I think I will give him an actual japanese name, as well as 'Deva'.
But... Deva won't be his last name... x3
I'm thinking...
Ayumu 歩夢 (From Japanese 歩 (ayu) "walk" and 夢 (mu) "dream, vision" wink
Haruki 陽輝 (From Japanese 陽 (haru) "sun, sunlight" combined with 輝 (ki) "radiance, shine" wink
or Katashi 堅 (Means "firm, hard" in Japanese)...
I personally am leaning towards Ayumu. xD
Ooh! I so have to have Ryuunosuke 龍之介(From Japanese 龍(ryuu) "dragon" 之(no) "of" 介(suke) "forerunner/herald" wink
(I'd say it translated into "Herald of Dragons"... or I could call him Sukenoryuu 介之龍)
He will be Ryuunosuke, known as Ayumu Deva.
龍之介 known as 歩夢

And Veyesse, will be called Ayano 彩乃 (From Japanese 彩 (aya) "colour" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle.)
And some other random character I'm adding will be called Minoru (実, Means "truth" in Japanese)! biggrin DD