass said, fingering a strand of hair that fell out of her braids. “I only know English.”

“Whatever. I need a nap before dinner. I want to look fresh for my prince!” Celine pushed her hair over her shoulder and pulled back the cover on her bed. “What is that?!” She pointed at Spoink who looked up from the bed and gave a small grunt.

“Ew! Get it away from me!” She moved to smack the poor thing when I grabbed her wrist.

“Hey! Don’t you dare touch my pig!” I shouted. I narrowed my eyes in a warning matter. Back in Japan I leaned a few tricks from the streets…. Like how to intimate people….

“What are you going to do to me? I could sue your a** for every penny your worth?” She gave a laugh as if the thought of me penniless was the funniest thing in the world.

Pass suddenly looked up, “Celine, what if they never find your body?”

Pinkie stepped back a bit, unnerved…..

Thanks to Pass I had an opening, not that I’d actually hurt her, but I wanted to show her how she couldn’t get away with treating people like dirt.

“You know, I bet I hid something in the woods I saw on the way here…. No one would ever find it.”

Game, set, and match.

“W-whatever you freak! I-its not like I even care. I have better things to worry about then you. Like winning the heart of that prince.” Though I had scared her, I’m sure it wouldn’t last long. She was too proud to let anything keep her down for long.

Dinner came sooner then expected, though I had to eat it with a fork and it was truly discussing. Some sort of brown rice that stuck together. It tasted like how I would image glue would.

The only good thing about dinner was I got to meet up with the twins and Tsuki. And here I though I would spend the entire meal reading a good romance novel……

“Look at all the school girls…..” Nike said a glint in his eyes.

“We had girls at home.” Alex said clearly confused by his brothers new found happiness. I forced my eyes away from the book to see what was going on.

“Yes, but they thought I was a yankee (loosely translated to a gang member) or something.” Nike said rolling the rice into some kind of ball and sticking it to the back of some random kid. “Cool!”

“You were a yankee.” Ookami pointed out, while watching the random kid realize he had something stuck to him. He looked from table to table trying to figure out who had done some thing like him. When his eyes reached our table we were all staring at him. Dead give away we had done it, so we did the only thing we could think of. The four of us waved. Angered the boy walked away.

“Yeah, well, I guess I kinda was one, but… not all the time. I just like getting into trouble.” Nike said rolling another rice ball.

Before he could do anything with it, I snatched it out of his hands, “Well I guess that’s all in our past now. We are here… Some random place in Europe.”

Alex clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, “Don’t so happy about it,” he said sarcastically, “look at it this way, Aura, it’s a new beginning. Know one knows about our pasts…it’s a fresh start. We can get rid of our old reputations. Ookami is no longer the demon who hunts people down in the streets, Nike isn‘t some yankee who beats on people, your no longer the foreign girl who will rip some one‘s face off when no one is looking, and I am no longer the brains behind the whole behind the whole satanic thing. Think about how our future could be, Aura.”

I blushed. Alex took a drink of his canned green tea, satisfied that he made a good point about being in Europe. He thought I was blushing on the ‘girl who rip’s people faces off’ comment. Trust me, that’s not why I was red. The way he said my name it was just so……… special…. It made me blush…..

“I don’t get why people think those rumors were true at our old school.” Nike said, steal a drink out of my pop can, “none of those things are true. Expect for the all the rumors about Ookami. And Aura ripping some one’s face off.”

“I did that once!” I protested, “And it was only a lock of hair. And he deserved it!”

“Riiiight…..” Ookami said. “Okay what the hell is this stuff? I want pocky!”

I sighed, “The next three years of my life…. And I’m stuck here…… This sucks majorly….”

“Agreed.” The three of them said, the Nike added “Jinx you owe me a soda.”

He never really out grew middle school.

“Hey, look, the rice kid’s back.” Nike said, “And ooooh! He brought friends! I wonder if they have edible stuff on them?

