ok the past few days have been bordem beond belief its midterm break and my bitchy sister is being more of a b***h my mom is yelling at me every chance she gets! she even mocked me i feel like im going to have a melt down every little thing i do seems to make my parents angry and my sister just plain hates my guts not to mention my friend gave me her cold and i feel like crap to top off my wonderful break the only good thing that happened was my band started finally getting there ac togeather and im thankful now i'll have sumethin to do but before that happened i was seriously waiting for the break to end so i could go back to school....man im just so confused
Kahimi's words of wisdon: tryings the first step to losing, do not meddle in the affairs of phsycopaths, for they are creatively violent and able to get away with it
XxThe-Taste-Of-SinxX · Thu May 19, 2005 @ 03:31am · 1 Comments |