Rikka Yuki, a young, icey, saphire-eyed, thirteen year old has been transfered to Konoha. The beating hot of the summer in Konoha was nothing like the freeze white summer time of her own village, Yukikagura. Rikka had traveled with her gaurdian black wolf, Hisokata, to Konoha, exspecting nothing more then traning and training with her water bending and ice bending, and her anamorphasis. But what she got was un exspected.
Two red heads wanting her attention...a male and female...
Rikka, straight of caurse, is atracted to the well known Subuka no Gaara. While a firey women names Kaen Mitsukai craved her atention and would do anything to prove so. Rikka like Gaara, she knows he likes her back, but Kaen, Kaen makes her feel diffrent, like she belongs in a way.