“I doubt they’re here for tea and crumpets, dude.” Ookami stood up, looking as tough as he could. And from the glint in his eyes and the way his over sized canine teeth protruded from his mouth when he smiled, he looked like a wild wolf about to attack.

The rice propped his hand against the table giving Ookami little thought. “Which one of you threw the rice at me?” He dared.

The four of us exchanged glances.

“It was more of sticking the rice to you, no throwing involved.” Nike pointed out.

The boy grunted, “Excuse me, I am the son of Lord Baron of England-”

“Congratulations.” I said sarcastically.

“Big talk from a boy reading a romance novel.”

Here is where I should point out where I am a girl, he comments on how I look like a boy, then I punch his lights out. But, well, Nike did that for me, in his special way.

He grabbed my sweat shirt, pulled it over my head, the pointed out the size of my chest.

The boy wavered for a few minutes, while I tried to get my sweat shirt back from Nike.

“Ahem…..” The boy said, “sorry for intruding on your meal miss, but I would terrible like to know who pulled the trick on me.”

Oh, so now he was a gentlemen….

I pulled my shirt over my head before I responded, “How do you know that I didn’t do it?” I asked. Okay, I am aware that I didn’t stick the rice to him, and that it was the boy who forcibly ripped my shirt off me, and I should have the boy beat Nike... Well at least I had remember to wear a shirt underneath it today.

“Why a lady of this school would never have such manners.” I nearly choked upon hearing this. He obviously didn’t know women so well, understandable since girls and boys eat with each other once a month, and even when they sit a the same table teachers and parents sit around him.

“Dude, it’s the twenty first century! Girls can do whatever they want. Including this.” I know it was probably as stupid move, but I picked up my tray and dumped the sticky rice all over his head.

He blinked a few times, attempting to digest what I had done, before grabbing a drink and splashing it in my face. Lucky I ducked, but my brother got green tea in his eyes. He cursed, and pulled the boy up by his collar and growled in his face.

“I don’t like green tea.” Ookami growled. The boy looked pale, and who wouldn’t blame him? My brother looked like he stepped out of a gang movie.

“YOU! The new four! Come here!” A teacher shouted. The four of us exchanged glances, before Ookami dropped the son Lord Baron or whatever his name was on the ground.

“Tramp,” the son Lord what’s his name said. I turned to kick him but was hoisted off the ground.

“Wha-?” I felt myself blush, as I looked into the eyes of the teacher that had yelled at us before. He was a very, very handsome man, with hazel eyes, and buttermilk colored hair. He looked in his early twenties, and his hair was down to his knees and pulled back. He was dressed in a black trench coat, a white tie and black shirt underneath the coat, and white pants.

“Come with me.”

“Like I have a choice.” I said, he was kinda carrying me after all.

“Already! We are ALREADY in trouble!” Alex gave a sigh. The four of us sat on a bench outside the headmistress’s office. Several teachers were inside, arguing.

“Giving the records in their previous schools, this is normal behavior for them-” This voice belonged to one of the teacher teaching at the boys part of the school.

“Alex Eclipse and Aura are first of their class- and Japan is highly completive in grades! Shouldn’t that have some merit?” This was the voice of the teacher that brought us in. I believe he is one of my teachers.

“High grades don’t make the person!” The teacher that wanted to be expelled said, “What about the other two?! The other Eclipse barely made it into high school!”

“I’ve herd enough.” The headmistress said. “Send them in.”

At this we stood up and entered. The clocked ticked slowly as the teacher examined us. Her eyes looked tired, like she had to deal with kind of thing many times before. But given the fact we were in a high class school were people used the words “riff raff,” and have no idea how people on the street act- I highly doubt that she has seen anything like us before.

“Your mothers were always in my office too, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”

My mom…

She went to this school?

“You… you knew my mother?”

I didn’t say it.

Nike did.

