You find a thick tomb on the bookshelf. It has many scribbles and notes in it. Charts depicts estimated power of various items, and pictures have been scribbled in. The title is partially visible "A report on Gaian Spells"
Since the discovery of the summoning book it seems appropriate that Gaia should have a list of spells. Obviously the various enchanted items will be a key component to this. Naturally all the enchanted items in this world have to have a spell they originated from, so items like the Fire Gauntlet must have a matching "Greater Fire Manipulation" Spell. The following are observations on the enchanted items and the spells that Gaian Wizards might have used to enchant them.
Spirit Falcon: Summon/Neutral
Cloud: Spell/Good
Gwee: Summon/Neutral
Shadow Spirit: Summon/Evil
Pixie: Summon/Good
Elemental Hair: Spell/Neutral
Winter Rose: Spell/Good
Mythic Hair: Spell/Neutral
Ice Gauntlet: Item: Elemental Ice/Frozen Skin/Light
Fire Gauntlet: Item: Elemental Fire/Molten Skin/Dark
Ice Tiara: Item: Item: Greater Ice Manipulation/Light
Whip of Fire: Item: N/A
Whip of Ice: Item: N/A
Chestplate of Arachnus: Item: Dark Possession/Dark
Sword of Aegis: Stone Gaze/Light
Sun Staff: Item: Supreme Illumination/Light
Chain of Command: Item: Chain Defense/Neutral
Flame Sword: Item: Greater Fire Manipulation/Dark
Western Zodiac: Spell: Bestial Possession/Water Manipulation/neutral
Enchanted Strings: Item: Voice of Angels/light
Oculus Magicka: Spell: Farsight/Elemental Lightening/Dark Possession/Neutral
Lunar Cloak/Cowl: Item: Overturning Darkness
Solar Cloak/Headrest: Item: Supreme Illumination/light
Aquatica: Spell: Bestial Possession/ Water Breathing/Neutral
Angelic Spells: Holy Spells that have been lost to the ages. It is said if they are used too often the caster will gain a halo, have increased agility, and grow wings.
Demonic Spells: Arcane spells that have been lost to the ages. If used to often it is said the caster will gain strength, grow horns, and a tail.
The Tome of Good Spells:
Summon Frog: A cute little frog. It's not very useful. The spells incantation is so simple that it appears in many other, longer incantations.
Summon Owl: o rly?
Summon Pixie: Summons a cute little pixie. Pixies are a high level magical being and can preform all sorts of spells impossible for humans to do. This includes healing, defensive auras, and transforming into a miasma of dust.
Elemental Ice: Harnessing the power of ice is more about harnessing cold. The more skilled the magician is the more powerful the spell will be.
Greater Ice Manipulation: Though Elemental Ice is powerful it is unrefined and needs a greater skill set to control the cold. Elemental ice creates the cold, while ice manipulation controls it.
Supreme Illumination: Using the power of the sun this illuminates everything, removing shadows and obscurity. The caster can manipulate the light however they please, blinding enemies, or even creating minor illusions.
Voice of Angels: Allows the caster to speak in captivating voice that is sometimes impossible to resist. It requires intense concentration so it is not a battle spell. It can be used to delight audiences or persuade enemies.
Bestial Possession: Allows the caster to gain an attribute from a nearby. This can be used to swim underwater, climb trees, or gain strength. The spell is not always reliable though.
Flower Bloom: Controlling nature, the users makes a flower bloom around them, protecting them and healing them at the same time. The defense is questionable.
Frozen Skin: This spell protects the caster from cold, allowing them to come in contact with items that are too cold to normally touch.
The Tome of Evil Spells
Summon Toad: Toads are a key component in many potions. Because of this more malicious casters summon these creatures with the intent to harvest them.
Summon Raven: Summons a macabre raven. Perfect for people who are dark and foreboding and need a blunt metaphor perched on their shoulders.
Summon Shadow Dragon:The most powerful summon humanly possible, it is extremely dangerous and require multiple wizards present to preform safely.
Summon Shadow Spirit:A dark escort from the nexus, these are very useful creatures that dwell in the shadows. They will betray the caster at any opportunity but their spells are extremely useful, including Otherworldly flame protection, Dark possession, and the eye of death.
Overturning Darkness: A spell that offers unlimited darkness and shadow manipulation. The caster can wreathe himself in shadows, or blind his opponent. It is a very strategically useful spell.
Elemental Fire: Using raw energy in the form of fire the caster may use it to attack their enemies. It requires less skill than elemental ice, but much more energy.
Greater Fire ManipulationIf the caster is skilled enough they may manipulate fire even further. Though since fire may only be used to injure or provide warmth, further manipulation of fire is unnecessary. However, it proves useful to protect others from fire.
Stone GazeThough called 'stone gaze' it can be used in the form of a touch as well. The gaze requires intense projection of energy while the touch is less demanding. Turns the target to stone.
Dark Possession Summons the soul of an animal into your body. As long as the host is able to keep control of his body the benefits far exceed a temporary option. It is possible to undo a dark possession spell, but it is difficult.
Molten Skin: Allows the user to endure extreme heats without conflict.
Elemental Poison:Using dark magic the caster summons poison and is able to use it as a weapon. Depending on the type of poison this can have different results.
The Tome of Neutral Spells
Summon Gwee: A favorite of apprentices in magic, The baby dragon will change colors based on how it was raised once it reaches maturity. They occur in the wild, but they are hard to tame, hence why a summoning spell is easier.
Summon Falcon: Falcons are extremely useful for both scouting and battle. They are reliable, strong, swift, and a lighter summon. However, since wizards don't like venturing into battle they crafted gauntlets infused with the spell for their warriors to carry into battle.
Transfiguration: A tricky spell that requires much patience. It is possible to transfigure into numerous creatures, but because the incantations often utilize smaller incantations if you misread a spell it is possible to turn into a newt instead of a dragon. It is unknown how many transfiguration spells there are, though most follow the same format.
Thorn's Embrace: Taking control of nearby plants the caster initiates rapid growth to encase the victim in roots, thorns, or other plant life. There seem to be no other uses for rapid plant growth other than encasing enemies since the fruits will not grow, and the plants cannot grow fast enough to skewer an enemy.
Farsight: Using simple magic the caster improves their vision temporarily. The more skilled the caster the better the results. Coupled with 'greater illumination' the caster can see for miles.
Elemental Lightening: A difficult spell to master, this allows the user to control lightening.
Elemental WaterNot to be confused with 'elemental ice' this spell allows the user to control water, not the cold.
Elemental Wind One of the easier elemental spells, controlling the wind can be a light breeze for novices or a powerful gale for experts.
Alchemy: Creating gold or other materials has been a long kept secret of wizards. Only a few may master it, and those that do will reap the rewards.
Chain Defense: Though most popularly chains, this spell can use control any metal, but it cannot change the shape of the metal. It is used to defend the caster or sometimes to guide a projectile, though the range of the spell is inadequate.
Life Bloom Using basic powers of transfiguration the caster turns nearby objects into a bloom of small animals, distracting/attacking their opponent.
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