bought oculus magica for 20k, to be sold later in the quest.
Looking to buy demonic anklets for around 13-14k to be sold later in the quest
Looking to buy demonic anklets for around 13-14k to be sold later in the quest
Total Value: 854,845 Gold, 6,000 Tickets
[Item Information]
Included in Price:
Fox Ears
9,261 Gold-bought 10k
Prisoner's Shackles
2,567 Gold -bought 2100
Card Shark Bands
6,000 Tickets
Nitemare Bustier
320,000 Gold
Red Leather Belt
1,675 Gold
Dead Sexy Blood Bat Cravat
375 Gold -Bought with gaia cash.
Elegant Lord's Mask (Black Falcon)
4,780 Gold
Fox Tail
9,265 Gold
Whip of Fire
30,844 Gold
Community Member