The headmistress nodded. “Yes. She and Mrs. Shingo were always in my office, along with three other girls. How our your mothers?” The women asked.

The four of us exchanged glances.

“Their both dead.” I said silently.

The woman tilted her head, in thought. She let out a sigh and a small smile, “So are the other three. Such violent deaths too. May I inquire.. How did they die?”

“My mom….” I said, “She died on the night I was born. She drowned herself-well-more like choked on salt water.” I waited for a few minutes for one of the twins to tell the headmistress how their mom died but both of them were looking at the floor. “And Mrs. Eclipse, her body was found in a dumpster. Several burn marks were on her throat.”

The woman sat there, soaking the new information, before responding, “Your mothers were close friends in their group of five. I wasn’t surprised when they both left to go to the same college. The other three died when their children were small as well. One was hung on a vine, the herbalist said as if the vine had grown around her neck… Another, well her body was never found. And the last one they say it was as if some one drained the air right out of her body.”

For what felt like hours, we sat in her office, soaking in the information. I didn’t know what I’d do with the information, but it was in my head.

“Why was mom in your office so much?” Ookami said. I could tell he was hoping that she was a delinquent like us. Then we would have an accuse for the reason we acted like we do- it runs in the family.

“She was always doing good things for the school. Her in her little group of five. Which is exactly why I’m not going to expel you four. But I hope to see a change in your attitude. And if your in my office again for something good, instead of pelting Lord Baron with rice.”

“I didn’t pelt him!” Nike and I shouted in unison. We both exchanged glances and then both added, “Well I didn’t…”

“You all may leave.” The headmistress said. As we exited the headmistress added, “Oh by the way, the other three kids go here as well.”

“Did you get expelled?” The two teachers who were arguing earlier stood outside the office. The teacher that wanted us to stay- the one that taught that one class of mine looked at us curiously.

“Nope, not even a punishment.” I said the proudly.

The nice teacher smiled, “That’s good. I’m professor Zeke Doogalmister. Just call me Zeke. Miss Shingo I believe that I have you in my English Literature class.”

So that’s the class I have with him!

“Honestly Zeke, letting the students call you buy your first name, how unprofessional!” Said the teacher that wanted us expelled. He had jet-black hair and eyes to match. His outfit was the opposite of Zeke’s. White jacket and under shirt, with a black tie and black pants.

“Well, no one wants to go bye Doogalmister, Kane.” Zeke said.

“Don’t use my FIRST name in front of my students!” HE whirled around to face us, “I am the vice headmaster of the school, Mr. Tempestuous. And I promise you if you call me by my first name or act in the manner you acted like at lunch I WILL have you expelled.”

I had to resist the urge to go “really!?” And then attempt get myself expelled.

I nodded, showing I understood.

“Now get back to class.” He pointed towards the door.

“Kaney you forgot to say please!” teased Zeke.


“But it’s fun!”


“Uh… I am gonna going to um… go…now.. Bye…” I turned a I could feel the other three turning to follow as well.

“One more thing, Miss Shingo, Mr. Shingo, and both of you Elcipse’s. From here on out, none of you four shall have contact with one another.” Mr. Tempestuous said. “I will personally make sure you won’t.”

I nodded, showing I understood. But his words to me weren’t an order. They were a challenge.

“Spoink, Spoink!” I called, the pig came running. I scooped her up in my arms, I was going to take her to the school doctor, like Pass had said. Who knows what that creepy vice headmaster, Tempestuous Kane, would do to her.

“Probably make bacon…” I said out loud in Japanese, causing Spoink to squeal and run in a circle.

“What is that noise?” Zeke said, stepping out of his classroom, his long hair sweeping behind him. “Hey! A piggy!”

“There is no pig in the hallway.” I said, even thought I knew there was defiantly one there.

“Oh? And I’m just asleep?”

He said it not me.

“Yes?” I said, my voice making it a question.

“Uh-huh. Do you think I’m stupid?”

“Well. Yes.”

