Anyway, I am currently questing for: -1 upgraded power fishing rod -lots of ink preferably rare colors (orange, gold, purple, pink) and I need lots of red (its not a rare color) but I could use any ink you have! Need lots of ink! (ink will still be accepted but its not really needed anymore) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dream Avie-(will turn out to look something like this...
 -1 shadow spirit -1 Mystery date -1 Fire Flower -1 Mecha Form -2 demonic anklets -1 oculus Magica -1 Spirit Falcon -1 sun staff -1 demon bow
-now also questing for 5000 cans, 1000 boots, and 500 tires (these are just the most important ones, there are more in the wish list in my profile) -now also collecting tokens and tickets! ^_^
I know its a lot but Plz donate! ^_^
Fiznit · Thu Aug 09, 2007 @ 06:09pm · 0 Comments |