Ah, honesty isn’t it refreshing?

“Well…. Why do you think that?”

“You call your co working by his first name, instead of teaching you spend your time stacking cards, and your wearing little mermaid slippers.” My teacher looked at his feet.

“Oh! So I do!”

I raised an eyebrow, “no retort?”

He stared at me for a few minutes. “No. You and I are very different. The things I do I because their my routine.” He stared at his feet for a few seconds and added “and my dog at my normal shoes. Which reminds me you should take your piggy to the school doctor-”

“Was doing that anyway.”

“-cause they’ll turn her into bacon.” Zeke’s eyes widened as he watched Spoink free out and squeal. I guess no matter what language you say the word in, she knows.

“Ha… Ha ha ha! BACON! BACON! BACON!” Zeke said laughing at my pig, “Man that is funny!”

“Your not allowed to talk to my Spoink.” I said, I turned and walked away.

“A pig? That’s an usual pet for a girl to have.” Inside the doctors office my worries seemed to fad. There were several Shinto items around the room, and he had a fridge full of Japanese foods. I liked him. Mainly because he was Japanese, but he also was very nice to.

“I’m aware. But she was just so cute!” I said, Spoink was currently pushing a ball around on the ground with her nose. Her bright eyes looking so exited every time a treat fell out of the toy. It was meant for dogs, but it she seemed to love it. Besides there weren’t many pig toys around.

“Well I’ll find a home for her, is there anything special she likes to eat?”

“Um, well she likes all types of food especially-”

“Doctor! Doctor! I need your help!” A petit woman came into the room, she was in a maids outfit, and was pushing a cart full of boys clothing. “One of the cooks fell down the stairs.”

“Please hold that though, Miss Shingo.” The doctor left with the maid. I started at the bin of boys clothing. Well I guess it what Kane Tempestuous that made really want to do what I was about to do. I around Alex, Ookami, and Nike, no one could keep us apart. No matter how hard they tried.

“Ohmigod! What are you doing here?” Celine stepped into the doctor’s office.

“Uh…” I intelligently replied.

“And why are you in a boy’s uniform?” Pass said pointing to the black pants I had on, and the unbuttoned shirt I was wearing.

“Um…..” What could I say? That I was sneaking into the boys’ dorms to see my brother and best friends! I couldn’t say that! “I’m sneaking into the boys’ dorms to see my brother and best friends.”

Well, apparently I could say that.

“Oh! The boy you were sitting with at lunch! Allons-y! (Lets go.)” Celine grabbed a pair of pants and headed towards the bathroom to change.


What was she doing.

“Er….” I said looking at Pass.

“She dragged me up here so that she could look at the doctor, but she liked you idea of sneaking into the boys dorm better.”

“Oh.” I said. I finished buttoning my and pulled on a vest.

“You’ll need to vests, you can still see that you have a chest.” Pass informed me pulling out another black vest with gold buttons.

“Another one? I won’t be able to breath! These things are tight!” I said as I put it on.

“And take out your contacts too.”

“Pass your turn!” Celine stepped out to into the hallway, she had bobby-pined her hair to look like a boys. In fact it looked like she just stepped out of bed and got dressed.

“You mean I have to go too?” Pass said, pulling out boys clothing.

“Yes.” Celine said, pinning up Pass’s hair.

Breaking into the boy’s dorms wasn’t nearly as hard as I thought it would be. In fact it wasn’t hard at all. The doctor’s office was in-between the boys and girl’s dorms. Plus there was barely anyone around, so no one could say they saw three girly looking boys lurking around.


“Quiet Celine.” I whispered. “Your so damn loud. Not to mention if you scream like a girl, the boys will be aware that there is a girl in the area.”

“But the-But the…. Eieeeeeeeeeeee! The PRINCE!” She screamed.

“Oh s**t.” I sighted.

“Is that a girl’s voice.”

“I think so.”

“There is a girl in here!”

The three of us scrambled for a hiding place. With us looking as feminine as we do, it would be obvious that we were the ones who screamed. Footsteps could be herd coming from all directions. And I was going to get myself expelled! Already! Just when I learned that my mom went to the school! Pass ducked slipped into a class room, locking it from within. Celine ducked behind a suit of armor.

“Kya! Where do I go? Where do I go?!” With out thinking I bolted up a flight of stairs. “Stupid Celine and her stupid prince.”


When I got to the top of the flight of stairs, a boy stood on the top of them. He looked at me, expecting a response. I guessed this was the prince. His hair was light brown color, dyed, with white streaks under the brown. His eyes were the color of root beer, a light brown and very bright. Like my brother, he had both of his ears pierced, gold hoops.

“You don’t look like a prince.” I said with out thinking.

“Hrmp.” He said. He pulled out a camera, the kind used by a serious photographer, and took a picture of me. Not because he wanted a picture of me, but because the flash was enough to stun me for several moments.

“Hey!” I shouted, steadying myself, “What the hell!”

“Who are you?” He asked.

“Um…. Kane Tempestuous…. What’s your name Princey?”

“Longwei. Prince Longwei. Of China.”

“Bully for you.” I dully replied.

And then he did something I would never expect out of any prince.

“Hmmmm. I thought you looked girly,” Longwei had his hang on my chest. “Even under both of those vests your boobs still show.”

“You pervert!” I shoved my foot in his face, kicking him. “How dare you grope me!”

“Ow! What did you do that for!”

“What do you think I did for! You-you-you-Ahhhh! I can’t even say it I’m so mad!” I snapped. I kicked him a few more times.

“Well how else was I suppose to tell if you were a girl or not! You look like a very gay boy!” Longwei grabbed my foot to stop me from pummeling his face, and smacked the back of my head.


Well, Nike did say I looked like a boy who got in a lot of fights. And I did, expect I was a girl.

“Aura let go of the nice prince and lets get out of here.” Pass appeared out of no where.

“Aw, but I was winning!” I whined. I had the prince’s arm behind his back in an unnatural angel.

“How this for winning!” He butted my nose. A few drops of blood fell from my nose on to my lips, followed by a sea of them.

“Ew!” Celine appeared behind Pass. I gasped and clutched my nose.

“Aura is it?” Longwei said looking at us.

Celine gave me a harsh shove into Pass, “Never mind her. Hi! My name is Celine Belle of the Belle family in France. You have no doubt herd of us.”

“Flirt later, Celine, Mr. Tempestuous is coming.” Pass said. We ducked into the boy’s library and waited.

“You know something, how can there be a vice-headmaster of a school. I mean there isn’t even a headmaster.” Pass said.

“Shhh. There coming in.” I pointed out the best I could with a bloody nose. The three of us scooted back behind a few shelves. There were many volumes of unlabeled books. They were all hard back and most of them looked a few centuries old.

“Honestly, what kind of girl sneaks into the boys dorm.” A old teacher whizzed to Kane.

“I would say that Aura girl, but one of the boys said the girl had a French accent, and Aura’s Japanese accent makes her sound like Mickey Mouse on helium.” Kane propped his legs on a near by table.

“Nope she just sound like she’s Japanese, even if she doesn’t look it.” Zeke entered the library and he sat next to Kane. “I think she is rather funny too.”

“When are they going to leave?” Pass whispered to me.

“Aura do something! It was your idea to come here, therefore you must do something about it,” Celine hissed, “Do something about it now. Hey, are you listening to me?”

“Yeah.” I whispered. But I wasn’t really. For in front of my face sat a book. Gold lettering spiraled a crossed it. I picked it out of the shelf with my blood stained hands.

I swear it glowed for a second, the gold lettering I mean. It was two particular words that caught my eyes.

Chatern Saukra.

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    commentCommented on: Sat Sep 08, 2007 @ 02:56am

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